The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5592, Jin Jixiao

"Hey, this trick is called the scale hook lock throat."

Zhang Bin said with a smirk.

Then he danced with the Libra, and the weighing pan rapidly flew out, and sent an arrogant shout: "Weighing rounds like a cake, love everything and dead."


The horrible trial mana is also rotating, wrapped in the scale, cutting on the wall.


The horrible voice sounded.

The weighing disc is cut in the same way as cutting tofu, which is simply incomparably.

"This is really a cow, this trick is called a weighing pancake, the enemy is like a cake, just cut."

Zhang Bin smiled and shouted again.

He danced with the Libra and directly insert the scales to the earth.

"The fine length is long, and the amount is long."

The scale rod is also exciting.

" ..."

The horrible voice rang, and the Libra deeply inserted the unparalleled earth.


Zhang Bin shouted, "this trick is called the scale of the scale."

So Zhang Bin has created four strokes of terrorism.

That is the scale of the scale, the scale hook lock throat, the scale disc sake, the scale of the scale.

Moreover, these four tricks are thousands of change.

You can display different attributes of the mana, then there are some differences.

Of course, the most powerful still has a trial mana.

After all, the trial force can trial everything.

Other ways not necessarily control all managers.

Of course, Zhang Dong invincible mana, Liu Chao's Supreme Mana, Hengyuan Long's monitoring and mana, can also restrain anything.

Therefore, as long as these four mana properties are displayed, the power will be terrible.

Zhang Bin continued to practice.

Scales , , , , these four tricks, it is continuously displayed.

It is almost collapsed in the cave.

However, the golden chicken god domain is extremely powerful, and it quickly fixes any wound.

No matter how Zhang Bin is tossing, it can still recover quickly.

What traces cannot be left.

This is because Zhang Bin is less powerful.

If he cultivates it to the field top ten, so full of bombardment, and may even kill the heart of the top ten gods, and seize the live crystal of life.

"Okay, don't toss."

The ball black face appeared in the cultivation of the secret room, and Zhang Bin was glanced. Happiness, then go to the field of secondary platform. "

Her heart is bright, Zhang Bin has cultivated the spiritual world.

Even repaired four strokes.

"it is good."

Zhang Bin was a bit depressed. He also wanted to secretly test his own battle skills, and could not break your court's defense.

But the ball appears, but can't try it.

Direct spiritual world, not suitable in front of the ball.

Not suitable for appearing on the ring.


Two of the cave, chemical into two streams, woring an eye to the field level.

Jinji Tianhao is still fighting at the ring.

He has won for 999 consecutive.

It's really invincible, and the war is terrible.

"Who dares to challenge me?"

Golden Heaven is proud of it.


Zhang Bin flashed on the platform, and his body revealed a strong pressure and horrible momentum.

"Are you back?"

Golden Heaven is almost vomiting blood, and his face is full of jealous and anger.

He has been grinding here, which is to develop invincible trends, and then break through the two levels.

And he pondered, Zhang Bin can't practice the spiritual world so quickly, and it is impossible to create the truly powerful battle skills.

He can make a breakthrough in succession of 1000 games.

But didn't think that Zhang Bin came back so soon.

Even if there is no cultivation of the spiritual world, there is also a lot of power, you may not be able to defeat him.

"Are you afraid?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated a piece of color.

Nowadays, I have a lot of power, and I will never put the other part in my eyes.

"I am afraid? How can it be. You are the failure of my hand."

Golden Heaven is a contempt of the heavens.

"That show your spiritual world, see how I defeated you."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Dealing with you, I don't necessarily need to show my spiritual world."

Jinji Tianhao said with a smile. It has been fighting for so long. He is also a war, while feeling.

The power of his craftsmanship is also more and more horrible.

It is much powerful than the last and Zhang Bin war.

"Is it? Then you come to the attack."

Zhang Bin's face has floated a laughter, and there is a scale in his hand.

"Pot cover pressure!"

Golden Heaven is roaring, and the pot cover in his hand will fly.

The instant became a big earth, and it was chemically formed into a high mountain.

Flashing green rays and emits an endless breath.

Then I smashed Zhang Bin crazy.


The sound is particularly sophisticated.

Hurricane is mastered, and the murder is rich.

Zhang Bin has a feeling of breathing.

But he did not fear, he was laughing and shouted: "Scales ."

He danced a lot of scores, and the scales made a black-green light, with a murder of the sky, they went straight.

And I am shouting: "Although the scale is small, I want to ask you a few pounds?"

Wink in the mountains on the mountain.


The sky is split, splashes.


The broken sound sounded.

The mountain crashed.

Then it is chemically formed into a pot.

Terrible is that a hole appears on the lid.

That is the scales.

The pot cover made a scream, just like a broken kite.

The scale is of course diligent, and even a trace is not.

"Lying ..."

There are countless geniuses under the stage, and it is very stunned and shocked.

Even the ball is shocked.

This battle skills created by Zhang Bin are too horrible.


Jinji Tianhao is also a face that does not dare to confuse.

Heartache, the pot is broken.

This is to fix, but it takes a short period of time.

Moreover, it is very hard to compare everything.

What is terrible is that the scale is in a smart, its attack has not finished, and it has become a real mountain.

Pulling the Golden Heaven.


Golden Heaven's face changed, he suddenly turned over the pot and covered himself.

The iron pan is an indestructible fortress and protect him.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin and the scales also issued a contempt.

The scale of the scales has been smashed, and I am full of the iron pot!

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