Zhang Bin felt a crisis of death, and his face is also a slight change.

If you have an invincible mana, he did not grasp this trick.

If it is a trial mana, he can do without hurt.

However, it will disclose his life's life is the trial, and then it is dead.

Because the royal people will never let him, the horrible giant will definitely rush, kill him, and capture his life.

So, the three emperors can replace him, let the trial become the source of life.

Therefore, the situation in which it is now facing is really dead.

Wisdom is high, it is difficult to escape.

However, what kind of cattle who is Zhang Bin is, it is really crawling from the dead heap.

Such a crisis is not what he is concerned about him.

"Five Scales are returned ..."

Zhang Bin was suddenly shouting.

The Libra in the hands bombarded the momentum of destroying everything.

The scale is flying out, the scale hook is also the same, the weighing pan is the same.

The scale rod is also rapidly.

What is even more, the thin line of hanging scales, it is also suddenly bigger, and it has become a giant whip.

Crazy and smoked in the past.

Libra seems to have only four components, but it is actually five.

The fifth part is the scales, hanging the scale of the scale.

In the fairy world, the scale is the American people, that is, it has set up the sweat work.

Today, the scale is part of Zhang Bin's life crystal, and combines Zhang Bin, a hair scale.

The internal formation of a magical array.

The war is also extremely terrible, no additional parts.

However, Zhang Bin has not created a war skill in the scales.

But at this danger, he created a war skill-scale collar in an instant.

Almost simultaneous, scales, scales, weighing discs, scales, external scale ropes, slamming together on each other.

Scales , the scale hook lock throat, weighing disc sings, weighs, the scale, the scales, the five strokes broke out.

It is still invincible.


It is also a loud noise.

Spark splash.


The two continue to retreat continuously, and the platform is shaking.

They also have a deep footprint under their feet.

This time, Zhang Bin took out more than 600 steps.

And thirteen emperors have exited more than 400 steps.

Thirteen emperors still occupy the upper wind.

However, there is still no injury to Zhang Bin.

After all, although the thirteen emperors broke out three times, Zhang Bin was even more than a five-fold battle.

And the previous two times the battle force to Zhang Bin's four times.

Triple three times now.

The gap is not too big.

Therefore, thirteen emperors still have no injury to Zhang Bin.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

They all looked at Zhang Bin like the monster. I didn't understand how he could create such a horrible war skill. Can you explode five times the power?

If Zhang Bin is growing like this genius, isn't it a top giant?

"This bastard, this bastard is definitely a big disaster, you must kill him."

Thirteen emperors are also imassuer, shocking.

I shouted in my heart.

"Thirteen emperors, you said, attack me three tricks, as long as I can't catch, you will accept it. Now you have attacked four tricks, is it possible?"

Zhang Bin looked at the other party with a sly eye, and asked faintly.


Thirteen emperors can say that they can't say.

The face is also very difficult, which is simply hitting his face.

I actually show four strokes?

Just is it too angry, I forgot my three tricks.

"Yeah, the thirteen emperor said three strokes, but it was attacking four moves. This is a bit unknown."

"This is embarrassed, even the emperor is a joke, even if it is admitted."


Many talents under the stage whispered, and their faces also have a weird expression.

"The first trick and the second tricks I show the same battle skills, so I can only count."

Thirteen emperors are still very delicate, his eyes turned, immediately found the way to explain, faintly said, "Now I have a three strokes, still there is still no defeat. Just only occupy the wind. In the future, if you For a while, the power of war skills can also be improved. Now I really can defeat you. So, I admit it. However, wait for me to create a three-hammer to attack the battle of the mountain, absolutely easily defeat you. You are waiting. "

The three hammer attacks the battle skills, it is also achievable.

After all, the way the stonemason is so magical, and it can be continuously superimposed in power.

A hammer, two hammer, three hammer, four hammers ...

Just, the current realm, he is very difficult to create a three-hammer to attack the mountain.

So, he is not blowing oepside.

"The life of the thirteen emperors is very amazing, what kind of way is it? Can you use such a simple way to superimpose force?"

There are also many geniuses under the top, and they are excited, envy.

They can't wait to join the top 13 emperor's creation.

Then they can learn this magical way.

"The way the stonemason is so amazing? It seems that I am really small to see his life."

Zhang Bin is also secretly admired.

At this time, he asked, and any kind of Tao was unpredictable.

The road of farmers is extremely horrible, and the stone of the stonemason is also the same horror.

If the thirteen emperor creates ten hammers to attack the mountain, the war is ten times.

What kind of point is that the power will be horrible?

It seems that I have to find ways to improve the power of war skills.

But let him be a bit confused, he really doesn't know how to improve the power of war skills.

His Libra has only five parts and can only display five scales.

The maximum combat force can only increase five times.

Can't upgrade six times, or more.

"Looking forward to the war again."

However, how can Zhang Bin may have any fear, and he looked at each other with indifferent eyes.

"If you dare to disclose my secrets, the world is big, there is no hidden place."

Thirteen emperors were empty, and then flew.

It looks a little wolf.

Zhang Bin sent the other party far away, and the eyes flashed the cold light.

He saw the resentment of the other party, instinctively felt the danger is in front of you.

Thirteen emperors will never let him go.

You may be retaliated right away.

" ..."

Zhang Bin also did not have any delays, and immediately flew.

It has been turned into a streamer, of course, he made a look on the ball.

Several respiration time, Zhang Bin and the ball arrived in the final stage secondary platform.

Zhang Bin directly jumped on a space, proudly: "I can sweep you, why people dare to challenge?"

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