The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5588 identity crisis

"That's one, isn't I exposed? Golden Chicken is not right to deal with me?"

Zhang Bin's brow, said in his heart, "And, do you know my secret?"

"In fact, I feel that this is not bad, anyway, you are easy, and you are in the golden chicken domain, which is the genius of Golden Chicken." They won't think of you from the golden autumn god. "Golden chicken domain said," Three Emperors It will not go to the low-level gods to find you. As for now, you can continue to conceal. They may not be sure that your life is a trial. I will think about it to help you, and will protect you The third emperor will not find the truth so quickly. "

"What do I want to pretend?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

"What are you pretending? I have a good way to monitor."

Golden Chicken God said, "You can also pretend. But don't pretend to be the same. Don't say what you are."

Zhang Bin, which is monitoring, is of course, can be pretended.

After all, Zhang Bin has taken the way to cultivate the way is very advanced.

As for the invincible way of Zhang Dong, Zhang Bin can also practice.

Because Zhang Bin is basically invincible, plus the inheritance of Zhang Dong, and quickly understand the evil way.

"I am pretending to monitor the way or pretending to be invincible?"

Zhang Bin planted in the heart, and the way to monitor his talent is not too good. If all the mana converts all the mana into monitoring properties, the power of attack will not be too powerful.

However, if it is invincible, it should be very bull.

So, it is better to pretend to be invincible.

The only trouble is that I have not started cultivating invincible.

After all, there is no time to learn, I have been working hard to improve the war.

I want to break through.

But now it is not too late.

Let your feelings are in a good thing, in Baodi feelings, time flow speed.

The body will soon master the violating the way.

So Zhang Bin, I said this question with Zhang Dong.

Zhang Dong did not hesitate, directly docked with spiritual power, pass the violassed Aiyi to Zhang Bin.

That is the 700-level ortho.

"My Same Taoism is also transmitted to you, and you should also improve your battle."

Liu Chao is also excited to pass the Aiyi of the Supreme Tao to Zhang Bin.

These two ways are really suitable for Zhang Bin.

Talent is also absolutely better than the talent of the monitor.

Then, Zhang Bin can quickly grasp two new roads quickly as long as you take a small amount of time to practice.

And it will cultivate it very advanced.

Do not say that they are pretending to be the two kinds of life, that is, it will absolutely improve a lot.

His combat power naturally can increase the boat.

"Ha ha ha ... you have seen it, it seems that I can only admit. I am indeed a condensed cost source."

Zhang Bin laughed. "I don't want to be deceived. After all, I am the first time, and because I have no powerful war skills, I am worried that I am defeated by the two original genius, and I am blindly, I posing is two. Benyuan genius. "

"My God, two one source genius?"

The gossip between the top eight levels of the beginning of the stage was completely shaken, excited, excited.

Their face has floated the color of the ecstasy, and their eyes shot a hot radiant.

Because they are all possible to join the other party.

Let them get the sky one step.

"This bastard is actually a big liar. Why do he lie to me?"

The ball is angry, and the heart is full of doubts. Is it a great way to have his life? Is it a trial?

I thought here, she made a cold tremble.

I feel worried about Zhang Bin.

Because she is clearly known that the trial is a horrible way, trial everything, trial anyway.

It is over.

I have to be over the way of the emperor and the passage of the Queen.

Even if you don't look for him, Jinji God will not let him.

Moreover, the three emperors have been looking for him, I want to kill him and capture his life.

"What is your life? Is it a trial?"

Jinji Tianhao also looked at Zhang Bin with a niche, as if he was watching a dead.

He is also the same as the Golden Try, doubting Zhang Bin deliberately concealing, but to conceal, of course, it is the trial of the trial of the emperor.

"What is my life? What is your life? You can feel it."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

His words have not yet fallen, and a horrible breath is exuded from his body.

His life veteran has also happened a singular change.

This is the breath of Zhang Bin's invincible.

Because he got Zhang Bin's teachings, he instantly cultivated the enemy road to ten levels.

The breath that exudes no enemy is certainly available.

Smart is because he has not yet put invincible to cultivate it very deeply.

Therefore, the momentum that is exuded is not too metamorphosis.

This is hard to let people recognize that this is invincible.

Naturally, it will not be seen as a trial.

In fact, Zhang Bin also clearly know that Zhang Dong's invincible path is the same as his trial, it can also threaten the way of the emperor.

It will also be jealous of Jagon God.

It is best not to disclose the name.

It is a good time to guess.

"Sure enough, it is never seen, not the most top, but it is not weak."

There are many genius eyes under the platform bright.

Even more powerful giant gods is also projected, and observe this way of Zhang Bin in detail.

They all got the same conclusion.

But did not link Zhang Bin's life of the Life Road and the trial.

Let Zhang Bin have a hidden crisis.

"I can't induce, what is your life?"

Jinji Tianhao asked very curious.

"I won't say it, I can restrain my life in my life."

Zhang Bin said with a smirk, "come, let's continue."

"Source Book ..."

Golden heaven is very angry, yelling.

Suddenly amazing happened.

The vain of a huge iron pot with a cover appears.

Enveloped the world.

And between, Zhang Bin found that he was in the vain of a iron pan.

The above is also a shadow of a pot.

Even, there is also water projections in the pot, and spurbubbles.

He felt extraordinary.

It seems that I have been imprisoned.

It seems that you can't show your own magic.

His eyes lit up, and the source of the bodies can still be used like this?


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