The talisman I drew must be banned

Chapter 66 Talisman Certification

Whether it was talent or luck, Sun Decai was at the bottom among his fellow disciples.

If he can build a foundation, he can be considered as doing his best.

So much so that after he established the foundation, there was basically no possibility of him advancing to the next level and forming a core.

Otherwise, no monk would be willing to come to a small place like Wu Yue and be an idle elder.

But now, there is an opportunity in front of Sun Decai.

Animal encouragement charms undoubtedly have huge business prospects.

And the most important thing is that this young man named Jiang Cheng is willing to give up half of his spiritual stones to "cooperate" with his mission hall.

To put it nicely, it’s called “cooperation.”

To put it bluntly, it is to "send money" and pay the "entrance fee" to Tongtianmen.

If we can firmly seize this business opportunity, we can seek huge benefits for the Mission Hall and the Tongtianmen behind the Mission Hall.


With the foundation of the Immortal Sect...

Merely building foundation and promoting pill formation...

Sun Decai didn't think about it for too long, he already had a choice in his mind.

Even though Fu Lu's prospects are not optimistic, Jiang Cheng is actually giving him a try.

Sun Decai also recognized it.

He really couldn't resist this cake.

While Sun Decai was thinking deeply, Xiaohe was also in an extremely tangled mood.

She hoped that Sun Decai would agree to Jiang Cheng, so that she could have many achievements and be promoted back home. However, she was also afraid of what she would do without Jiang Cheng when she returned home. During this period of time, she has been relying on Jiang Cheng, and now she feels that she can no longer live without Jiang Cheng.

Among all the people present, only the person involved, Jiang Cheng, was the least concerned.

This is not to say that Jiang Cheng doesn't like money, but that he has always looked down upon probabilistic things like "fate".

Jiangcheng's pursuit has always been very real things such as "safety and reliability", "hardened", "durable", "stable and unwavering", "one shot into the soul".

"If a foundation can be established, there will be no problem in our mission hall." Sun Decai finally agreed with Jiang Cheng's idea.

Jiang Cheng nodded and was about to discuss the details of the foundation when he heard Sun Decai say again: "However, before that, your new talisman needs to be registered and certified by the Talisman Masters Association. As long as you can pass the Talisman Masters Association certification, then I, Sun Decai, will fully cooperate with you to develop the commercial value of the talisman."

If Lu Wang was in the conference room, he would definitely call Sun Decai a cunning old fox.

Taking the talisman to the Talisman Masters Association for certification seemed like an unnecessary move, but in fact Sun Decai was taking the blame for Lu Wang.

If something happens to Jiangcheng's new talisman again, Lu Wang, who is responsible for authenticating the talisman, will definitely not be able to escape.

After all, you, a professional, said there is no problem, what else can I do in the mission hall?

If the sky falls, it is better for two people to hold it up than for one person to hold it up.

"Senior Sun and I thought about it together. I am also planning to go to the association for certification. To be honest, this talisman is a reusable type and is more difficult to draw than the ordinary type. I can only draw two at most a day. . If the demand gap is too big, we still need to rely on the power of the Talisman Masters Association as soon as possible." Jiang Cheng explained.

Jiangcheng's main character is someone who is good at learning.

He suffered the loss of not being certified for the muscle relaxation charm last time, and he couldn't suffer another loss this time.


Hearing what Jiang Cheng said, Sun Decai finally felt relieved.

He was now looking forward to Lu Wang's expression when he saw Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng's newly painted talisman.

"Cousin, I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, if there is a suitable part-time job, my cousin will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

Yue Ran, the secretary who works in Wu Yue Talisman Masters Association, is Yue Ling'er's cousin.

As soon as Yue Ling'er planned to find a part-time job, she came directly to ask her cousin.

With her cousin helping to take care of the Talisman Masters Association's affairs, she could go home directly and wait for news.

At the entrance of Wu Yue Talisman Masters Association, Yue Ling'er met an acquaintance.


But Jiang Cheng wasn't the one who surprised her the most. What surprised her the most was Liu Qing who was beside Jiang Cheng.

In the past, Yue Ling'er still didn't believe how beautiful the fairy saint girl described in the book could be.

Now that she saw Liu Qing with her own eyes, Yue Ling'er subconsciously felt that the Immortal Saint should look like this female cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist Yue? What a coincidence."

Jiang Cheng smiled and greeted his future college senior.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang?"

Yue Ling'er was also a little surprised that Jiang Cheng appeared at the Talisman Masters Association.

However, Yue Ling'er didn't care about Jiang Cheng's affairs. She just wanted to know whether Jiang Cheng had "fixed" the fluorescent talisman.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, have you repaired Daoist Zhou's fluorescent talisman?"

Jiang Cheng had known that Yue Ling'er would ask this question, so he calmly replied: "No."

Jiang Cheng really didn't fix it, because he did it from scratch and got Zhou Yunshan's approval.

When Jiang Cheng said "no", Yue Ling'er smiled victoriously.

But it only lasted for a moment, because for a second-level talisman master, defeating the "second-class prize" was nothing to be proud of.

"Fellow Taoist, it's better to get the first-level Talisman Master certificate as soon as possible." Yue Ling'er advised.

Jiang Cheng said: "There is no rush now. I have a few important things that need to be done recently."

Yue Ling'er frowned. She felt that Jiang Cheng was simply stubborn.

She was kind enough to help him show the way, so why didn't this kid follow the right path?

For a Talisman Master, what could be more important than conducting research? The Talisman Master Certificate is the most direct and reliable proof of the Talisman Master's strength. It is something that is directly tied to the status of a Talisman Master.

Most people strive for the Talisman Master Certificate as much as possible, so why are there still people who say it's "not important"?

That's all, he is just a stranger, and I don't think we will have much interaction with him in the future.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, Yue Ling'er has taken his leave."

"Fellow Daoist Yue, walk slowly."

Since Jiang Cheng had a "criminal record", he was immediately invited to Lu Wang's office by the association secretary Yue Ran.

Ordinary people who want to meet the president of the Talisman Masters Association have to make an appointment, line up, and wait.

Jiang Cheng was lucky enough to be named and paid attention to by Lu Wang, and his priority was placed ahead of all matters of the Talisman Masters Association.

Lu Wang was not afraid of delaying matters, but he was afraid of delaying Jiangcheng.

Lu Wang was afraid that if he didn't pay attention, Jiang Cheng would be silent and give him a big deal.

Under the leadership of Yue Ran, Jiang Cheng walked into Lu Wang's office alone.

I saw this... president with a somewhat troubled expression.

"Senior Lu." Jiang Cheng still greeted Lu Wang very politely.

Lu Wang said sadly: "Jiang Cheng, what are you...doing?"

Jiang Cheng handed over the certification materials he had prepared and said, "Senior Lu, I recently thought of a new talisman. Please help me with the certification."

A new talisman?

Lu Wang instantly caught the key word.

And I felt something bad in my heart.

However, due to the responsibilities of the president, Lu Wang could not directly refuse Jiang Cheng's certification request. He opened the certification materials he handed over in front of Jiang Cheng.

[Animal Encouragement Charm (Fish Limited Edition)]

Lu Wang's eyesight went dark. He really wanted to open Jiang Cheng's mind and take a look.

Let's see what's inside.

Due to the reputation of the third-level Talisman Master and the president of the association, Lu Wang tried his best to keep his face and forced himself to read the information.

After reading it, Lu Wang actually thought it was okay.

At least it's not as outrageous as a muscle relaxer.

Even if there is something wrong with the talisman for the fish, can the fish still complain to him?

Finally, Lu Wang opened the talisman sample in the information bag—a disposable animal encouragement talisman.

Lu Wang was worthy of being a third-level talisman master, and he could see the fishiness of the sample at a glance.

"Master Jiang Fu, this talisman of yours should still have a lot of power that can be tapped, right?"

PS: This book has more than sixty chapters, and the author has never said anything off-topic. I had a chat with the editor today, and, well, the book is finally going to be on the shelves. So here are a few nonsense words.

It will be available in about eleven days, around the 17th.

As we all know, in the new book period, almost all new books are updated twice a day because they need to be recommended, except for the great ones. Therefore, there are fewer complaints from readers. There's no way around it, that's just the mechanism.

But once it’s on the shelves, there are no restrictions on updates.

An update must be released.

If you start saving manuscripts from now on, you can save ten more chapters in ten days. Adding in the existing manuscripts, the number is still very objective, right?

So, ahem, follow-up reading, monthly pass, first subscription, you know.

For now, I still have to read it.

Everyone must continue to read!

Pursuing reading is the life of the book and the author!

Praise for the follow-up reading!

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