The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 5646 Bridge God Fruit, Cracked Haizhu, Golden

Zhang Bin also went up.

When the ax in his hand flew to half the air.

Then the other's sword is already in his body.

Zhang Binhua became a virtual, and then combined again.

However, a huge fist is already in his chest.


Zhang Bin screamed, fly out of thousands of meters.

I can't get up on the ground.

Of course, it is still installed. For him, the black soil in front of him is powerful, but it is not much like the ants.

He just didn't want to compete again.

He needs to practice well here for a while.

Let yourself break through the field level.

After that, I will find a way to go to the six-level gods.

Strive to stronger faster.

Sure enough, as Zhang Bin thought, he was just right.

Many students really accept him.

Even the teacher also comments and guides his fight against his fight. "Your virtual is very good, if you use it very well, you can make the combat power to improve a big step ... You should train, fight It's like this ... "

There are also some enlightenment roles to Zhang Bin.

If he shows that Mao Mao and the enemy war, it is a good skill that can be displayed.

Like ghosts, it disappears in the same way as ghosts, in the back of the enemy, and also issues a terror attack.

It is to hit the enemy.

Of course, it can only be taken in the same level.

If you encounter a master that exceeds the realm of Zhang Bin, their god is too powerful.

Zhang Bin just combined, the other party can be induced, then the horrible killings are displayed.

"Walk, let's drink."

Black Soil is very heavily invited to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's eyebrows, the last time, because of drinking, drinking a big thing.

What will this time?

If so, I really want to die.

However, he is not refused.

So still go.

This time is nothing out.

No one came to bully them.

After all, in addition to Zhang Bin, the rest of the people are the genius of the black soil.

And all have a prominent life.

After drinking, go back to the cave.

Zhang Bin began to retain it.

Any battalion of the course, any battle training course, he did not participate.

10 years of time.

In the cultivation room, it has passed 500,000 years.

Zhang Bin finally walked out of the cave.

Look carefully, you can see that his momentum is big.

Because he has been cultivated to the field level.

Breakthrough to the field level is really not easy.

The source-blind is not a mountain, but an abyss.

He excavated hard to fill in the abyss.

It has been filled with nearly 500,000 years.

Finally, it breaks through the three levels of the field.

Originally he should continue to turn off the source of life and go to 4 billion kilometers.

However, the closure of 500,000 years is too long, and the spirit is extra harness.

He needs to come out and take a relaxation.

Can continue to practice.

He went to the training martial art.

Because he induced 101 students, they are in the martial arts.

They are all powerful, but only two people have broken through the three levels of the field.

One is the crack of black soil, and one of course is black.

The rest has not been able to break through.

After all, it is very difficult to break through any bottleneck.

"Pineapple Hao Jun, you have broken it? It is really very powerful."

Black Soil Wang Mountain is a slap in Zhang Bin's shoulder, excitedly, "I am, this time, we can raise it."

"What is it?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Waiting for a trial, it is a 102-class ratio. Three masters in each class. Because you have no customs, we have been connected three times." Black Soil Wangshan said, "If it can win, then We can protect the original starry emperor in the protection of many teachers. "

"Go to the original starry experience? Is there any benefit?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

Anyway, he posing is pineapple Haojun, from the pineapple domain.

It is certainly not to go to the original starry sky.

I don't know such a secret, which is fully compliant.

"There are a lot of benefits." Black Soil is excited, "" Not only can get grinding, but also get countless Tianwei Di Bao. If you are lucky, you can get the race of the sea, and even the bridge can be obtained ... "

"Cracking the beads? Bridge God fruit? What is it?"

Zhang Bin is really a face.

"Waiting for you to cultivate the limit of the three levels of the field, block your life is a black sea. You must fill the sea to make a big road, and to build a embankment, block the sea in both sides. That is difficult. But, if you get It is not the same. The bead is throwing, the sea is cracking, the sea is retreat to both sides. It is easy to cut the life of life. As for the bridge, it is useless, because it is used Breaking through the three levels of the field, it is actually on the bridge in the abyss.

Black San Hill said.

"Nima, there is still such a magical treasure. If I get a bridge, I don't need to cultivate it for more than 500,000 years?"

Zhang Bin is a bit depressed, then he is awkward: "Is this treasure, is there a five-level god?"

"How does the five-level god domain may produce such a treasure? Only the main god domain will produce, and it is quite rare."

Black San Hill said.

"The original starry sky has produced such a magical treasure? Is it easy to get?"

Zhang Bin asked very curiously.

"The original star has indeed produced a lot of magical treasures, but our strength is too weak, it is difficult to get, and it is very dangerous. Many giant giant must bring the team, only safety." Black Soil Wangshan said "And 102 classes they have been to three original stars, three times only fallen one person. But the gains are exceptionally huge, they have got a lot of bridges, so 20 students in their class have broken through the end. The field is three levels. Even people have got a cracks. It is even more, and some people have got gold. "

"Golden, what is the treasure?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up.

"Golden Cai is the top treasure. Waiting for you to cultivate the fourth level, don't you cultivate the fourth part? Normal situation, you must practice millions of years to succeed. If you get gold, just cultivate it in a few years. There will not be any sequelae. If you get the top golden, the fourth part of cultivation, even the power like the body. "Black Soil Wang Mountain excitedly said.

"Then we must get these treasures. The more you better."

Zhang Bin also said excitedly.

"Then we have to win in this time. But it is difficult, because their top three masters are going to practice to the field of three levels."

Black Soil Wangshan said, "However, your virtual noctus is very strong, if it is unresolved, we don't have a little hope."

"The hope of fart, they have long, know that pineapple Hao is good at ignorant."

The black soil fell came over, said depressed, "I don't know that it is stupid, leaked this secret."

"Ha ha ha ... You still want to win us unresolved we? That is really a dream and fart."

The students of the 102 class flew, the first is a fat man, and his face is arrogant and contempt.

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