
The long-tailed God shouted, stepped out step, broke the void.

The blink of an eye has appeared in front of Zhang Bin, and the knife in his hand has passed a trajectory of mystery.

With the murderous murderous, slammed to Zhang Bin's neck.

"Good ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, his ax in his hands hooded on the other's knife.


A huge sound of a horrible


They have continued to retreat for continuously, and they have retired more than a thousand steps to steadily.

However, Zhang Bin has more than 300 steps.

A tricky, Zhang Bin falls in an absolute lower air.

The field of five levels of the field is really terrible.

The last time, Zhang Bin can kill the neighborhood of the pineapple, because he showed the spiritual world - court.

It is also the most horrible war skill in his life.

But now he doesn't even make life artifacts and body integration, it is difficult to be the opponent of the long tail.

Even if he integrates the life of life, it is also difficult to better better than the long tail.

This time, Zhang Bin is absolutely unable to show the court.

Once you are displayed, you must kill each other.

It won't disclose his life.

But if you kill each other, people in the pineapple domain may preach.

He does not believe that the pineapple domain really erases everyone's memory.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's purpose is to defeat the ultra-tail god and let him return.

Give pineapple domains and many people huge pressure, they don't dare to disclose his secrets.

However, how can the court be defeated?

"Ha ha ha ... The nest of the nephew for a period of time, your war has not improved, but the battle has fallen a lot."

The long tail god is madly laugh, "Today, I have to kill you completely."

Zhang Bin relied on the virtual realistic conversion of the Mao Mao, and the change of life and death, the makeup became the nest of the pineapple. From the realm, he is the field level five.

However, his war is could not be disguised.

A trick, the long-tailed God still saw Zhang Bin's virtuality.

"Is it bad, is it really the opponent of the long-tail?"

Many of the pineapple gods are secretly worried, after all, their memory is erased.

Only the pineapple can be a dark, he can think of the head to the head, it is Zhang Bin who is pretending to be a pineapple.

However, he is also very doubtful. Why did Zhang Bin put a pair of doctors?

Of course, he is not worried.

Since Zhang Bin can kill the pineapple God, it will certainly kill the long-tailed God.

I don't know, Zhang Bin will not do this.

"Oh ... I didn't use it all."

Zhang Bin issued a despulse, "deal with you, you don't even need to show your life artifact, and you will be enough to deal with you."

After that, the ax in his hands was invisible, as never had the same.

This is not that he will take it, but it is integrated with the body.

His body has become a energy amplifier now.

The war will also improve nearly two%.

"Death ..."

The Emperor's Emperor's eyes lit up, and his face has also been excited and excited.

Why can't he believe that the nest of the pineapple suddenly begins to die, and it does not show the life of the living artifact.

This kind of good opportunity, how can he let?

Therefore, he did not delay and hesitated, and he flipped the past, and the knife in his hand was cut.

ZHANG Bin launched an attack like a windshield.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin sat once, greeted, show his fists, and the other party.

His fist is crazy.

Boxing is on the other's knife.

Dangdang ...

Spark splash, the sound is like a iron.

And it is continuous, which is very urgent.

Their two have become a black shadow of the sky, and they are in the void.

Blood war.

It's hard to be difficult to find that it is a sun and moon.

Ten minutes of war, still did not share the victory.

However, Zhang Bin is falling in the wind.

Listed with a lot.

However, the long-tailed God wants to defeat him is not so easy.

It may take a a few days a few days.

Terrible is, a life of the life of life, a no display.

It can be made to be like this, there is no doubt that it is a bad man who is cold.

This is the consensus of everyone.

After all, they are not a certain genius. I don't know if my original artifact can be integrated, and it can also improve the war.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The long-tailed God also believes that he is very angry and anger.

The attack is becoming sharp and crazy.

Killing Zhang Bin is a wolf, and the festival has been defeated.

I really can't resist it.

"Breaking a knife, give me die ..."

The long-tailed God shouted, and the body lit up the light.

There is also a huge terrible tail behind him.

Then he was crazy on Zhang Bin's fist.


Zhang Bin's fist was broken, then his arm, the body was chopped in half.

"Ha ha ha ... pineapple God, you are idiot, I finally kill you."

The Emperor of the Long Tail sent a very excited madness.

But at this time, Zhang Bin appeared in front of him like a ghost.

As for his broken body, it also instantly dissipates.

This is the magical use of Mao Mao, just Zhang Bin, is a virtual transformation, and the body is not smashed in two halves. That is just a shadow.

From the real thing, then it is virtual enough.

I have escaped the most horrible kill.

Then Zhang Bin's fist with a destroying all the momentum in the chest of the long tail.


A horrible giant ring.


The scream of screams from the mouth of the long tail.

His people also fly out of thousands of kilometers like a cannon bomb.

His sternum is also broken, and the blood fog is sprayed in the mouth.

As for Zhang Bin, it is proudly standing, and there is a pressure and momentum of the world.

"Your Majesty is invincible ..."

"Your mighty ..."


The numerous giants of the pineapple domain cheered, and their faces were filled with excitement and excitement.

Their eyes shot a hot radiant.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ... How can you practice the virtual unimportant to this point?"

The long tail god is certainly not dead.

After all, it is a horror giant in the field.

Even if Zhang Bin uses full, he also wants to kill him.

However, he feels extremely frightened, and his face is full of not a letter.

How is it only for ten years without a single, the pineapple God actually strong so much?

In this way, how can you resist it?

Is the long tail god domineering ended?

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