The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5645 is just right

Wan Dynasty, the star, blinking Zhang Bin.

All thorn on Zhang Bin.

He is too late to avoid.

"Oh ... this is the first day of the pineapple domain? I just see it."

"The first day of the pineapple domain, and one more than us, in fact, it is a quall, it is not worth mentioning."


Many student's faces have floated and sneered.

Looking at Zhang Bin like the dead, as if they have seen, Zhang Bin became the miserative model of honeycomb.

Black Soil is also a proud and arrogant, and the sword in the hand is crazy to puncture Zhang Bin's body.

However, incredible things happened, he felt that Zhang Bin seems to have no existence, his sword thorn does not have any resistance.

Then he feels a small abdomen.

Looking down, it is Zhang Bin's sword to pierce.


He issued a scream, with the fastest speed of tens of meters.

Shake and descending, bloody flow.

Zhang Bin is still a good end, there is no damage.

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

All students are stunned, and the teacher's gaze has become sluggish.

They have seen the sword of the black soil in the eyes of the black soil, but it is a thorny in the sword.

What Zhang Bin does not loss? Is there a trace?

Why can he still take a sword to hit the black soil?

How can this?

They don't know, Zhang Bin is a virtual transformation of horror that herbs.

When the enemy attacked it, he became a virtual.

Attack one, he became true.

Take the opportunity to fight against the sword, naturally you can easily kill each other.

However, Zhang Bin certainly did not do this, as long as he defeated the other party.

After all, he is here to practice.

Not to come here to kill.

"It's so powerful."

That teacher is finally awake, admire.

Obviously he didn't see the Mao Wongtong.

It will be a virtual air.

In fact, anyone will misunderstand.

Zhang Bin, of course, will not explain, but he modestly said: "The teacher is awkward, and the student is not dare."

"Your skill is really good, but your sword is far behind."

The teacher immediately got face and said seriously.

He said it is very reasonable. Zhang Bin has just can't do any way to break the Wanxing Jian Jian.

The whole body is in the sword.

If he has mastered the strange millet, he may have to eat a big loss.

"Thank you teacher pointer."

Zhang Bin said respectfully.

In fact, his heart is not as good.

It is not a way to improve the skills in this point of this.

He is such a genius, and the idea is still a horror.

If he is a trial of the trial, it can also easily break the other's swordsman.

Because the trial is coming, the enemy is directly awkward.

It may even be collapsed directly.

Because he can conserve this secret, he can only show Mao Yong, which is misunderstood that is virtual.

And his collapse is also extraordinary and magical.

It can live and die, virtually transformed, and the location of people who have seen it can be positioned.

You can also hide your own position and make anyone difficult to calculate.

Of course, it cannot be said that swordsman is useless.

If Zhang Bin's genius of the same level, the highness of swords can be achieved.

And swordsman is actually a kind of war skill.

In this regard, Zhang Bin is still a bit lack.

However, Zhang Bin is a local genius.

His battle skills don't need any weapons. It is the red hand to kill, and any part of the body is the original artifact of super cow. It is not only the extreme of terror, but also the attack ability is also very powerful.

Therefore, Zhang Bin really does not need to practice the sword.

He just practicing the war skills of the red hand.

And his war skills are basically great.

He needs to break through the realm, in fact, it is to cultivate the source of life.

Includes additional roads, plus the world world.

However, in order to hide your terrorist talents, he can only do this with the other party.

"Is there anyone wants to try with pineapple?"

The teacher asked faintly.

He is named Black Soil, which allows Zhang Bin and Black Soil to crack the war, and it is really trying to see Zhang Bin's war and talent.

However, I saw that the black split is so easy to defeat, and his face is not good.

I hope someone can defeat Zhang Bin.

"Let me do it."

It is also a teenager jumped up and went to Zhang Bin.

He looks very clear, but the momentum is very strong, it seems to be stronger than the black soil.

"My name is black soil." The young man said faintly. "It is not very good to look at your sword, you will show you the weapon you are good at?"

After saying, his hands appeared a big sword, and a stupid pressure and momentum was emitted from his body.

Many students are excited, and their faces are filled with worship, and their eyes are also shot a hot radiant.

Obviously, the black soil is very cattle.

In fact, Black Soil is a master of 101.

Naturally, the first day.


Zhang Bin's sword in his hand turned into an ax.


Black Soil Wang Mountain has a hands over the sword, shouting, and a sword will be ignorant from Zhang Bin.


The sound is extraordinary.

The void is also cracks.

This is really horrible.


Zhang Bin put out a full look, crazy axis of the other side.


A loud sound, spark splash.


The nature of the earth is not refunded in one step.

The body is out of the world.

Zhang Bin is a painful voice, which is continuously retreat.

After the foot, I retired more than 300 steps, and I stabilized my body.

A tricky trick, Zhang Bin is in the bottom of the wind.

This is of course Zhang Bin deliberately installed.

He doesn't want to be too old.

If the talent is too bad, the force is too weak, even the black soil is fell, it is estimated that it is difficult to get the accepted classmates.

If it is easy to defeat the black soil, it is estimated to be excluded by many students.

So, he took the best.

"Master's mighty ..."

"The master is invincible ..."


Everyone shouted excitedly and excited.

"Hahaha ..." Black Soil Wangshan is also laughing, "Pineapple Hao Jun, you still show your virtual nocto, otherwise, you can't get it three tricks."

"I just put the virtual and no God, and it is impossible to be your opponent."

Zhang Bin put it out of a very admiring.

"Less nonsense, use your virtual noctus."

The black Shan Wangshan shouted, rushed to the past, the sword in his hand came crazy.

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