The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 65 Sudden Business

Wuyue Xiaozhu, new house in Jiangcheng, living room.

Jiang Cheng sat upright at the table, with several open copies of the magazine Dialogue with College Students in front of him.

He is now in selfless mode, reading magazines like crazy and finding out about Lianyun University and the entrance examination for freshmen.

After finding these contents, Jiang Cheng will temporarily mark them in the magazine. After accumulating a certain number of marks, he will transfer the knowledge in the magazine to his notebook through excerpts.

Jiang Cheng wanted to use this process to systematically summarize and summarize the actual assessment of Lianyun University's freshmen admissions.

And through scientific inference, overall analysis, bold assumptions, and just a few words in the magazine, we discovered the design ideas and solution methods for the practical assessment of Lianyun University.

Only by understanding the actual combat assessment of Lianyun University from the root can we break through hundreds of tricks with one move and shoot through the forest with one shot!

Having bottom-level thinking has always been Jiangcheng’s traditional advantage.

While Jiang Cheng was studying selflessly, a glass of cold water was quietly placed in Jiang Cheng's hand.

Jiang Cheng suddenly looked up and saw Liu Qing and the glass of water she handed over.

As soon as his selfless state was interrupted, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt thirsty.

He looked at Liu Qing and said, "Thank you."

Liu Qing shook her head and said, "Work."

After the Muscle Relaxation Talisman was canceled by the Swordsmanship Academy, Liu Qing entered a de facto "no job" state.

Although Jiang Cheng promised that wages would be paid as usual and food and accommodation would be included. The benefits and benefits are also pretty much the same.

But for Liu Qing, this was no different from getting something for nothing and being taken care of by Jiang Cheng.

She is a big monster from the Tianshan Mountains. She came to human society to experience human life, not to be a pet for Jiang Cheng.

At Liu Qing's insistence, Jiang Cheng racked his brains and "created" a new job for her.

Be a steward.

It mainly manages the "Master" in Jiangcheng and all the assets owned by the "Master".

Currently, there is only one house in Wuyue Xiaozhu.

The job content includes all the things a housekeeper has to do, such as cleaning and serving tea to the "master".

But there was one job Liu Qing didn't have to do.

That's cooking.

Liu Qing said that she can cook.

Jiang Cheng did not deny that Liu Qing could cook, but Jiang Cheng still insisted on depriving Liu Qing of the right to cook.

The main reason is that Jiang Cheng doesn't dare to eat what Liu Qing cooks.

As we all know, the diet of snakes is very different from that of normal humans.

Liu Qing did a good job as a housekeeper.

She could always give Jiang Cheng water as soon as he felt thirsty.

Jiang Cheng even felt that Liu Qing knew better than himself whether he was thirsty or not.

After drinking up the water Liu Qing handed him, Jiang Cheng was ready to enter a state of selflessness again, but at this moment, Jiang Cheng's communication symbol rang again.

"Hello? Sister Xiaohe?"

"That Jiangcheng, wouldn't it be convenient for you to come to the mission hall?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned and said, "Sister Xiaohe, do you have anything to do with me?"

Xiaohe said a little embarrassedly: "I'm fine..."

Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. He thought something big had happened to his animal encouragement charm again.

But it’s impossible even if you think about it.

Before he actually bought and sold the talismans, he put many restrictions on the animal encouragement talismans in terms of physics, design, contracts, instructions, and everything he could think of.

As long as one of these restrictions is in effect, the animal encouragement charm will operate at the conservative power set by Jiangcheng.

So, how could something still go wrong?

As a result, Xiaohe continued: "Actually, Elder Sun from our mission hall has something to do with you."


Elder Sun Decai? What is he looking for me for?

"Work?" Liu Qing's voice sounded a little happy.

"I'm not sure yet. Let's go take a look together?"


Monster nods.jpg.

Small conference room in the mission hall.

On the table in front of Sun Decai, there were five identical wooden mission cards.

[Requesting a talisman called "Reusable Fluorescent Animal Encouragement Talisman"! 】

The listed prices range from one thousand spirit stones to five thousand spirit stones.

"Reusable Fluorescent Animal Encouragement Talisman" is a bit hard to pronounce, but in Sun Decai's ears, the name of this talisman is very, quite, extremely - like! thunder! Pass! Ear!

The case where he praised Xiao He for his performance was this task called the Encouragement Talisman!

Sun Decai was afraid that this talisman would replicate the muscle relaxation talisman and perform an uncontrollable show for him again.

I didn’t expect anything to worry about.

The mission regarding this talisman has really begun to emerge!

In one day, five were suddenly added.

Sun Decai couldn't imagine how much he could increase in a week!

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the conference room door.

Sun Decai said: "Come in."

The first person to come in was Xiao He, then Jiang Cheng, whom Sun Decai didn't want to see, and the last female cultivator was especially beautiful.

Regardless of appearance, temperament, and figure, they are all impeccable.

Sun Decai suddenly remembered that the female cultivator Jiang Cheng brought here last time seemed not her, right?

Okay, okay, change one a day, right?

Young people still know how to play!

I just don’t know if these two people know each other.

After Sun Decai saw Liu Qing, he suddenly had an intuition. He felt that Jiang Cheng would definitely suffer a big loss from women in the future.

The reason is very simple.

Jiang Cheng is a person who likes to reason, has good conduct, is kind-hearted, and trusts others easily.

But as we all know, women are the most unreasonable creatures.

Once they are in love, they can do anything.

After Jiang Cheng took his seat, Sun Decai pushed five identical talisman-seeking tasks in front of Jiang Cheng.

"Young friend Jiang, we are acquaintances, so I won't say too many polite words this time. Take a look at these first."

Jiangcheng took a look.

Hey, what a coincidence, he happens to be able to draw the talismans on the mission.

"Elder Sun wants me to take over these tasks?"

"No, no, no!" Sun Decai quickly stopped Jiang Cheng's extremely dangerous idea.

He hurriedly said: "Please explain to me first, this 'reusable fluorescent version of animal encouragement charm'. What exactly is it?"

As a maker, it is not difficult for Jiang Cheng to explain the principles, functions, and uses of talismans.

He carefully opened it, crushed it into pieces, and told Sun Decai about the functional principles and vision goals of the animal encouragement charm.

After Sun Decai heard this, everyone was dumbfounded.

Last time it was about muscle relaxation, this time it is about encouraging animals. Can you draw some talismans that humans can draw?

"Elder Sun, do I comply with the regulations?" Jiang Cheng asked friendly.

"It's not a matter of compliance or non-compliance. It's really that kind of... that rare kind... you know?"

Jiang Cheng answered honestly: "I don't understand."

Sun Decai said with a headache: "Your talisman...if something happens to it said...right?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

Then he said calmly: "Well, Elder Sun, based on the listed price of the task, every time I complete a task, I will use half of the listed price to establish a Wuyue Fish Care Fund together with the Mission Hall. . It is operated under the leadership of the Mission Hall and is dedicated to preventing possible risks. What do you think?"

half! ?

Sun Decai also knows how to fish, and he is very aware of the prospects of subversive fishing gear in the Wuyue fishing world!

Based on the average listing price of these five tasks, which is more than 2,000, if the task hall takes half of it, it must be at least a thousand spiritual stones in revenue for each task!

If Jiang Cheng completes one hundred tasks, then the Task Hall will have a profit of 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones!

What if Jiang Cheng completes a thousand tasks?

There are at least several thousand fishermen in Wu Yue!

And how many fishermen are there in the entire Liang Kingdom! ?

How many countries are there around Liang State! ?



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