The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5569, the main god domain, don't be innocent

" ..."

Zhang Bincheng became a flow of flowers.

For confidentiality, he certainly changed the face.

It looks completely different from before.

Last time, he went to the main god domain for several years.

But this time, he just took the time of the golden chicken field for a day.

The strength is improved, and the speed has increased, and it does not know how many times.

And this time, he also knows the killer.

His face became very ugly.

Of course, it is known to be distinguished.

He took out a communication and started to contact the urchin.

"Master, you let me go to the golden chicken domain, is it a matter of caution?"

Zhang Bin asked.


The sound of urchins sounded, "and now I have been confirmed, there is a strong horrible killer to deal with you. If I do it early to arrange, Heng Yuanlong, Zhang Dong, Liu Chao three people must be really fallen. Even if they still Have a difference, you can also resurrect, but it is necessary to have a longer time. Naturally there is no ability to protect the golden autumn gods. Now the mother is coming to the investigation group, but there is no investigation, can only judge it is powerful The killer, but it is nothing to do with the flame and the gaze. I guess that they will come to attack. But there are them three, but they can resist. "

"Madi ..." Zhang Bin was in a hurry, "It seems that I will go back as soon as possible."

"No, you don't want to come back, you will die, you will die thoroughly." The urchin is very serious. "If it is a fierce killer, it will never give up. So, you Go to the main god domain, the killer will also follow the main god domain, find a chance to kill you. That is to say, you will lead the killer. Otherwise, the killer will come back with you, the other party can know, Zhang Dong can not know Dead, will assassinate again. By the way, you can easily kill you. Because in the war, you have to shoot. "

"Just a killer? If there are two?"

Zhang Bin said, "A chasing me, another is waiting in the golden autumn god to be in the rabbit."

"Two, one, one, you have taken a killer is a good thing. Don't look at the main gods' investigation group, they are not vegetarian." The urchin long said, "If the killer appears, they will be dealive. But, Don't forget, it is a killer organization, a sense of assassination, there is a second, third time, so, strong herself is the most important, the main gods are not likely to stay here, deal with the killer. So still have to rely on yourself. You can bring so many treasures to the main god domain, you can exchange a lot of treasures, it is much easier to quickly and powerful. "

"Nima ..."

Zhang Bin got almost vomiting blood, and he broke enough to enter the ultimate murder.

He can also think that the toe can be thought of, it is the killer of the Flame God and the Xingtu, although the investigation group did not investigate.

But this is not evidence.

So, it's really troublesome now.

However, what kind of wisdom he is, what is thought about, asked: "If you can ask the killer, then our golden goddess is not a mess?"

"It is said that you must ask the killer of the fierce, you need to pay a huge price. It is not a general person to get it. It is said that most of them are in the way of taking installments."

The urchin is old, "Moreover, the main god domineering will also carefully investigate. Please let the person who will generally do not have a good end. So, this kind of thing is still rarely happening. Two emperors may feel too rich crisis It is so much like it. "

"Is there any way to let the killer give up this task?"

Zhang Bin asked her face.

"If it is the killer of the fierce, the order will go to the dead. Never give up."

The urchin is old and sighed.

"Never give up? That may not be."

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, "Since it is a staging payment, if the other party can't get the following amount, it should not continue to complete the task again."

"What do you mean, go to dry the dead Spark God and Flame God?"

The urchin's elder eyes lit up, but it was so embarrassing immediately. "That's too hard, there is a killer to kill you. As long as you expose your identity, the killer will appear at any time. How to destroy the two bastants ? "

"This is very difficult, but you may not do it."

Zhang Bin said, "No matter how, first improve the strength, it is the most important thing. I will not go back, improve the strength in the main god domain. And you must protect the golden autumn domain."

"Then you are careful, don't expose where you are."

The urchin is very serious.

" ..."

Zhang Bin has become a special city that is streamer and landing in the primary god domain.

Since last time, he is a light car ripe.

In the first place, he was in the market.

Finally, go to a secluded, show the air, shield space.

Then he said: "The main god domineering, don't don't be innocent?"

"Zhang Bin, do you use the trial to condense into a life of life?"

The serious voice of the main god domain rang.

"No, I just used two kinds of roads to become a life of life, that is, trial and time."

Zhang Bin said sincerely.

Since being maliciously dedicated by the , he has a hot heart.

What's more, he knows from urchin long, and the three emperors have been looking for him.

In the past, he leaked the drama of the drama in the drama of the

I have already disclosed it.

In addition, you want to get the value of the golden chicken domain, you must also show a certain talent.

The two condensed into a life path of life, nor is it a talent.

Even in the golden chicken domain, it is also a very powerful genius.

After all, a giant to condense into the source of life will not exceed 100,000.

Such a huge primary god domain, if only 100,000 master defense, it is absolutely unable to defend.

There are also many two two condensation into the genius giant to defense.


Golden Chicken God said, "Two condensed into life of the genius of life is far less than you, even in the genius that condenses into the source of life. You don't have to conceal. I am God domain, it will not hurt you. I will only cultivate you, let you become quickly. Under my cover, you can really escape some people's chasing. Otherwise, you will die undoubtedly. "

"Some people chasing? Is it, the killer is the golden chicken model?"

Zhang Bin's creepy, "Is it, Jin Ji Qing knows me?"

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