The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5593 is a dead dog


The broken voice sounded, and the indestructible iron pan directly became a fragment.

Even, there is still a deep pit on the ground.

It is to know that this is a ring, which is arranged with a horrible defense.

But actually can't afford the attack of the scale.

However, but still can not kill the Golden Heaven.

This guy is also a cost source, super powerful genius, of course, is not so easy to kill.

In the case of uncomfortable hair, he turned into a stream, escaped.

However, he is still a shameful, and he has jeoparded the sweat of Bean.

If it is slower, it may be to be smashed into a meat.

As for Zhang Bin, a trick will be displayed from beginning to end.

It is to let the scale out.

Scales, scales, weighing pans without display.

In other words, he only shows the scales.

Different three-speed technology - the scale hook lock throat, weighing disc sings, the scale of the scale, there is almost the old life of Jinji Tianhao.

The horror of this force is absolutely that it is unprecedented.

You know, Jinji Tianhao has been successfully victorious.

And it is very easy to win.

His talent, his war has proven to be the most top genius.

But it was defeated by Zhang Bin.

This is too incredible.

The people in the audience see that it is stunned and shocked.

Look at the monsters, look at Zhang Bin, which is light cloud, and I can't believe my eyes.

What kind of life is Zhang Bin?

How can it be so much?

"There is no horror."

The ball is also secretly praised, and her face has a extreme satisfaction and joyful color.

Although she only took a knight, this knight is a genius in genius, and the combat power will not be legged.

"Come, to show your spiritual world."

Zhang Bin is still not satisfied, watching the wooden chicken, is incomparable, and the golden heaven and heaven, the Hand said.

The last time he was a spiritual world that was defeated in the opponent, he certainly had to teach again.

In other words, he has to revenge.


Jinji Tianhao is also very unsatisfactory, but he is a top genius, and it is invincible with the realm.

Now, Zhang Bin is easily defeated, making his pride and confidence show a devastating blow.

If you can't beat Zhang Bin, then Zhang Bin will even become a dream in his heart, he will make it again again, break through the bottleneck, it is very difficult.

Therefore, he didn't have any hesitation, and immediately, the spiritual world will show it.

Suddenly, his mental strength has become a iron pan and a pot cover, and he will cover himself and Zhang Bin.

The strange imprisonment is also bored in Zhang Bin, let Zhang Bin feel the extraction.

Jinji Tianhao immediately pulled Zhang Bin, and his hand had a sharp ax.

This is of course not a life of the original artifact.

After all, it has just been broken.

But he is super master, but it is not only the life of the native artifact, but also another magical magic weapon.

When fighting, the power will definitely not be parsed by his life.

Just, this treasure, the power is not too big when leaving the body.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and his scales in his hands were suddenly played down.

Weighing bales.

In an instant, it has been inserted at the bottom of the iron pot.


The horrible voice sounded.

There is a huge cavity directly.

At the same time, Zhang Bin took a force step.


The spirit of Jinji Tianhao's spirit is completely broken.


Jinji Tianhao sent a scream.

His attack will not be displayed, it is .

And Zhang Bin has not yet let him.

Hey, the scales fly out.

I took into the throat of Jinji Tianhao.

Scales hook lock throat.

Take the golden chicken directly.

Hang up on the scales.


Golden Heaven is angry and shouts.

Struggling desperately, but there is no use.

He was completely imprisoned by the scales, and how did it struggle?

He only allows the body to twist a few times.

As for Zhang Bin, it is of course an indifferent, it is easy to stand on the platform.

As if he didn't move it at all.

Jinji Tianhao is complete, it is simply not an opponent.

The gap is extraordinary.

The game is once again seen once, and the eyes are almost fell out of the eye.

The chin is also spotted.

Of course, I know that there will often be a top genius in many places.

It is a super genius that condenses the source.

So, their wars are extravagant.

Sometimes it will often wars for three days and three nights, and it is difficult to divide the win.

The situation that is defeated will never appear.

What's more, this time Jinji Tianhao also exhibited the spiritual world, but it was still easily broken by Zhang Bin.

It can be seen that Zhang Bin really is much better than Jin Chicken Heaven.

This is just too horrible, too incredible.

It is often difficult to win such a genius in the war, and it is difficult to win.

Does Zhang Bin Life is the most top of the top?

Can it be the way to try? Time? Destiny?

Farmer's way?

Yes, it must be.

Otherwise, how can Zhang Bin not willing to say this?

"This gap is too big. My knight's war is too horrible. It seems that there is trouble."

The ball is happy and worry.

Now she is very powerful, but it is only cultivated to the level six, and there is still a short distance from the distance to seven.

She wants to keep Zhang Bin, and it is still difficult.

It seems that it can only help the mother.

"Mysteria, Zhang Bin is my guardian knight. His battle is too horrible. His life is invincible, too amazing, I am worried that someone will win his life. You must Have help me protect him. "

The ball said seriously in your heart.

Her worry is of course reason, if it is super powerful giant to catch Zhang Bin.

Forced Zhang Bin to teach no enemy to give disciples or descendants, wait for the other party to see a certain level, and then kill Zhang Bin.

The other party can let the disciples use invincible to condense into their lives.

"Waiting for him to break through the two levels, I will let him go to a special place to close, no one can find him."

The sound of the golden chicken domain sounded in the spiritual realm of the ball, "but it is you, pay attention to hidden identity."

"Thank you, my mother."

The ball is grateful to say, "My words are very safe, no one is doubting me, I will cultivate it as soon as possible to the field of ten, there is nothing fear."

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