The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5614, the spirit of fighting Nanshan farmers

At the same time from Nanshan Farmers, Zhang Bin's feet have been transferred.

White light flashed, he has no trace.

This is of course the transfer array made from the golden chicken domain.

The reason why the Nanshan farmer will attack, just don't want the Golden God to know that the golden chicken domain is asylum.

After all, the golden chicken gods have been awarded the royal to seize the top life.

In fact, it is not an email, there is no way to stop.

In this way, it will not conflict with Jinji God.

The horrible civil war will not break out.

Otherwise, the golden chicken domain is dangerous.

This is of course what is unwilling to see the golden chicken god.

Next moment, Zhang Bin appeared in a hole.

Of course, it is a sealed space and is also deep underground.

Empty, but it is full of various high-grade herbs.

What made him surprised is that the ball is here.

"You finally come back safely, not bad."

The ball greeted with a quiet fragrance, and looked at Zhang Bin with satisfactory eyes.

"where is this place?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"This is a hidden hole in the parent domain, and the lingerie doesn't know."

The little ball said, "The time the time of the time is 100,000 times in the outside world. And there is enough cultivation resources. Unfortunately, there is no other person here, we are two."

"Two we are?"

Zhang Bin is slightly eyebrows. "It seems that only yourself and the ball is to let the royal people can't let the royal people know, otherwise, the royal family will want to capture our lives."

"You are not right."

The little ball is white, "" "" " It took directly to the shelter of a door. The royal family did not dare to capture their lives in their lives. Otherwise, they will break a horror war. After all, any door owner represents a force, and it is very powerful. Forces. Plus the door is also a friend, so the royal family is not active. Only we don't have any background genius, plus life is very powerful, is the object of the royal family. "

In fact, the ball and Zhang Bin don't know if it is not the two talents, and the life of life is too much.

Golden Autumn God is not necessarily asylum.

After all, once the things are leaked, they will be separated from the royalty.

I will have problems sooner or later.

Of course, such things are still very rare.

After all, the royal family seized the source of life, basically from low-level gods.

The genius of the low-grade gods, found a new road, soon they will be induced by the golden chicken domain, so that the golden chicken gods will make it in the law.

The genius of the main god domain, especially the super genius of the royal family, will use it into the source of life.

This will be taken, don't kill.

In addition, they seized, because their talents are super good, more than the genius who created that road.

However, Zhang Bin, Heng Yuanlong is an exception.

As for Zhang Donghe Liu Chao, they completely different, because they have found new lives in the event of eight levels in the beginning of the field.

Even the golden chicken field is also unable to understand.

Because such a life is from the source of life, they must be given.

Of course, if it is displayed in the virtual world, the royal family can know, then you can find a way to take it.

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin is nodded, and it will not pay this.

The only way now is to quickly stronger. If you practice it yourself to the field ten level, the combat power makes the emperor of Jinji, then you can create a strong martial art, like the Nanshan farmers, let the golden gods do not dare to act rashly .

This is safe.

Moreover, in the process of yourself, you must ensure the safety of the parent domain.

He is looking forward to ask: "Your Majesty, have you integrated life of life?"

" ... ..."

The ball issued a smile like a silver bell. "What kind of genius I did? Although I didn't enter the virtual world, I blequached my original artifact when I was three levels of the field. Invincible. "

"How can this?"

Zhang Bin is very confused. The ball does not enter the virtual world, and there is no challenge to the powerful door owners.

How can I integrate the life of life?

"Of course, you can do it." The ball smiled, "because the mother is cultivating me, there is still a high person pointing."

"How can I do to integrate Libra?"

Zhang Bin did not ask who is the high person? That is equal to it.

He didn't think about these secrets now.

He is bright in his heart. In addition to the royal family, there is really an anti-emperor.

This pulse should be a high person in the pound.

Perhaps, Nanshan Farmers is one of them.

The anti-emperor is a hidden strength of Golden Chicken God, and is also a very taboo of the royal family.

Also illegal forces.

However, the royal family is no way to lyity.

Because the back of the anti-emperience is the golden god domain.

The royal family and the anti-emperor will break a terrorist conflict sooner or later.

It may even lead to golden chicken domains.

Therefore, Zhang Bin does not want to be entangled with the anti-emperience.

"All rely on you."

The ball said faintly, "but needs to fight with super masters."

After that, she finished his right hand, and he suddenly got up.

On top of the ring, there is a mental force.

It is the spiritual force of Nanshan Farmers.

He resistant to a hoe, smiled and said to Zhang Bin, "Come, I know your life is the trial, super burdron. Let's fight?"

"Why don't you come here?"

Zhang Bin is very depressed, there is a spiritual force of Nanshan Farmers to train himself. It does not need to enter the virtual world at all.

"Can enter the virtual world, it is also good, so many days, so many battles, your sense of feelings will be a lot of fuss. If you can integrate your life artifact in the field level. And once you fuse, you will also Don't worry that others can see your life. "

The ball is dark, and the disgical looks at Zhang Bin, and it is very tone.

This is of course angry, Zhang Bin actually lied to her many times.

I started to say that it was two original geniuses, and then said that his life is invincible. Where knows his life is actually a trial.

If it is not the Nanshan farmers, she is still in the drum.

In fact, if it is not the Nanshan farmer to go to the golden autumn gods, he has heard countless secrets with the gods of the cow.

He will not know.

" ..."

Zhang Bin was a bit awkward, flew over the platform, and his hands appeared.

The face is full of excitement and excitement.

Because he wants to show the trial mana, challenge the most cattle Nanshan farmers.

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