The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5624 Terrorism

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy.

Zhang Bin shouted, "spiritual world ..."

In an instant, his mental force took out and wrapped everything.

Then a brilliant, a majestic court combined.

And killer and his millet are also located in the court.

The killer's eyes have flowers, he felt that Zhang Bin did not see it.

Then he discovered that he was in a weird palace.

And Zhang Bin is sitting on a tall trial station, the momentum, and the pressure is like the sea.

"Wow haha ​​... You are idiot, dare to show your spiritual world in front of me? Is this not a self-cultivation?"

The killer immediately laughed and laughed.

His face is filled with ridicule and play.

His realm is one more than Zhang Bin, and he is not far from cultivating to the field level.

Whether it is a war or spirit, it is definitely more than Zhang Bin.

In other words, he can easily break Zhang Bin's spiritual world.

Once Zhang Bin's spiritual world is broken, then Zhang Bin suffered from hit hard, he wants to kill Zhang Bin, it is easy to relate.

Otherwise, he wants to kill Zhang Bin, and it is still a bit difficult.

At least, Zhang Bin can escape.

If Zhang Bin fled to the golden autumn field, he really didn't dare to kill.

But Zhang Bin actually so stupid, actually showed the spiritual world, which is completely impatient.

"Self-finding road? Then let's try? Who is it to find dead road?"

Zhang Bin sat highly on the trial chair, and his face was also launched.

As if, he is not worried about the other party to break his spiritual world.

"Give me ..."

The killer smiled, his feet lifted high.

Then step on the floor.


A horrible giant ring.

The floor has a deep footprint, and it has also appeared fine as a crack like a spider web.

Quickly spread.

However, it is not broken.

And it is rapidly healing.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

The killer is stunned, completely dumbfounded, his face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

He is better than Zhang Bin, he can break Zhang Bin's spiritual world.

This is the rules of heaven and earth.

But what is going on now?

Can you not be broken?

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin is a lot of laughter.

This is his real brand, the most horrible trick.

Such a trick, even he did not show it in the match with Nanshan farmers, plus small balls.

Because he has long found that the spiritual world of the spirit is particularly strong.

Even if you exceed your realm of your realm, it is difficult to break.

After all, my spiritual world is the embodiment of life.

It is also a solemn court.

A more powerful enemy, once enters his spiritual world, it is equal to enter the court.

Their combat power will be affected unconsciously, which is much reduced.

The trial, the most horrible place is here.

So, even if the world in the body has not been developed, he will never think that he is a genius of the same level.

However, this is the biggest base sign, he certainly does not easily display it.

Unless it's a life and death.

"Give me ..."

The killer is still not sweet, he yelled in a madness again.

Two steps continue to tramce, and to break Zhang Bin's spiritual world.

Hey ...

The horrible voice sounded.

The floor began to break, and the restroom could not live a continuous attack.

Seeing the floor is going to break.

Zhang Bin took a shot on the trial table, roaring: "Trial ..."

"Trial ..."

He hasn't yellied at the same time behind him.

The sound was shocked.


The killer shouted a fear.

His attack stopped instantly.

His face floated the color of fear.

The body is also rushing.

He felt a horrible to the extreme majesty in his body, let him kneel down.

Terrible is that he can't resist a bit.

The mana and energy are a bit called.

" ..."

Zhang Bin once again shouted, and there was a gavel in his hand, slammed on the table.


A loud noise.


The killer issued an angry to the extreme shout.

Hey, he couldn't help but kneel down.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin made a lot of fun.

No matter how poorly evil giant, once I entered his spiritual world.

It is also necessary to accept trials.

It must also be squatted.

"Fierce ghost ... change ..."

The killer is inappropriate, ashamed.

He showed a horrible magic.

His body turned into a virtual.

Then get rid of the control.

He became a black light to shoot to Zhang Bin.

Countless urchus shot from his mouth.

It has become a countless black sword, and the blast is to Zhang Bin.

"Judging you to death ..."

Zhang Binwei shouted in the earth, and the horror of Libra became a shot again.

Magical things happened.

The countless ciliary sword is broken, and it has become a countless black light and dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

The killer also returns to the entity in an instant.

Pause in the air, then dropped.

His body is broken, his soul is annihilated.

"Ah ... what is this attack?"

The killer shouted very fearless.

Then he fell on the ground because his soul was completely annihilated.

He is falling.

Being directly killed by Zhang Bin's life.

Just a word - sentence you die!

"Not bad, I broke through the two levels, the court was also strong, but fortunately, I took the trial into a very high level. Although I didn't have the life of the life, the spiritual world is Strong a lot. "

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face has also floated satisfied.

He reached out, the body of the killer flew.

The blink of an eye has fallen in his hand.

He began to carefully check the body of the killer.

Then his face has been surprised.

Although the other party is human form, it is almost exactly the same.

But the practice of cultivation is not the same.

Because the other party's moon palace, there is no will tree.

Only countless quizzes.

As if a grassland.

Many urchin scattered an evil breath.

The root of the crepe is also 10 million, and it has deeply entered any corner of the world.

In other words, the other party is on the grass to control the world.

Moreover, the other's collaps have unparatorable killing.

The power of Zhang Bin's will of the leaves is very powerful.

In other words, the other party's skills are unique to the cultivation of the will.

Then Zhang Bin began to carefully search each other's body world.

" ... What is this?"

Zhang Bin has a surprised voice.

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