The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5567 travels to the main god

The internal space of the golden autumn gods, and many giant horses are in the case of this trophy.

A variety of medicinal materials, medicinal medicines, magical refining materials, all piles like mountains.

Because Zhang Bin killed the power of the power of the power of the Star, I got a lot of treasures from each other.

I have killed so many three-level giant, and I also got a lot of treasures.

So, I found nearly 100 horses, ax, shovel, hammer, and pressure.

It is suitable for Zhang Bin four top genius cultivation.

It is also what they lack.

As for the life of life, especially the life of life, especially the life of the world, how is it more particularly, how can there be a few million.

However, most of them are the live source crystals of the field level.

Such treasures are worth the city.

So, because it can be made into a special life of life, it can be cultivated to speed up the speed of cultivation.

It can also be used to make the energy cannon, and burst out of extremely horrible energy shells.

The higher the level of life of life, the higher the attack of the originating cannon is also more harmful.

Even these lives of life have special purposes.

Because any life of this source of life represents a life of life.

Now that the other party falls, this life is also available.

This allows many geniuses in the field to find life of life, breaking through the nine levels of the field.

Nowadays, Tianzi is a lot of this genius.

Therefore, these lives of life is great for them.

Of course, it is impossible to use the path of each life crystal, which may be a small road, a possible lane, may have been preemptive by other talents.

"So many treasures, you can cultivate a lot of geniuses, and our power will be greatly improved."

Zhang Bin said, "" Let many eight-stage genius work together to study these lives of this source of life, break through the beginning of nine levels as soon as possible. "

I have made some arrangements, Zhang Bin, four top geniuses to start closing, rapidly enhance their strength.

However, urchin long is to stop them, he said seriously: "Now, you can start to inherit your own life, as long as you use your life of this source crystal to make up with jade tube, then you can Cultivate many days ... This can be much better than these life of these lives. Although they can't use your life, it can also condense their lives, but it can increase one or two ways, and condense into the source of life. That will be very powerful in the future. "

"Yes, this is a good suggestion."

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up the hot light.

It is the combination of four of their four, and you can cultivate a lot of super genius.

There are many geniuss in the Tianzi, even, they all have their own descendants, and the talents are good.

At least some of them inherited some talents.

Therefore, two condensation into a life path is not a problem.

For example, you can cultivate 19502 geniuses with an invincible.

It can also cultivate so many days with any way to use the supreme road.

As for Zhang Bin and Hengyuan Dragon's trial and monitoring, because of the disclosure, it is now mastered by many talents.

Cultivating genius is hard.

However, explaining these two kinds of oysters and makes people break through to 400 levels.

But it can also cultivate multi-channel genius.

So, they did not hesitate to explain the oysters of all the ways and selected genius cultivation.

"Zhang Bin, so many treasures, I suggest that you bring some treasures to the main treasure to exchange your special treasures, it may make you stronger quickly, this is much better than the closed customs." The urchin is long and serious. " Recommendation.

"But if I leave, my mother is dangerous."

Zhang Bin said a little hesitated, last time, he went to the main god domain, and harvesting it is extraordinary.

Of course, he also wants to go, but now is different.

Jinqi Shennoma has advanced to a three-level god domain.

It is a super powerful competitor.

If the enemy raises when he is not there, then the consequences are unimaginable.

"You don't have to worry, though our war is not as good as you, but as long as it is cultivated for a while, it will not be in today. If the enemy comes again, we can complete the enemy." Zhang Dong said, " We must also raise a super master and can fight against the final four-level giant. Otherwise, it will still have no self-insurance. "

"I am very worried, the enemy dog ​​is urgently jumping the wall, showing what messengers."

Hengyuan Long is also said, "So, quickly improve the strength."

"The enemy will not sit in, they will certainly have countermeasures."

Liu Chao also said seriously, "So, we have to be strong faster."

"Resistance to the field level four giant?"

Zhang Bin's face has a thought of thinking. Today's own second life has already been opened 200 million kilometers.

But it is still difficult to play the four levels of the field.

Unless it is more than 100 million kilometers, even 200 million kilometers.

There is also a grasp.

However, it can only confront the weakest field level four giant.

After all, the Spark God has also broken through the four levels of the field.

And the flame God, that is, it is a long-lasting year of cultivation to the final four levels. Even if they cultivate the limit of the field of the world, they may not be able to get him.

So, then it is necessary to cultivate the secondary giant.

But this is not a period of time.

Therefore, it is really necessary to accelerate the speed of cultivation.

To speed up the speed of practice, you must go to the main domain.

"You are almost let the golden autumn domain are in dangerous."

The urchin long said, "But, now the enemy is the most weak, they have the strength, it takes a period of time to practice, will restore the strength, will continue to attack. And if you miss this time, the enemy's war can be fast Restoration, the war is likely to come again. After all, the Xinghuo god is the four levels of the field. He repaired the fourth part ... Just taking special Dan medicine, you can turn it into this respect, completely restore strength. And them The subordinates of the loss, the same, it can be separated, you can use the soul to give birth to the body, as long as there is a medicinal medicine, you can recover more fast. "

"Then I will go to the main god domain before the truth, I will come back from the main god domain, and don't take too long."

Zhang Bin said to his teeth. "If it is a strong enemy, it will defense well, try to delay the time."

"You can rest assured, we will definitely hold the parent domain and make up any enemy."

Zhang Dong said confident.

"I will let your Majesty, and then I will secretly send some masters to participate in the defense."

The urchin is very serious.

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