The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5612 Horror Conspiracy

"Good pointing."

Zhang Bin was laughing in his heart.

His heart is bright, in this virtual world, don't say that I am exhibiting the spiritual world, even if I entered the space container, try to make my body to burn my life, I will definitely be seen by the royal life.

The royal family is unclear, but Zhang Bin knows that any horrible master of the royal family can absolutely sneak into their space containers without sound, not to find themselves, to make the body of the virtual world, absolutely It is self-linked road.

And he really has a huge impulse, and immediately integrates the Libra, and then on the Taiwan War of the Taiwan War.

He wants to challenge the truth, to challenge the spirit of Jinji God, he wants to challenge Nanshan farmers.

If you can defeat them, how will it be.

If Zhang Bin doesn't know the conspiracy of the royal, or he is really a bloody teenager.

That maybe it will really do this.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin has been fighting, and wisdom is also Tongtian.

Naturally, it will not be like this.

He didn't try it all, but wandering in the virtual world, watching many genius challenged many doors.

He was surprised to find that it is not very easy to let the body integrate the original artifact.

Because many of the local geniuses they cultivate to the field level, and they still have no integration.

Still holding your own artifact war.

Of course, there are also super geniuses that are successful.

Among them, there is a final secondary source genius.

That is a girl, she fuses success.


It is difficult to find difficulties with many doors.

Although it is a lot of defeat, it is already too amazing.

"This brother, who is the girl?"

Zhang Bin stopped a teenager of the field, curiously asked.

This boy is of course a genius, but his war is far less than the golden feather.

In other words, he is the worst of the source of the source.

This genius, the royal family will not hit.

In fact, there is only a top-class source, let the royal family feel the threat and will be ideas.

Therefore, most of the geniuses entering this world are still very safe, they never know the conspiracy of the royal family.

The golden chicken domain is certainly never reminded.

After all, the golden chicken domain is a royal, there is no powerful royal protection, and the golden chicken gods have been finished.

Therefore, the golden chicken domain needs a stable golden god domain, and does not want to see any internal consumption.

Even the golden chicken god domain has seized the top life of the royal to maintain stability.

However, Zhang Bin's trial is very different, and the power is too horrible.

And Zhang Bin's trial talents are too good.

The royal family did not have such a genius.

Even the three emperors are far more than.

In the future, Zhang Bin grows up, it is definitely a super giant, which is not asya Nanshan Farmers.

The golden chicken domain is of course a lot.

Therefore, the golden chicken gods secretly asylum: Zhang Bin, told him the secret of his virtual world.

Let him have a strong sense of giant, and cautiously do not present the source of power in the virtual world.

As for the small ball, the golden chicken field is also asylum, she did not let her entered the virtual world.

But of course there is a special way of cultivation.

As for the genius of Zhang Dong, Liu Chao, Hengyuan Dragon, Golden Chicken Gods even let Nanshan farmers will tell, let them do not come to the golden gods.

It is because it feels that this boy is very weak, it should be not a royal person, Zhang Bin stops him.

This boy has also seen Zhang Bin to challenge the Golden Gate.

It is very admired to Zhang Bin's talent, so he has not refused, replied enthusiastically: "That is the little princess Jin Chicken, also called Mingyu Princess, her talent is very good, now let the body and life The origin of the origin is thoroughly integrated, so, the power is exceptionally strong, can fight the door of the same level. "

"Little Princess? The genius of the royal family? Her life is really a lot of itself?"

Zhang Bin was embarrassed in his heart.

The royal family wants to capture his life, despicable.

The life of the little princess is really likely to win, and it is really cruel that the life of life is really cruel. It must be completely killed, in order not to disclose, you must kill all other than the other, and even The other disciples are all broken.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's face has floated a cold color, mixed with a slice.

He has hundreds of percentage, and the royal family is now fully investigating his origin of Zhang Bin.

The investigation is clear, you must find a way to kill him all.

This is the step to cooperate to capture the life of life.

However, Zhang Bin is not a person who is golden gods.

So, the royal family is absolutely nothing to find out.

Once the investigation can't come out, the royal family will not dare to do it now.

Even if Zhang Bin leaked an alignment that did not have an enemy.

However, if Zhang Bin's life is leaked, it is found to be trial.

The other party is really likely to dare.

After all, the three emperors are also the super genius of the trial, and the trial law is cultivated to a very advanced point.

Kill Zhang Bin's body, the other party can directly condense the trial into the source of life.

After all, Zhang Bin practiced to the final level, and did not cultivate the fourth part.

"Do you have any experiences for integration of life artifacts?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

This is an exchange.

"The body is integrated with the origin of life, it is very difficult, even the top genius, it also needs to work hard and cultivate countless years, this kind of feelings are the sense of life. Most of the top genius is After five levels of the field, the life of the original artifact is blended. Even some people are integrated in the field of nine or ten levels. In fact, there is no impact on the end of the fusion. So, I don't worry. "Teenager said," But I want To integrate the life of the original origin, you really need to show your life, and the super giant fight, war. The life of the native artifact will take a little bit of the body, slowly and the body will be integrated. "


Zhang Bin is dark and happy and continues to ask questions in his heart.

Juveniles continue to answer, "First, the person is needed, this is not integrated, it is part of the life of the life of the body to become the body, using extraordinary skill. Then it is the organ consist of the human body and the organ integration of the life of the life artifact. Let the war can get a certain improvement, then slowly fits more, and finally completely fits ... "

"I understand……"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up the light.

He first made your hands and Libra and decreased.

There are two reasons, one is that he has not shown a trial mana.

The two is that he hasn't reached the person in the person.

I have too little training.

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