The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 559 of the spiritual world

In the cave, the ball looked at Zhang Bin, asked in seriousness: "What do you think?"

"That is the world of mental strength."

Zhang Bin Shen, replied.

"What is the source of the source?"

The ball asked faintly.

"I'm not very sure."

Zhang Bin hesitated for a while before he replied.

He is really not clear, after all, his cultivation is a wild road.

Even the giant bodus of urchins is still not clear about the source and source projections.

"Don't you get the teaching of my mother?"

The ball asked very surprised.

"Although I can condense my source, it is estimated that it is the weak. Where can I have a genius like you? So, the golden chicken gods have never linked me, and I have not teached me." Zhang Bin lie, " Alever, the golden chicken gods look at me into your guards, I will hand over my responsibility to you. "

"There is a very strong road, it is absolutely the most top, just the way to my queen, you don't want to be self-purple. The golden chicken gods don't teach you, absolutely because you are my people, let me guide you. I will guide, it is better than the parent domain. "The little ball said.

"Is there a trace of your quarter of your quarter? You really dare to say. The ball is really a big deal than the top, arrogant."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but his mouth was immediately attached to him.

"What is the source of the situation? That is the realm of the soul, that is, the mental strength is initially condensed into the substantive embodiment." The ball said, "But the source can only see itself. Older is very difficult, of course, if it is super power Master, in a specific case, for example, when you practice, you can see the true face of your source. As for the source of the bodies, it is true to make your spiritual strength, that is, let your spirit build a special The world. In this world, you have your mental disappearance and imprisoning the enemy. The enemy's combatization will certainly decline. If you cooperate with your fighting skills, then your combat will have a lot of many times. "

"Psychological substance?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up the light, his face floated the color of surprises.

He is always moving, and his cage projection will show it.

Suddenly became dark, as if a cage, shrouded the ball and Zhang Bin himself.

Then Zhang Bin asked: "Is this a realistic truth?"

"What kind of spirit is really realistic?" The ball is crying, "this is the result of the smashing skills created, and it is the lowest projection war skill. It should be the genius of the three-level gods, where is it suitable for us? genius?"

Zhang Bin quickly collapsed the cage projection, asked: "How can we make the mental strength?"

"It is very simple, it is to condense a world with spiritual strength. This requires cultivation for a few years, or even hundreds of years." The ball said, "to condense what the world, and your life is very close. Relationship. Your life is in the invincible way, then you have to condense an invincible world. The golden chicken is the way to cook, so he is condensed is a spiritual iron pot and a pot cover. "

"Is this? Then even if he condenses the iron pan and a pot cover, how can I get my silent?"

Zhang Bin asked very curiously.

"He used a lot of mental force to combine the iron pan and pot. But it can be disconnected at any time and is always combined."

The little ball said, "So, as long as he lets the spiritual power release, instantly combine, you are of course in his world."

"What is the world you condense?"

Zhang Bin asked Surprisingly.

"Let you see it."

The ball is smile, the heart is always moving, and her spiritual world will appear.

This is a magnificent palace hall.

Walls, floors, and houses are golden.

And there is also an immersive dragon chair.

The ball is in the dragon chair.

Exctends to be a warst and horrible momentum.

Strictly speaking, her spiritual world seems to be the perfect heaven of Zhang Bin once has had.

But this is of course not, this is the virtual world that she uses mental compression.

Have the ability to have trouble.

"Ha ha ha ... I understand."

Zhang Bin is excited to laugh.

His face has also floated a strong ecstasy.

At this moment, he was opened by Ma.

In the past, when I showed the trial of the trial, the feet will float a trial station, and there will be countless judges.

In fact, that is, the world of mentally spillage.

It is only a virtual, almost there is too much effect.

Today, as long as you use psychotropic compression and condense the trial table, you should not condense a court.

The trial station is just part of the court, that is a truly perfect spirit world.

What dark cage is of course not suitable for yourself.

It is no monster in the spiritual world of Jinji Tianhao, and he does not have a dark cage at all.

"This is the experience and secret of I condense the palace. This is a supplementary spiritual medicinal medicine ..."

The ball took out a jade tube and a bottle of Dan medicine, smiled.

Zhang Bin took the past, and curiously asked: "If it is two kinds of masters, while presenting the spiritual world, what will it?"

"Simultaneous display?"

The little ball is white, "" There is no such possible possibility. It will always have a success. Once the enemy is first, you are in the spirit of the enemy. There is no spiritual world. "

"Isn't that hard to divide who is strong?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Of course not this."

The ball said, "The power of power can break the other's spiritual world, and the spiritual world of the weak is broken, and even the escape is difficult to escape. So, the spiritual world is rarely displayed in the war, unless the spirit The world is very powerful. "

"Then I obviously be powerful than Jin Chicken Tianhao, but I still don't break his spiritual world."

Zhang Bin asked Surprisingly.

"That is that you don't understand the spiritual world, waiting for you to compress and condense your spiritual world, you know how to break the enemy's spiritual world."

The ball said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ..." That is great. "

Zhang Bin is big, he does not have any delays, immediately enter the cultivation room, read the jade tube imposed by the small ball, and then start hard to practice.

"Invincible? Hey, it is really unexpected, if it is Jin Hu God knows, Zhang Bin also has trouble."

The little ball is,, "he concealed me, maybe I can't help me. However, I am the Queen of the Queen, which is specially desirable."

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