The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5618 Two Liars

"It's good."

Zhang Bin's face floated with a strong taboo.

But there is no fear.

He shows the war skills and the Nanshan farmers.

But it is falling on the wind, it is a bit wolf.

However, he is not panic at all.

Fully defense, defensive wind and rain.

In this way, it was half an hour.

Zhang Bin gradually stabilized.

From full-scale defense, it became defensive counterattack.

The ten tricks can also be countered on a trick.

This is because he adapts to the other's attack mode.

At the same time, he is also more familiar with the body of the body that combines the origin of the origin.

When fighting, it becomes more and more skilled.

The combat power naturally has a wire improvement.

Of course, the improvement is very slow.

After all, this improvement is mainly by fighting experience.

And Zhang Bin has risen from the world, in fact, his fighting experience is very rich.

Although it is not as good as the top door owner of Nanshan farmers.

But the gap is not too big, and the improvement is natural or limited.

In other words, Zhang Bin charges the amount of war with the other party, and wants to defeat the other party, but also want to cultivate the genius in the body in the body.

If you have cultivated a large number of top ten giants, call their mana, and the combat power can get surpassed.

Who let him be a first-class god domain, the foundation is not good, the treasures and herbs in the body in the body are not only small, but also the level is not high.

The genius of Golden Chicken Domains, of course, can be obtained from Golden Chicken Gods, plus medicinal materials in many low-grade gods.

Numerous years have been cultivated, and the genius of the world will naturally not lack cultivation resources.

Naturally, you can slowly become powerful.

Zhang Bin was a medicinal seed of the butterfly and the gods in the past another hundred years, and it also got a lot of medicinal seeds of a large number of medicinal domains.

But the time is too short, still not growing up, can't be considerate a very precious medicinal material.

It took more than an hour.

Zhang Bin still fell on the wind, but the ten strokes can counteract three or four.

However, he also felt that there is almost no way to improve its fight.

If you continue to make such a fight, it is estimated that it is a hundred years, and they may not be able to share the winning and negative.

"See me against the sky."

The spirit of Nanshan Farmers suddenly screamed, and two hands are sure to have a hoe that does not exist.

Then dig it.

The horrible energy and law bombard in Zhang Bin's fist.


Zhang Bin issued an angry scream and was born directly.

I can't climb it on the ground.

The spirit of Nanshan Farmers is standing in the ring, and the enemy is emitted.

It is obviously to play real fire.

"Laozi has never been lost, but it is unbeaten this child. It can only improve the realm of mental force to the final stage. I want to see that this kid can't see it."

The spirit of Nanshan Farmers is smuging in the heart, and then disappearing on the stage as ghost.

"How can this be?"

Zhang Bin lying on the ground, the doubt and shocking face.

Can Nanshan farmers still show such a horrible trick? How much is the war?

He really didn't think that Nanshan farmer was so loved, and even secretly enhanced the realm of mental profit.

"You are still far away, the mana of the world of the world is almost ok. How can it be the opponent of the Nanshan Farmer?"

The ball came over and said.

"What do you mean, he has not used the whole force before?"

Zhang Bin's eyebrows, "I feel a bit wrong."

"Is there anything wrong? Waiting for you to cultivate the genius of the world, then you may confront the top giant in the same realm."

The ball said faintly, "Do not believe, I seal the realm to the field level, I can easily defeat you."

"What is we trying again?"

Zhang Bin came to interested, climbed up.

Then they flew to the ring.

The ball seals the realm, in fact, it is to block the road behind her life, so that her life is only 1999 million kilometers.

However, her body is the power of stubborn and horrible.

Soon, they will be together.

The attack of the ball is very special, and a trick is in a majesty, and people are shocked.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin's life is a trial, it can be confrontable, and even the wind can be occupied.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is not too much effort.

Even the wind is still occupied.

Ten minutes, the ball shouted: "The Queen of the Empress."

She took her head.

Directly show the power of the field secondary.

Of course, I will not let Zhang Bin know.

Zhang Bin made a punger.

But it can't resist.

It was taken directly to the Thunder by a palm.

Also rolled over a dozen laps.

"This is impossible."

Zhang Bin did not dare to confuse, watching the monster, watching the little ball of the tower, "Do you really use the strength of the field level?"

"Of course." The ball said faintly, "I have a lot of genius in my body, I invoked their mana, defeating you, it is too easy."

"No, you didn't call the blood of the blood. Otherwise, the power is absolutely not so weak." Zhang Bin said, "I think, the top of your body is the top giant, it is estimated that their realm exceeds me?"

"My realm is sealed in the field level, and the force of calling blood is also very limited, and the improved force is estimated to be 30%."

The little ball lies without a mistake, "So, you will be easy to defeat you."

"It seems that it is necessary to become a top genius and giant, you must strive to brush the cultivation of the world of the world."

Zhang Bin didn't see the flaw, a bit depressed in his mouth.

"Develop a world world, it is a long process. Your foundation is not good, it is necessary to make up, but it is more difficult."

The ball flew down, saying faintly, "But now you improve the realm is more important, the realm is improved, the level of the world will increase, can cultivate more high-quality medicinal materials. The genius of the world can naturally quickly Growing up. Real genius, they are all after practicing to the field of ten, only to develop the world's world ... "

"It is reasonable."

Zhang Bin nodded, the face floated on the face, if he cultivated to the terminal ten level.

The world may be no less than a nine-grade god domain, and may even be dominated by the quarter.

At that time, I was fully committed to developing the world in the body, and I really had more time.

So he started to practice the knee, and the body was full of a strong breakthrough.

And he also entered the source in an instant.

His life is now 19.9999 billion kilometers.

However, there is now a thousand-meter stone mountain block in front of it.

This stone mountain is hard.

In the past, he made full bombardment, plus taking tunnels, or injured it.

I don't know today, I combined my original artifact, plus the power of war skills to the limit.

Is it possible to explode this big mountain?

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