The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5644 Black Sky

"Long tail God, you die."

Zhang Bin shouted with a murder that took the sky.

Even his hands appeared once again.

A pair to kill each other's look.


Where is the long-tailed God dare to pick with Zhang Bin?

I yell, with many guards, the wolf fled back.

And one by one, the most furry escape, is afraid that Zhang Bin chased and tried them.

"Ha ha ha ... a group of ant ants, wait for me to complete the unsuccessful cultivation, and then destroy you."

Zhang Bin issued a laughter.

He did not catch up.

Next moment, he disappeared in the void as ghost.

No one can see how he disappeared.

Many giant giants of the pineapple domain thought Zhang Bin returned to the palace and closed it.

They sent a shocking cheers and excited to the extreme.

Countless times, this is still the first time to defeat the emperor of the long tail.

Of course it is worth celebrating.

Only the pineapple gods have fallen, her mouth is also muttered: "It is definitely a certain source genius, and the life of the life of the origin, this combat force is too horrible, absolutely not on the same level of the same level of the main gods. Baiyun It was even in a very horrible genius. It is a unpleasant thing. Unfortunately, the goddess of the pineapple is sinned. It was killed by him ... In the future, he will protect me, but still not reliable. "

Then she thoughtfully thought, immediately contacted the white clouds, asked Zhang Bin's situation.

Baiyun gods are of course to swear.

That is absolutely not leaked Zhang Bin from the golden autumn domain.

Baiyun God is aware of Zhang Bin that Zhang Bin triggered a tribute to the royal queen.

And the pineapple domain is naturally not asking, and I don't dare to say what happened.

Therefore, it is destined to have the real information of Zhang Bin.

"After the problems, I can go to the five-level gods to practice. However, the five-level gods will be the high-level gods. There are many geniuss. They must be careful. Don't trigger the attention of the main gods. Never pineapple again. The gods are the same as the God of the God. This thing is absolutely can't do again. "Zhang Bin flew rapidly in the void, and he warned himself in his heart.

Soon, he entered the starry sky of the black soil.

Black soil won the neighborhood of black soil.

The neighborhood of Black Soil is built in the outer domain of the Black Soil field, not an internal area.

It seems that the momentum is very angry.

"I am signed up."

Zhang Bin became the picture of pineapple, and there was an admission notice.

I said to the two gatekeeners.

Two guards checked a notice of admission, and asked Zhang Bin to go in.

Children in black tilles are also human models.

But most of them are black skin.

It looks like Africans on the earth.

One looks that it is extraordinary, and any one has a powerful momentum.

It is a nation likes to fight.

There is no accident, soon, I will succeed.

Zhang Bin has reached a Dongfu and received a lot of cultivation resources.

Even what 101 is also separated.

Obviously, cultivation here is divided.

Not an instructor to counseling.

Zhang Bin's gods were released, and I found 101 classes in an instant.

He walked over.

Pushing the door.

This is a very magical place.

It seems that there is a huge building, not only many rooms, but also a lot of cultivation and class.

At this time, all students of the 101 class are sitting in the classroom.

The realm of these students is the first level of the field.

This is very quirky.

20 student sitting and sitting.

A teacher took a sword and was explaining swordsman.

In fact, it is the skill of fight.

Looking at Zhang Bin entered, the eyes of all their people came over.

"who are you?"

That teacher asked coldly.

"I am called pineapple, from the pineapple domain, come to report ..."

Zhang Bin said.

"Welcome new students."

The teacher finished faintly, he let Zhang Bin also sit down.

Continue to explain swordsman.

Zhang Bin listened while listening, while taking care of many students.

20 students are even black skin.

Only Zhang Bin is green skin.

Yes, Zhang Bin has become a pineapple, and the pineapple Haojun is a green skin.

In fact, people on the field of pineapple are green skin.

Obviously, low-grade gods rarely appear super genius, so there is no talented genius in the fourth-level gods.

Also, the most basic conditions for the admissions of the black tilles, that is, they must be able to cultivate the five levels.

Such a genius is too rare.

In the past few years, the pineapple domain has only cultivated the neighborhood to the field level.

The pineapple can be very good, there is a breakthrough in the body, but it still has no breakthrough today.

The teacher explained again for more than half.

I stopped, saying faintly: "Pineapple Hao Jun, black soil cracks, you have two up, to show your strongest swordsman, fight."

A high-end juvenile jumped out, I have jumped out to Zhang Bin Hand, "Pineapple Hao Jun, I have heard of your reputation, saying that you are the most cattle in the history of pineapple, even more than pineapple The emperor also wants to be geniuses. I have to see, are you a virtual name? "

"Nima ... I have to let me fight, this is to understand my talent and fighting, still give me a next Mawei?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but there was no hesitation, he still got on.

His hands also appeared a sword.

This is of course the change of the life of the origin.

He said faintly: "You don't have it."

"Snack three swords ... kill ..."

The black soil spoke, the sword in his hand stab, as if the cold star broke out.


Let Zhang Bin can't see that the spot is a true sword.

What should I don't have to get a trick?

This sword skill is really terrible.


Zhang Bin also shouted, not refunded.

The sword in your hand is also rapidly stab.

The swords were taken.

Stabbate the eyes of each other.

Enemmented no matter the attack.

That is to say, attack the attack.

However, Zhang Bin is always a sword.

But it is the most horrible sword, if the other party does not resist.

He can pierce each other's head.

"It's good."

The black soil smiled and shouted, and the cold star suddenly flew out.

I have already bombarded the thistle of Zhang Bin.

As a sound.

Zhang Bin's sword was swayed.

And countless rocks are continuing to shoot.

I will cover Zhang Bin from the blink of an eye. Let Zhang Bin have a place to avoid.

"The good sword skills, such a magical sword move, but I am lacking."

Zhang Bin said darkly admired, retreating rapidly, avoiding the attack of each other.

However, it is incredible that the speed of the cold star suddenly accelerates hundreds of times, and the stabbed Zhang Bin's whole body.

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