The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5613 Successfully Escape

Zhang Bin continued to watch the genius challenge in the virtual world.

From time to time, find someone discussions.

However, there is no great harvest.

Life's source crystals are cultivated by themselves, and then cultivate into a life artifact, let it become an amplifier of energy and mana, enhanced war.

The integration is not really fused with the body forever, regardless of each other.

Instead, it is hidden in the body. When fighting, it will show a terrorist power.

When you can't kill, you can also take the magic of your origin.

For example, Nanshan Farmers like to take out the hoe and plant it.

How to successfully integrate, or you have to rely on yourself, or start from your own life.

Therefore, there is a numerous time to try countless times, and there is a numerous time to fight and war.

In the virtual world, Zhang Bin did not dare to show the source of the source, and if you want to make the body integrate the Library is almost impossible.

In addition, Zhang Bin also found a common sense.

Many talents are cultivated to a certain realm, before they come to the virtual world to challenge many doors.

One is to stimulate potential, two is looking forward to finding the inspiration of the body integration of the original artifact.

After all, any owner has long blended the body of the original artifact.

"Perhaps, let the body integrate the original artifact, that is, any part of the body has become an energy and mana amplifier, and the function of this amplifier can also be improved. Through great promotion of the power."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He has always paid attention to the challenges and growth of Jin Chicken.

Jinji Hu Hong Yu challenges a dozen door owners, all fail, and it is very easy to defeat.

The war is very limited.

After all, she can only connect her two swords and palms.

That is not integrated.

True integration, when you are war, others can't see your original artifact.

However, the breakthrough in the red feathers of Jin Chicken is getting stronger.

It seems that the distance breaks throughout.

Even Zhang Bin also found that there are some genius to break through the realm in the virtual world.

Strong is much larger.

Then they immediately gave a virtual world.

That is, the virtual world is not suitable for closure, but is used to challenge and break through.

Once the breakthrough, we must go outside to practice, take many medicinal herbs, Tianwei Di Bao, slowly improve yourself, slowly cut your life.

"It's time to leave."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he did not hesitate, and it took directly to the virtual world.

Of course, he is unfortunate.

If the royal family wants to capture his life, he can show the trial of the legal challenge.

It may even understand the way to let the body of the origin.

Now, I can only try and cultivate the outside world.

" ..."

Zhang Bin fately, the pen left the Huangcheng straight.

"The father of the father, don't grab him, forcibly capture his life?"

Among the palace, the 13 emperor asked a little depressed.

"He is very alert, has not shown its source of mana, obviously knowing the secret of our lives of his life." Jin Hu God said faintly, "Forced to win is not a good way. He still have a division, and disciples Maybe also cultivated the path of invincible to a very advanced point. If he is self-burst, then we still have a bamboo basket to play an empty. So let him think safely. We can easily know his origin, then you can force it. Capture. "

"Yes, you have your strength, he hasn't yet, and everything is showing in your gods in your father." The face of the thirteen emperors is full of excitement and excitement. "" Only those who killed all the invincible words can really take it. "

" ..."

Zhang Bin scored the void and worp the eyes.

Then he suddenly landed in a surging sea.

Rapidly sink.


A cold voice sounded.

Jinji God's right hand explore, and instantly crossed the void millions of light.

Caught in the sea.

The sea set off the waves of the sky and then cured into ice.

Thoroughly solidified.

Zhang Bin is also an ice.

Golden Hero's Hand broke the ice, grabbed Zhang Bin.

This is to catch Zhang Bin back.

Because he clearly knows that Zhang Bin is trying to escape.

The sea is boundless, and the sea is very special, his knowledge is not deep.

Zhang Bin is really likely to escape.

Of course, it will not let this happen.

Seeing Zhang Bin is to be caught.

A hoe suddenly slammed from the bottom of the sea, and suddenly the ice was broken, then the hoe wrapped in the murder of the sky in the palm of the gods.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

The ice of the whole sea is turned into a powder, and then it becomes a sea water.

Splashing to the Jiuyi cloud.

Golden God's palm is also highly rebounded in the air.

The Nanshan farmer is also smashed from the bottom of the sea as the same arrow. He angryly said: "Who dares to attack me?"

Yes, he is truth is Nanshan farmers, but it is the fourth part of Nanshan farmers.

Also cultivated to incomparably.

In order to save Zhang Bin, the golden chicken god domain made him hide in this sea.

"Nanshan farmer, how can you in the sea?"

Jinji God Huang's cold voice came from the distance, and the horrible murderous and strong Emperor was crushed.

Let the world are shocked, so that the horizontal plane of the sea has fallen by 100 meters.

"It turned out to be ours. I am in a sense of my farmers, the water is the mother of all things, so it is very suitable for me."

The face of the Nanshan farmer has floated a honest smile, and it is also a fear, "I don't know, why is your horror? Remote attack me?"


Jin Hu God has to say can't say, and the face has become very difficult.

He even didn't even explain, and he took the hand back.

No sound.

He can think of with an toe, this is not a coincidence, Nanshan Farmers are self-defeating Zhang Bin.

Perhaps Zhang Bin is the descendants of Nanshan Farmers. Now Zhang Bin has entered the world of Nanshan farmers.

If you want to catch, it is almost impossible.

"The temper is getting better and less."

Nanshan farmers deeply sigh, once again sneak into the sea.

Like ghosts disappeared.

It seems that there has never been the same.

"Nanshan farmers, you are waiting."

In the palace, Jinji God is an anger and anger.

The face is full of angry.

"The bastard is actually the Nanshan farmer?"

Thirteen emperors are also a cold in the heart, and the face has become extra harnesate.

Nanshan farmers are too strong, they want to capture Zhang Bin's life, but it is very difficult.

Unless you kill Nanshan farmers.

But this is also very difficult.

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