In the past, Zhang Bin was still not very clear about how the genius of the source is to show the source of the source.

He just mastered the cage projection, and the cage projected in the three-level gods was very powerful.

However, that is, it is not necessarily suitable for his top genius in his top genius.

No, it is definitely not suitable for him.

The top genius of them, the source of the source is inevitable, and there is a special way, and the power will be particularly horrible.

The so-called war skills, one is the battle skills of fighting. Now Zhang Bin is basically entitled, how to improve the power, but also need to fight with many horrible masters, even the golden chicken gods tell Zhang Bin, let He went to the field of secondary platform to challenge.

The other is that the source is projected.

Every genius's source projection is different, all are very powerful.

Now Jinji Tianhao is exhibiting such a battle skill, which is to bullying Zhang Bin without making such a war, then he can defeat Zhang Bin, and the defeat is better.

"Hey ... how do I ?"

Jinji Tianhao is very proud, his face is full of fun.

He raised the iron pan with high ground, with a powerful momentum to Zhang Bin.

The weird is that the iron pot in his hand has a singular change.

It became a huge pot, sharp, ice cold, and exuded a rich murder.

The genius of him is of course changed at any time.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Zhang Bin's face, and the shovel shovel shovel shovel shovel.

Zhang Bin felt an inexplicable crisis, and he was located in the source of the other party.

And this source of projection is in the iron pot with a pot.

Now there is a shovel, is this going to cook?

It became a dish yourself?

If this is the case, the trouble is very trouble.

Electro-optical rock thinks here, his movement is not slow.

The energy of the body broke out, the Libra in the hand hit the other side of the pot.


A horrible giant, spark splash.

Zhang Bin felt that a inexplicable magical venture came, he actually couldn't stand the body.

Directly turned over and continuously rolled.

And the other party is unhappy, and the face is full of victory.

"Good composite war skills."

"This battle technology cattle is forced, Jinji Tianhao is very powerful."

"Jinji Tianhao has not created composite station skills, inevitably defeated."


Many of the Taiwan talents made a shocking voice, they were extremely exciting one by one.

This genius war is still very rare.

I can see it now, I can really enjoy it.

Yes, Jinji Tianhao's source projected, not too dark, people outside can see.

Of course, this is Jinchen Tianhao deliberate, that is, tell everyone, he is the most powerful.

"Composite war skills? Is it a consortium of the source to proceeding outside the fight?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, it was extremely exciting.

Just made a trick, he could clearly felt that the other party's source projected him, which greatly reduced his war.

Therefore, he ate a big loss under the other party's attack.

"The cage projected."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

Unfortunately, he can't show it in the other side of the source.

It is completely pressed.


Golden Heaven is a sense of enthusiasm and shouting crazy.

ZHANG Bin launched an attack like a windshield.

Zhang Bin tried to resist, desperately counterattack.

But there is no use.

Soon, I was shovel to be flying by the other toilet, directly under the platform, rolling a few hundred laps, and stopped.

That is really no wolf.

And Jinji Tianhao is proudly standing on the platform, and I am awkward: "If you are an enemy, I will kill you."

This is not bragging, and he is indeed in your hand.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin, no composite war skill, is really hard to escape his kill.

"Okay ..."


" ..."


There are many geniuses under the platform, and their faces are filled with admiration.

"You are too useless."

The little ball came, and the anger watched Zhang Bin, a very shameful look.

Zhang Bin climbed up, but there was no descending, but it turned an excitement and exciting color on his face.

He said: "Waiting for me to create a composite war skill, I can definitely defeat him."

"Don't brag."

The little ball is finished, and Zhang Bin is pulled, and it will return to her Cave.

She asked coldly: "Zhang Bin, why do you want to conceal me your talent? You are obviously a genius that is condensed, but is it to be equipped?"

"If I say that I am a genius that condenses the source of the source, I am worried that you will not trust me."

Zhang Bin lie.

Any genius that condenses the original source can be opened, all of which are a giant.

That is not to guard the knight, even if you are willing, it may be a gangster, it is difficult to get the other party trust.

As for the little ball, I said that Zhang Bin did not do her knight's qualification, that is because the ball is too conceited and proud, after all, she cultivates the Queen.

It can really destroy most of this source genius as a knight.

But in today's golden gods, the ball does not even dare to say her way to cultivate the queen.

Naturally, it is impossible to receive a genius that condenses the source.

Of course, if she cultivates the top ten level, reach the strength of Jinji God.

That is another thing.

The ball is also planning to wait for her to practice to the field, and began to pay guards.

As for Zhang Bin, it is a special case.

And her memory is particularly deep, and even trust Zhang Bin.

"How can I not trust you?"

The little ball is white and Zhang Bin, "Okay, I ask you, what is your life?" It seems very horrible? "

"It is invincible."

Zhang Bin lie.

I don't dare to say that it is a trial, the trial is too scary, tried everything, tried all people, and of course, the Queen, also included a small ball.

In fact, the road of invincible is as horrible. After all, it is invincible.

However, invincible, there is no necessarily conflict with the path of the Queen.

Therefore, Zhang Bin still chooses to say that it is invincible.

That may be a peaceful coexistence with the small ball.

It may even get her pointing and help.

"Invincible? Not bad, now I teach you how to create a composite war skill! Then go abuse Jin Ji Tianhao."

The ball shocked and jumped, and the face was filled with azzle, and the eyes flashed the excitement.

It seems that there is no jealous, and it is not afraid.

"Hey ... The ball is really not angry, I am so smart."

Zhang Bin is darkly happy.

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