The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 174: Resource development and diving mecha! (2)

After entering March, Kunlun Group launched the second technology tree, and Plateau became busier.

He now has to take care of both the software and hardware departments, and often flies across the country to inspect the implementation of projects.

Time flies to late March, and the Kunlun Group Media Division issued an announcement that a new live broadcast of technology-changing life is ready and is scheduled to start on April 1.

At that time, Gao Yuan will personally speak out and show the achievements of Kunlun Group in recent times to the Chinese audience.

After the news came out, the audience was very excited and expressed their great expectation for the next episode.

Then the time really came to April 1st, at 9 a.m., the major live broadcast rooms opened on time, and tens of millions of viewers came out in an instant.

“Finally the one I’ve been waiting for!”

"It's really not easy. Other UP hosts live broadcast every day, but Boss Gao is better. On average, he only puts out one show every half a month. This time, it even lasts for a whole month!"

"Just be content. Boss Gao's main job is to run the largest scientific research group in China. He is always busy. Do you think he is like other UP owners who just think about making money all day long?"

"That's it, what is the standard of Boss Gao's live broadcast? He does everything in the sky, underground, and in the sea. Which live broadcast does not mobilize huge resources and burn crazy funds? How can other UP owners compare?"

"What you said above makes sense! Compared with those small fights, every live broadcast of Boss Gao is comparable to a Hollywood blockbuster! Live broadcast once a month is already very efficient!"

Before Gao Yuan showed up, the audience had a heated discussion.

At half past nine, Gao Yuan showed up on time. Today, he looked a little different from the past. He was no longer dressed in a sports style. A pure white shirt and blue jeans made him look cleaner and fresher.

The location should be on the seaside. He walked along the pier, with several seagulls circling above his head.

"When I was very young, I heard that the oil on the earth will be completely exhausted in a few decades at most." Gao Yuan said with a slight shrug as he walked: "I was very panicked at the time. I was thinking hard, what if I ran out of crude oil? If my father couldn’t drive, I would have to walk to school every day. It’s so far from home to school. Oh, it’s so melancholy.”

"The fear of resource crisis once left a shadow in my young mind. However, to this day, there is still plenty of oil available on the earth. What's even more exaggerated is that the price of crude oil has been falling, and it is almost falling. Grandma can’t even recognize it, and there are still no signs of depletion. Why is this?”

"As far as I know, the price of crude oil has been falling. Isn't it because of your boss Gao?"

"If it weren't for you, Boss Gao, would crude oil have fallen like this?"

"Fifteen dollars a barrel! Boss Gao, you are too stupid! Mineral water is several times more expensive than crude oil!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Boss Gao, if you say this, the big dog will die in peace!"

"Oh, no, this is such serious nonsense, I burst into tears from laughing."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Gao Yuan said a few words, he would be criticized wildly by the barrage.

As we all know, the fall in international crude oil prices is the reason why Plateau launched its new energy plan. Oil-producing countries around the world have long hated him, but Plateau, the initiator, has not had any awareness.

Gao Yuan completely ignored the comments and continued: "The latest research data from the United Nations Energy Agency shows that the oil on the earth can be used for 3,000 years, and this number is increasing every year because there are new oil fields every year. be found."

"Technology changes our lives and our understanding of the world. In the past, we thought that resources were about to be exhausted, just because the methods of exploration and mining were backward. Once we have new mining technology, who knows, we will dig out some from the earth's crust. What."

This is a confessional opening. After saying this, Gao Yuan faced the camera and said with a smile: "Good morning, viewers. This is a special live broadcast of Kunlun Group. Technology changes life. I am Gao Yuan."

“Without further ado, let’s get straight to today’s topic. First, let’s watch a short video.”

As soon as Gao Yuan finished speaking, the scene immediately cut to the scene. The perspective was in the air, overlooking the Yunnan-Guizhou Mountains with crisscrossed ravines.

The camera is from a high position, and only a drilling rig can be seen frantically digging into the ground. Next to it are deep-water motors similar to Kunlun Qianlong, except that these motors and hoses are smaller.

"This must be shale oil extraction, right?"

"It's so fast! Last month, Boss Gao just mentioned that Qianlong Motor will solve the problem of shale oil. Is it already being used now?"

"Judging from the scale, there are at least hundreds of drilling rigs in this area, and the efficiency is too scary!"

"Don't ask, just ask: Kunlun Group plus the infrastructure madman are invincible!"

"Awesome! Kunlun Group and Infrastructure Maniac, I like this combination!"

The barrage refreshed crazily, and everyone was shocked by China's speed.

It’s too fast. It’s true that technology changes life. Kunlun Group has fast research and development, faster project implementation, and has received full support from the country.

The screen switched again to a shipyard located along the coast, where deep-sea mining ships were being refitted intensively.

This is the fastest way to implement the project. Install the Kunlun Qianlong motor on the old ship. Otherwise, if everything is re-manufactured, the construction period will be delayed until next year, which does not meet the impatient requirements of Plateau.

The third set of pictures is on the sea. After a month of construction, the original nameless man-made island has changed into a giant with an area of ​​dozens of square kilometers. Large construction machinery is leveling the land. The land, judging from the white ruler, seems to be intended to build an airport on the island.

The fourth set of scenes came to the snowy plateau. One after another, geological survey teams entered the mountains. It was unknown what they were measuring. They took the survey teams into the mountains and provided supplies. The flying car was responsible for the entire journey.

The camera moves all the way north, and the survey team can always be seen at intervals. As the terrain becomes low-lying and enters the Taklimakan Desert, the audience suddenly realizes the true purpose of these geologists.

"Oh my god, isn't this what Boss Gao said, which is to introduce the water of the Brahmaputra River into the desert of Western Xinjiang and completely transform the desert into an oasis, right?"

"It's very possible! Otherwise it would be too much of a coincidence!"

"Awesome! The South-to-North Water Diversion project is a distance of 1,267 kilometers, and it is still in the plains. It has been carried out for more than ten years. The distance of transferring the Brahmaputra River is thousands of kilometers, and it spans countless mountains. It will be hundreds of times more difficult than the South-to-North Water Diversion project. !”

"Don't do porcelain work without diamonds. Is Boss Gao an ordinary person? If you modify the Kunlun Qianlong technology, it will be an artifact for land excavation!"

"The boss never talks too much and just does what he says! This is the man I love!"

"Uh...Looking at Xiongtai's ID, he seems to be a man, right?"

"Tch, so what? Nowadays, women's boxing is rampant, and men plus men are the future!"

"No, I'm going to vomit..."

As the short film ended, the barrage broke out completely, and all the viewers went crazy.

Gao Yuan never joked. He said that if he wanted to dig for shale oil, he must dig it. He said that he would cut off the Brahmaputra River and start exploration immediately. Once the exploration is completed, construction will start immediately.

This style of rushing directly to the tower after a disagreement shocked everyone.

In this world, there are many people engaged in scientific research, but Gao Yuan is probably the one who emphasizes the implementation of science and technology the most. Once he masters science and technology, he will immediately start to transform the world.

Facing the camera, Gao Yuan said with a smile: "Technology changes life, we are serious about it."

"The short video just now is a routine report on our recent work. Please believe that Kunlun Group attaches great importance to project implementation. At present, the raw materials of X series polymer fibers are still Goudahu crude oil, but I believe that by next year, we will be able to use Use your own shale oil to make polymer fibers."

"Unfortunately, we have not yet found a large-scale lithium mine, so the price of solid-state batteries is still relatively high."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Gao Yuan turned to say seriously: "Those just now were just appetizers. Next, I will show you the real protagonist today!"

"It is the Atomic Ant 2 mechanical exoskeleton!"

"Also known as, diving mecha!"

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