The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 173 Resource development and diving mecha! (1)

After Gao Yuan assigned the tasks of the hardware department, two days later, teams from the Imperial Capital and Shenzhen entered the headquarters with a sense of curiosity.

"Have you heard? The boss will personally assign us software development tasks."

"I have indeed heard about it, but with all due respect, it seems that the boss's talent in the software field is far less than his talent in materials science and technological industrial hardware."

"I don't doubt the boss's character, but after all, there is a mountain between us."

"I remember that at the beginning of the acquisition, the boss said personally that there would be no unprofessional phenomenon of laymen leading experts. Now it seems that the boss is the boss. Although the capitalists in the world look strange, they are all the same on the inside."

"Uh... It's not easy to say that, right? Anyway, let's listen to what the boss has to say first."

The backbone of the software department has been talking a lot. Since the contact, Gao Yuan has not shown any insights or talents in software. Therefore, everyone has always had some doubts about whether Gao Yuan can lead the software department to success like the hardware department.

In the conference room, Gao Yuan glanced at the more than 20 people present. Among them were Xu Zhenhua, who was in charge of the Atomic Ant mechanical exoskeleton project, Chen Tianshi, who was in charge of artificial intelligence, Chen Yunqi, who was in charge of semiconductor design, and Chu Hong, who was in charge of the core algorithm. Fei and Chu Luoluo.

Smiling slightly, Gao Yuan got straight to the point: "Welcome everyone to the headquarters. We are summoned today to announce a major event. The company has decided to concentrate its superior forces and focus on AI projects."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were whispers in the conference room about the decision to focus on AI. To everyone's slight surprise, it seemed that it was a bit difficult.

At this time, Chen Tianshi raised his hand. Gao Yuan saw it and asked him to speak.

Chen Tianshi cleared his throat and said: "Boss, have you forgotten that the company has always been conducting artificial intelligence research, and I am responsible for this project."

Gao Yuan nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Brother Tianshi, you are a master of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. How could I forget this?"

"Actually, I want to concentrate on doing big things. In the past, you led a department to work on artificial intelligence projects. Although the progress was stable, it was also relatively slow."

"Now I want to upgrade the importance of AI and use all the power of the entire company to focus on key problems. If it is not enough, the headquarters will acquire several companies doing AI research in the near future and bring these powers together. In a short time, Develop a set of commercial primary artificial intelligence products.”

After listening to this, everyone looked like they suddenly understood. It turned out that the boss wanted to launch an artificial intelligence product similar to AlphaGo as soon as possible and reach a commercial level.

It has to be said that it is still very difficult. You must know that Cambrian is only a first-class domestic team, but Google has the strongest artificial intelligence team in the world. Even so, the Alpha Dog they created can only be said to be touchable. It’s just the threshold for entry-level artificial intelligence.

Even if Gaoyuan is now rich and powerful, and the software department is recruiting people and deploying a research and development team close to the strength of Google, it will still require years of technical accumulation, coupled with repeated trial and error.

Just when everyone looked confused, Gao Yuan pulled the blackboard and wrote quickly on it.

"I have configured six main modules for AI's deep machine learning capabilities, including deep learning basics, convolutional neural networks, sequence models, deep reinforcement learning, transfer learning, and deep learning frameworks."


It seems interesting...

Everyone was startled, collected their emotions, and continued to listen to Gao Yuan's talk.

"First of all, we need to establish the basic architecture of machine deep learning. In this architecture, the deep regularized feed-forward network is the core, and backpropagation, optimization algorithms, and loss functions are the supplements..."

Gao Yuan began to enter the state quickly. He broke apart the artificial intelligence technology granted by the system, crushed it into pieces, and showed everyone bit by bit.

Since the structure of primary AI is extremely complex, this lecture lasted for three days. The number of blackboards in the conference room also increased from one to forty-seven, which were filled with the names and functions, paths and indexes of the modules. .


Gao Yuan let out a long breath, and after writing the last stroke on the blackboard, he completely relaxed.

For three consecutive days, he worked twelve hours a day. His brain continued to operate at high speed. While demonstrating the machine learning architecture, he also had to answer everyone's questions. These three days made him very tired.

"This is the complete structure of our primary artificial intelligence development plan." Gao Yuan said solemnly: "There are a total of 1,362 modules of various sizes. After completion, the system will have the ability to learn by itself."

"Given that Cambrian Group has already done a lot of basic work in the research and development of artificial intelligence, the research and development tasks we face will be easier than imagined."

"On the basis of Cambrian artificial intelligence, we will optimize and modify it and move it to our predetermined architecture. Once the system starts to operate, relying on intelligent logical analysis and exhaustive deduction, the artificial intelligence The ability will become more and more powerful, and the speed of machine learning will also become faster and faster."

Everyone listened attentively to Gao Yuan's story. Their eyes were constantly flashing with light, and everyone was extremely excited.

This set of basic artificial intelligence has relatively excellent machine learning capabilities. To put it simply, you only need to determine the direction and path of learning for it, and it will, like humans, eliminate all wrong options through continuous trial and error, and finally get correct answer.

In this process, artificial intelligence will continue to expand. As for the final extent of expansion, it depends on how many tasks you arrange for it.

Starting from the most basic speech recognition, to more advanced autonomous driving, and medical image analysis, no one knows how huge it will eventually become.

“The boss is awesome!”

"If we continue to follow this structure, it is really possible for us to surpass Google and Microsoft and create the most powerful artificial intelligence in the world!"

"Be more confident and eliminate the possibility. With the boss's system, if we fail to dominate the AI ​​field in the end, it will only prove our incompetence!"

"Well said! The boss is a talented person. I have 100% confidence in this project!"

The people who write software are much simpler than people in society. They really admire Gao Yuan and are not deliberately trying to flatter him.

After all, Gao Yuan is a mortal, so he is quite happy to be praised like this by everyone.

"Then the software department will start working according to the scheduled plan." Gao Yuan said: "In the world of martial arts, only speed can be achieved! Although the next days will be very hard, please everyone, whether it is a mechanical exoskeleton project, a flying car and deep-sea mining ship projects, all urgently need the assistance of artificial intelligence to improve work efficiency."

"I hope that in two months, the software department will be able to come up with the first version of artificial intelligence. The first version does not need to be perfect, and bugs are allowed, as long as it can perform basic logical operations."

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