The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5617 will fight Nanshan Farmers

On the ring, Zhang Bin is standing on the ground, and the spirit of the Nanshan Farmers will be separated. Self-confidence, "Seniors, this time I can defeat you."

He felt that after he fused his own artifact, the body really became a scale, and anywhere was an amplifier of mana and energy.

Moreover, this amplifier is more powerful than a simple Libra.

"Beat me? Hahaha, it is really a new is not afraid of tiger."

Nanshan farmers laughed, what is the powerful and horrible giant, cultivated to this power, but it has used countless years.

His body in the body, that is, it is a giant giant that has made countless horrible, and there are many giant hormones in the field.

However, his body is particularly strong, that is, the field of nine-level giant is also unable to break and fly out.

His spiritual force is smashed, but there is no body, but it is the terrorist force to simulate the final level.

At that time, the world in the body was also gigabiting a lot of giant.

So, his might of the world in the body, it is definitely far more than Zhang Bin.

After all, he was born in the top ten gods - golden gods, and Zhang Bin was born in the first-class god.

Zhang Bin's cultivation conditions and growth conditions are far less than him.

In the body, there is absolutely no more genius and masters.

"Gigling ... I am really stinky."

The ball also issued a smuggling like a silver bell, and it seems that she has seen Zhang Bin's ate.

In fact, from Zhang Bin's previous performance, they can see that Zhang Bin combines the power of the original artifact.

Zhang Bin was flying so far from the Nanshan farmers, and it was not to improve it.

And the power of Nanshan farmers is so horrible, and also calls the mana of the living world.


Zhang Bin did not delay, he yelled.

The lightning is like a lightning.

The fist is like a meteor to the Nanshan farmer.

In an instant, his fist became like a mountain, with a breath of destroying everything.

The horrible light is also blooming from his fist.

This momentum is really horrible.

"Ha ha……"

The Nanshan farmers smiled, his fist was also rapidly.

Just like a gunball, the whistling sound of the harsh pole is issued.

Blink between.

Two fists are already bombard.

Bang ...

A horrible to the extreme giant ring.

Tianshal, the sun and the moon are light.

The space is also suddenly collapsed.

Countless cracks also appear, rapidly spread to the end of the world.


Almost at the same time, they have two more than 300 steps at the same time.

Only steady the body.

A trick, it is completely unhappy.

"How can this be?"

The shock of the ball is shocked and dares to confuse.

Looking at Zhang Bin like a monster.

Even the spirit of Nanshan Farmers is also a face of an idiotic expression.

The eyes also flashed the shock and doubt.


Nanshan farmer is soon waking up, he yells.

When a foot is going, it will pass through time and space.

I have come to Zhang Bin in front of Blink.

His hand bends into a hoe, with a murder of the sky, and he is ignorant from Zhang Bin.


The sound is extra sharp and harsh.

The murder is also rich to the extreme.

Let the small balls below the ring are creepy feelings.

One happel!

This is one of the most horrible warmen of Nanshan Farmers.

As long as you encounter a super strong enemy, he will show it.

Obviously, he has regarded Zhang Bin as a master of an enemy.

"It's good."

Zhang Bin shouted, and his people suddenly stepped out.

The vain of a heavens also floats from his back.

Flying a foot kick out, it seems like a root scale.

Blink between.

Handcointed with Zhang Bin's feet.

Bang ...

It is a horrible to the extreme giant.

The void is again collapsed.

They have retained more than 500 steps after two consecutive times.

The second trick of hand, they still don't want to win, even who can't see who occupies the upper wind.

"This unscientific."

Nanshan farmers issued an incomparable voice.

The heart also set off a stormy waves.

Just now, he has used his fullness and there is no reservation.

Even the mana of the world of the world is also called.

Of course, this is just a mental partial simulation.

I thought it certainly easily defeated Zhang Bin.

But the result is a flat autumn.

This is incredible.

Does the trial determination are so horrible?

Or is Zhang Bin's original artifact to enlarge the function super horror?

"Is the Nanshan farmer use full? Still can't be defeated Zhang Bin?"

The ball is also very doubtful, this big out of his expectation.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin is proud to laugh.

Now he is more confident, even if he can't defeat the spirit of Nanshan farmers, but the other party absolutely no way to defeat him.

And the reason why it is so powerful, only two reasons, one is the trial manager can make any mana, including the farmer's mana.

The other is that his own origin is too magical, strictly said that his life is too much to force, the proportion exceeds the same level.

After all, our own life crystals have been quenched in purgatory, breaking nine times.

In addition, it also cultivates the Wanfa Forging Water God of the Main God.

In fact, the ball teach to Zhang Bin.

This is the super genius of the main god domain to practice.

Therefore, let Zhang Bin's live crystals have broken the ten times.

In other words, Zhang Bin's life has broken 19 times in the past.

And the horror gains of Nanshan farmers, they may have many adventures.

Their life of this source of life also broke the limit of ten times.

But it is difficult to reach more than 19 times.

The quality of life of life is related to the magnification of the magnification of the original artifact.

In this way, Zhang Bin's original artifact is terrible.

After his body blends the original artifact, the improved force can be more than 10%, but it exceeds it.

Super Bull Mechanic Features of Exercise Injury.

Previous Zhang Bin also dared to say that he can defeat Nanshan farmers.

However, Zhang Bin still looked at the spirit of Nanshan farmers.

The war can achieve such horror.

He still can't occupy the wind.


Nanshan farmer anger, the momentum is shouting, wrapped in an invincible momentum to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin launched a terrorist attack like electricity.

His hands, feet, and even body, including heads, ears, any part of the super cow.

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