The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5568, the road is one foot, the magic is one foot

" ..."

Zhang Bin also did not have any delays. He changed his face and turned into a stream.

"I hope you can escape."

The urchin is deeply sighed deeply, and his finger is once again trembled, and it is working hard.

It seems that I want to calculate Zhang Bin's vitality.

Yes, his life is from a multi-way condensed, which has a fate.

Therefore, it is very good at calculating him.

His mold is very felt, Zhang Bin has a big difficult, and it is coming soon.

Therefore, he can only let Zhang Bin horses to the main god domain to avoid.

If you stay in the golden autumn god, it will be undoubtedly.

So, he didn't dare to say it.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin is definitely not going.

Since the other party can kill him Zhang Bin, then can the mother domain save?

Zhang Dongheng Yuanlong, Liu Chao is not very dangerous?

"I suggest, you have three refining a relationship with the realm, just cultivate in Baodi."

The urchin is serious, "but you have to make makeup costs. And your body is to go to the heart of the golden autumn gods ..."


Zhang Dong, Heng Yuanlong, Liu Chao's face.

"It is to prevent everything."

The urchin is old.

Three people have been sinking, or do this.

Soon, they refined a difference between the same realm.

The bodies are ready-made.

Too much too much.

Then they sneak into the heart of the golden autumn gods and started to practice.

Of course, the golden autumn god field is also a treasure place in the heart, and the time lapse has reached 30,000 times.

This is a dark night.

Golden autumn god domain treasure.

Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Heng Yuanlong's fang is cultivating.

It looks exactly the same as the body.

The urchin is also pointing them here.

Of course, more genius is also cultivated here.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of the three people like ghost.

I suddenly became a dark.

Everyone feels in a dream.

That is a moving.

Even the urchin can not move.

The black shadow is indifferent, and there is a milky in his hand.

Gently cut out.

... ...

Zhang Dong, Heng Yuanlong, Liu Chao 3 people's faces completely broken.

The head dropped.

The soul is also destroyed.

There is no ability to abine the ability.

After the black shadow reached a hand, I grabbed the three skulls.

Then his brow got slightly, and his mouth also muttered: "Is there a goal?"

Finally, he put his gaze to the face of urchins, and asked faintly: "Zhang Bin is?"

This sound is extraordinating.

"He went to the main god domain exchange treasure."

The urchin elders have sent a sound like a dream.


The face of the black shadow changes, and it has become a black light, blinks disappeared.

Of course, he is going to chase Zhang Bin.

It has been astonished now.

Because I killed three geniuses, I escaped one.

If the other party has been hiding, he is really hard to find him.

When the black shadow is walking, the urchin long is awake, watching the three bodies without the head, is the fear of a face.

He didn't even know what happened just now.

Because the memory is erased.

The other party is too powerful.

However, he can think of with an ankle, which may be a horrible killer.

The despicable flame God has paid a huge price. Please let the killer to deal with Zhang Bin four.

And it is likely to be a killer of the fierce.

He immediately reported the emperor of Baiyun.

Baiyun God is also reported to the layer immediately.

On this day, the golden autumn gods cried shocks because they lost three super geniuses.

This is of course paralyzed flame God, paralyzed killer.

If you know that the three people are dead, the other party may come again to assassinate.

Because the fierce craft killer, as long as the order is leaving, go to the dead.

Never failed.

"The main kill, there is a super powerful killer, in the case of me, I have sneaked into my body, killing Hengyuan Long, Zhang Bin, Liu Chao three genius ... I doubt that it is the rule of the Flame God to destroy the rules, please The fierce killer ... "

The golden autumn god is also an airborne contact with the mother.

"Good bile."

The primary god domain issued an angry voice.

Soon, the main god domain made a special arrangement.

Flame god domain, Fire God Huangzang suddenly flew out, turned into a faint black shadow in an instant, "now kills Hengyuan Long, Liu Chao, Zhang Dong 3, but there is still one person to escape, then Just Zhang Bin, he went to the main domain. "

Zhang Bin went to the main gods? So fast? "

The flame god is almost vomiting blood, and the face is also a slight change.

Because he also knows that the secret should be disclosed.

"We will continue to chase Zhang Bin, he absolutely can't escape, death is his only place."

The black shadow said faintly, "However, the golden chicken god domain may send people to investigate, so this trick should go first."

"it is good."

Flame God said.

"Now, I want to erase you and the star of the queen about my memory."

Black shadow said, "Make sure there is no loss."

The main god domain has come to investigate, of course, you can read memories.

"Please let go."

Surprise in the emperor of the flame.

Soon, the black shadow went to the Flame God, including the memory of each of him.

Then I went to the star god domain and wiped the star of the star.

I am silently disappearing in the world.

It seems that there has never been the same.

On the same day, the investigation team from the master domain arrived in the golden autumn god.

Three bodies were carefully examined.

Then I went to the flame gods and spark gods, and the secret law, I read the two gods included their borders, and some important giant memories.

Unfortunately, I didn't find anything.

Let the two emperors have suspected suspicion.

And let them two secrets who have been assassinated by three genius in the golden autumn god.

Just Zhang Bin escape.

"Ha ha ha ... so good, it is so good."

The Fire God and the Spark God are excited to laugh, "It's really God of my flame."

Yes, memory is erased, even, they don't know if this is what they do.

Then they two carefully.

The content of the discussion is of course to deal with Baiyun gods and golden autumn gods.

Now the golden autumn gods have three masters, only Zhang Bin is left, the war is reduced.

If it is now from the attack, it is a grasp of the golden autumn god.

Soon, they have made a determination, that is, waiting for the investigation team to attack the golden autumn gods, capture the life of the golden autumn domain.

"Hey ... If you can't catch you on the 99, Zhang Bin will you come back? If you come back, I can easily kill you, complete the task thoroughly."

A urchus floating in the starry sky of the golden autumn gods, I sent a cold laugh.

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