The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5601 Battle of Life and Death

This time, the thirteen emperor is full of blood, and the most horrible tricks of the stone mandes are displayed.


Show this trick, it is used to kill people.

And he also has a grasp, and he can kill Zhang Bin in a trick.

I don't need three tricks at all.

"Want to kill me, with you also match?"

Zhang Bin's face floated with a concentrated contempt.

But his movements are not slow, and the Libra in the hands bombarded the murder of the sky.

It is only an invincible mana, not a trial mana.

Previously, the trial of the trial of the trial, the other's spiritual world, one-touch, and did not touch the life artifact, the other party did not induce.

Otherwise, if you know Zhang Bin's trial of the trial of the trial, you will definitely doubt his.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is still unwilling to show trial mana and disclose this secret.

Otherwise, he is not an enemy with the thirteen emperors, but the whole royal family is enemy.

How many genius and giant are there, there is no way to calculate.

That and the egg touch the stone without any difference.

Between the blink, Zhang Bin's Libra has been slammed on the other side.

Not only the scale bombings, but also scales, weighing discs, scales, and slamming on steel.

The horrible invincible mana broke out.

It seems that Zhang Bin also shows four tricks.

And this is the new four-stroke of Zhang Bin.

As early as the terrorist power of the blood pulse of the other party, Zhang Bin has been in a discussion.

I don't have a strong blood, then I can only rely on my own mana, but my own mana has the limit, so I can only rely on the most horrible battle skills.

He has created a four-stroke battle skills, and the power is very horrible.

And his life's own artifact is a status of Libra, and there is a special advantage.

Seeing the thirteen emperor bombarded the iron brazing, enhancing the war, and two.

He also got enlightenment immediately, and he created a four-way battle.

The war can definitely be upgraded four times.

However, the other's tricks can also explode twice the power.

So, you can't say that he really can defeat the thirteen emperors.

After all, the thirteen emperors have a horrible blood.


A horrible to the extreme loud sound, spark splash.

The space is also suddenly collapsed, and then the horrible shock wave, sweeping everything.

Such combat power has reached the level of the two levels of the world.

Ah ...

Both of them felt the power of the huge shock absorption.

Continuously retreat, the face is also a blood red, the arms are thrown.

Sand over more than 300 steps.

However, Zhang Bin has more than 80 steps.

Obviously, this trick, Zhang Bin still falling in the wind.

However, the thirteen emperors are completely exciting, dumbfounded, and the eye beads are almost dropped.

The face is filled with a lot of money.

Why didn't he think that Zhang Bin suddenly created such a horrible battle skill, and he kicked him directly to the attack of the mountain.

There is no injury, just falling slightly.

At this time, he knew that Zhang Bin's original artifact was extraordinary.

Four parts, I can simultaneously issue a horrible attack, four strokes together, is not as good as his blood.

Such a genius, although not knowing what his life is, but it is a real peerless genius.

I really don't necessarily exceed him.

He is bright in his heart, Zhang Bin's fighting skill has not grinded to the limit, and there is also potential to dig.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's war is also improved.

At that time, I couldn't occupy the wind, it was an unknown.

"God, thirteen emperor broke the power of blood? But there is still no defeat of Jinji Wenwu? How is it possible?"

"Although Jinji Wenwu's war is very strong, it is still not more than 13 emperor, but he created the power of this tricky technology is extra terror, you can explode four times the battle."

"The thirteen emperors can only make the combat power double, but the fighting skills of Golden Wenwu are doubled, this gap is too big. If the battle skills, Jin Hu Wen Wu Sheng."

"You find that there is no, Zhang Bin's war skills are mainly particulartitures of his life artifact, maybe, we can also transform the life of the original artifact. Create a fightering technology ..."


There are many talents under the table to discuss.

The ball is also shocking. She felt more, Zhang Bin's extraordinary.

Even, she felt that Zhang Bin became more and more mysterious.

It seems that it starts with the image of her hour fantasy.

So, a surprise floated from her face.

"Being Mountain ..."

Thirteen emperors finally woke up from the shock, but the anger in my heart was squatting.

He once again shouted, and the past was like a lightning, and once again sent a recruited mountain.

He made full strength to brazing, and the hammer also slammed it.

Suddenly the speed of steel has skyrocketed.

And in a hurry, like Zhang Bin like white lightning.

"Four majors return."

Zhang Bin shouted and shouted and once again stabbed the scale.

Scales, scales, scales, weighing pans simultaneously on steel brazing.

Yes, he took his name and called four majors.

It is very image.


It is a shocking day.

Spark splash.

The two have retired a few steps after again.

Zhang Bin is still safe and sound, just overrides a distance.

Thirteen emperors still did not defeat Zhang Bin.

Said that the good three strokes have passed the two tricks.

Thirteen emperors were very angry, and they were extremely angry.


He sent a crazy shout, a violent breath broke out from his body, and he had a lot of past.

Steel brazing, the hammer in the hand is also crazy on the steel brazing.

Horror is that this time he has a huge breakthrough.

I have a two-wire hammer, which has been slammed on the steel.

Therefore, the speed of steel brazing is too much more than the previous two strokes.

The power is also too much.

In other words, this trick has reached the previous three times.

This is extremely horrible.

In fact, he has never been able to show this trick.

That is, there is no encounter than his peer opponents, and you can't force him all the potential.

But now I have encountered it.

His battle skills finally broke through and can continuously slamming two iron hammers.

Let the combat power overlay.

It is necessary to barked the same two iron hammers in such a short period of time.

That is really difficult than the day.

But he did it.

It is the horror gain of the royal family.

Thirteen emperors are also a smile, he has 100% of the grasp, this trick is absolutely easily killing Zhang Bin!

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