The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5594 13 Emperors

"let me go……"

Jinji Tianhao found that he was struggling, and the air was destroyed, and his eyes shot the anger of the grievances.

"Go ..."

Zhang Bin is not afraid of each other, he shakes with him.

After Suddenly, I went to the front of the ring, and I took a pit on the ground.

And he is lying in the pit as a dead dog, and it will return to the future.

He didn't have a face at all, and it was chemically formed.

"The top genius spiritual world is alright, resisting my war skills."

Zhang Bin's face has floated a touch of disappointment.

Although Jinji Tianhao is very strong, it is still a very distant distance from him.

However, the other's spiritual world is very strong, the last time, Zhang Bin has not created the top technique, but it can't be broken.

Now Zhang Bin is refining his spiritual world, and also repairs the tricks of the four-stroke of terrorist tricks can be easily broken.

If he is a spiritual world, don't say that the other party is a golden heaven, it is dealing with ten, and it is estimated to be very easy.

"If I go down the flame god domain, can I assassinate the Fire God?"

Zhang Bin's heart suddenly picked such a thought.

However, there is still no absolute grasp, the field of four levels of the field, the war is very horrible.

Moreover, the other party can also call the power of the flame gods.

You may not kill each other.

Therefore, you must first break through the two levels, and you must have a relaxed to die.

And breakthrough, you still need a lot of fight.

So he looked at many days under the stage, yelling: "Who else, dare to challenge me?"

I have no one to do it, but I don't have to say that some people dare to fly to the stage.

It is really Zhang Bin too powerful.

You know, it is Jinchen Tianhao, which has been accepted.

And Zhang Bin is a trick to defeat Jinji Tianhao, and even desperate the spiritual world of Jinji Tianhao.

"Hey ... Is it not found in a similar opponent?"

Zhang Bin was deeply sighed, and his face also floated a rich disappointment.

" ..."

At this time, the blanked sound sounded.

A young juvenile coming, drink: "Golden Wenwu, I will defeat you."

He landed directly on the ring with a vast momentum.

"Thirteen emperors, he is the ten emperor."

"The invincible thirteen emperor came, Jin Hu Wenwu was defeated."


The genius under the stage issued a very shocking voice.

Their face is full of excitement and exciting colors.

Thirteen emperors, soon he was swept away here, and won for 3,000 games.

Turn the war skills and spiritual world to impeccablishing.

Even, he also went to the field of the second-level platform to challenge, gave a war for more than three months.

Wins lose less.

It can be said that it is the most top genius in millions of years.

This genius, that is really invincible.

As for what kind of life, no one knows.

He has never said it.

Mystery is very.

"Zhang Bin, you have to be careful, don't leak your invincible. He is the thirteen emperor, super genius, fighting against the sky ..."

The face of the ball is slightly changed, and immediately give Zhang Bin.

She is a bit worried, if the other party knows that Zhang Bin's life is invincible, then it will definitely report to the god of Jinji.

Maybe each other will want to capture Zhang Bin's invincible.

After all, there is no enemy.

Any emperor is absolutely desirable to grasp it in your hand.

Zhang Bin's brow has also been deeply awkward, this is really trouble, do not dare to show no enemy road, trial, supreme, monitoring the mana.

Can you defeat each other?

He has already done the experiment, only with the trial mana attack, the power of the four strokes of the four strokes is the most horrible.

If you use something else, the war will drop a lot.

In fact, he also knows the reason, transforming all the manices into additional mana, and loses a lot of energy.

If all managers are converted into a trial mana, it will hardly lose energy.

In addition, his trial mana itself is more powerful than another road.

"Lonely is Jin Chicken Tail, you can show your strongest battle skills."

Thirteen emperors saw Zhang Bin's eyebrows, it seems to know that Zhang Bin's feeling is jealous, faintly said, "It is very appreciated by you genius like this."

In the words, he will not hurt Zhang Bin, and he will not capture Zhang Bin's life.

Of course, he has no way to win, after all, he has created his own life.

Even, he didn't even take it out.

A pair did not put Zhang Bin in the eyes.

"It's also, I have to see what is strong."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he took a step directly, and the scales were in the madness.

The weighing pan is the first to rotate.


The sound is extremely fierce.

With rich to the ultimate murder.

Weighing pan cut.

However, it is not a trial mana, nor is it invincible.

But the time mana.

Time is also the way Zhang Bin is very good.

Time mana is also extra extra.

Conversion of other managers into time sure, loss is not too big.

The decline in combat is not too much.

Therefore, this hit is a fast lightning.

It seems to be overlined and time.

"It's good."

Thirteen emperors shouted, and there was a steel brazing in his hand.

The tip is sharp, and the lighting is blooming.

Then he slammed the steel on the weighing pan that continued to rotate.


A horrible giant, spark splash.


They rapidly after they simultaneously.

Zhang Bin retired more than 50 steps.

And thirteen emperors are only more than 30 steps.

The first trick of the hand, Zhang Bin is in the bottom of the wind.

However, the face of the thirteen emperors has floated a strong shock.

There are also many genius under the platform.

The top 13 emperor is the top trick.

One weed.

You can destroy one world.

Often it, no one can catch this trick.

However, Zhang Bin not only caught it, but Zhang Bin has not yet shown his own power management.

Instead, it is a time mana.

This is too big.

Perhaps, Zhang Bin's combat power is not much too much.

"It's amazing, it is a thirteen emperor, it is a descendant of Jinji God. This battle is really horrible."

Zhang Bin is also secretly praised, and his face has been jealous.

The heart is also extremely exciting.

Only such a super genius is suitable for tempering your own war skills and fighting.

However, if the trial mana is not exproped, it is simply forthing each other.

If it is display, maybe it can be so strong that it can quickly become.

But it will disclose your own life.

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