The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5625, Mao Mun

Zhang Bin's hands also appeared a stone monument.

This stone monument is crystal clear, warm and incomparable, snow is like jade.

Carved countless quocen on it.

The surface of the crepe condenses the singularity.

Exudes a strange breath.

On the stone monument, there are also many weird words, and Zhang Bin has been completely different from the previous text.

The text on the golden autumn field is actually the text on the golden gods.

After all, it is located in Golden Chicken Gods, which is also a golden god domain.

Therefore, regardless of Zhang Bin how to study, you still can't read these words.

In this case, you can't understand the content of this stone monument.

"This is certainly a special scripture. It is estimated that it is the main man of the fierce, if it can be studied, maybe, you can make yourself strong, and may even master some secrets of the fierce gate."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face floated and looking forward to the color.

The reason why it is so talented, not only because of the trial, but also because I have practiced it in the purgatory, let my own life of the source of the source breaks the nine times.

The origin of the purgatory is very mysterious.

Perhaps from another main domain.

The fierce gate is unparalleled and terrible, dare to assassinate in many main gods.

It is obviously very powerful.

Their door owners may be the emperor of a primary god.

Therefore, the practice of the fierce disciples carry it will definitely not simple.

However, because you are not a disciple of fierce, it is not a person who is in the gods of the fierce gate.

Naturally there is no way to comprehend the scriptures and secret laws on this stone.

It is estimated that Nanshan Farmers also has no way to comprehend.

Therefore, the other party also dare to carry it with you.

However, such treasures, want to get, or is still difficult.

This time, I can say that it is a dog.

This is only a precious treasure that practiced to the two levels of the field.

If you can understand yourself, you will inevitably have huge gains.

"In the future, I must find a way to catch a fierce disciple and ask this mammie stone note."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart and regretted slightly.

Just now, it will be too fast, and it will kill each other.

However, on your own strength, I want to catch each other, still very difficult.

He shook his head, no longer thinking, collect the milky stone monument.

Then he searched a lot of treasures.

The most precious should be that many medicinal materials, most of them are different from the medicinal materials of Golden Chicken.

This is a medicinal material that grows in the opponent world.

Zhang Bin did not recklessly began to cultivate, but the Shi Tong quickly allowed the killer's body to recover.

In this way, the world is not destroyed, and it will not die or continue to cultivate medicinal materials.

It is a pity that because all the wisdom creatures in the world are falling because of the death of the killer.

This is the same as the low-grade god, if the low-grade god is destroyed, and the top of the people above must be completed.

Unless there is a child to practice to the field level.

Obviously, there is no way to cultivate to this world in the world of killers.

Inspiring, Zhang Bin also searched a lot of cultural notes, plus some jade tube.

He curiously began to look at and read it.

Then his face floated.

Although the text on the note does not understand, but the cultivation record in the jade tube is not written without text, it is a mental record.

Anyone can read.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is very clear to read the contents of the record.

The record inside is too weird and evil.

Zhang Bin seems to be understood.

I have studied it carefully. I found that there is only one sentence in the center. The wildfire is not enough, the spring breeze is born.

This may also be the center of the mamble stone monument.

This seems to be related to the cultivation of the soul.

The murderous disciple, their main attack weapon is the grass, which is a combination of spiritual and will.

Right of sharp, evil extreme.

In other words, their soul is not dead.

Even if you kill them, they can quickly resurrect quickly.

The most evil is that they are killing, and they are related to their skills.

It seems that they kill a genius, they can get their soul essence, agglomerate into a special resurrection energy.

Then they can break through and become more powerful, and even easily resurrected.

Even even if their parent domain is destroyed because they gather this special energy, they will not be affected, even if they are not cultivated to the field, they will not die.

Of course, this is just Zhang Bin's speculation, is this, it is necessary to pay attention to it.

But even so, Zhang Bin is also extra excitement and excitement.

The merits on the mammoth monuments are really mysterious, breaking some rules that are difficult to change.

It is important to him.

You must know that now your own weakness is the golden autumn god.

If the golden autumn god is destroyed, then all the souls in the golden autumn god domineering, including the bobbin in Zhangbin, as long as it is not cultivated to the field, will die.

Even if it cultivates the field, the foundation is exhausted, and no longer becomes again.

Zhang Bin, certainly, I don't want to see that the golden autumn god domain is destroyed and will be fully protected.

However, not afraid of 10,000, it is afraid of one.

After all, now I have become a royal eye.

Once you are known by the royal family.

The possibility of the other party destroying the golden autumn domain is very large.

However, there is no way to figure out the true oysters of the content of the sheep stone monument.

There may be no way to understand for a long time.

Far water can't save near.

Therefore, Zhang Bin also quickly concluded his spiritual world.

It has become a stream of stream, which is detached.

This time, he is not going to the golden autumn domain.

Instead, the flame god is went.

Now he is in an extreme crisis.

That is the murder of the murder.

Zhang Bin can think of the head toe, and the people who will be fierce will inevitably be the flame God and the Spark God.

As for the fish of the butterfly and dragonfly domain, there is of course likely to have this possible.

However, it is difficult to contact the fierce gates at all.

This is Zhang Bin who heard the secret from the golden chicken god domain.

Therefore, you must kill the Fire God and the Spark God with the fastest speed.

Even the two gods should be destroyed.

The fierce assassination will stop.

Otherwise, there is a strong killer assassination at any time, he really can't resist.

This time is lucky, the killer is only cultivated to the field level.

If it is a high realm, his court can't kill each other.

Instead, you have to be killed by the other party.

The most terrible thing is that the fierce gates have mastered the magical secret law and know that he Zhang Bin's whereabouts.

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