The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 175 Look at that coquettish figure, expanding into the seabed! (1)

The sudden advance on the plateau shocked everyone.

A few months ago, Plateau just mentioned it casually, introducing water from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau into the Western Regions to irrigate the surrounding Taklimakan Desert and turn the desert into fertile farmland.

Now, the exploration team of the infrastructure madmen has begun to select sites for the project. At this rate, maybe next year or the year after next, a big lake will really appear on the dry land of the Western Region.

A few months ago, Gao Yuan casually mentioned that the atomic ant-type mechanical exoskeleton will also be developed as a diving model in the future. Has this type of diving mecha been completed today?

"Oh my god! Isn't this too fast!?"

"Boss Gao and the engineers of Kunlun Group are so powerful, don't they even sleep?"

"Long live! Long live the Submersible Gundam!"

"Charge the duck! Head towards the Mariana Trench! Head towards the unknown deep sea!"

"Don't talk nonsense! That's not the case! Absolutely impossible! The Kunlun Group's submersible mecha will not pose a threat to surrounding countries. Boss Gao built this thing just to pick oysters!"

"Well, as we all know, China is the biggest foodie country on earth. Our mechas are not for war, they are really just for fishing!"

The barrage flew by like a volcanic eruption. Everyone celebrated wildly and solemnly declared that the peace-loving Boss Gao would never do anything that threatens other countries. Whether it is a Qianlong motor or an Atomic Ant mecha, their purpose is to satisfy the masses. A foodie's appetite.

Gao Yuan deliberately paused for a moment to give everyone enough time to express their emotions. Then he faced the camera and said very happily: "Look here! Look here! This is our diving mechanical exoskeleton!"


The camera then turned around and focused on an open space next to the pier. On this open space, six sets of diving mechanical exoskeletons, Atomic Ant II, were neatly placed.

Due to the addition of a compressed air backpack, a fully enclosed diving suit, and an underwater electric drive system, Atomic Ant 2 looks much stronger and more like a space suit worn during space missions.

In fact, diving suits and space suits are somewhat similar. During the testing phase, space suits also need to be evaluated in water for performance evaluation. Having a strong diving suit foundation is a necessary condition for developing high-performance space suits in the future.

Gao Yuan stood in front of six sets of diving mechas and said seriously: "It's all about talking and not practicing the fake moves. Talking and practicing are the real moves!"

"In today's live broadcast, let's go straight to the real thing! I will soon enter one of the mechanical exoskeletons and, together with five other expedition members, enter the deep sea to investigate a mysterious sea area."

"6666, Boss Gao has worked hard for the effect of the show!"

"Going to the deep sea? I wonder if Boss Gao's swimming skills are good enough?"

"With the diving mecha here, what does it matter whether you can swim or not?"

"I'm so looking forward to it! I want to see Deep Sea Adventure! I want to see Boss Gao fight Tesla!"

"It's boring. Boss Gao's battle with the mermaid is the ultimate secret!"

"No, it would be more exciting for Boss Gao to challenge a group of mermaids alone."

"No, you can also drive!?"

The audience immediately began to revel, and as Gao Yuan gave the order, five other expedition members entered the camera lens one after another. Judging from their burly physiques and sharp eyes, they seemed to be members of the military.

A dozen engineers quickly emerged from the surrounding area. They worked in groups of two or three to help the expedition members put on the diving mechas, and Gao Yuan began to introduce the various functions of Atomic Ant II.

"Atomic Ant 2 integrates all the top technologies of our Kunlun Group, such as the compressed gas cylinder responsible for supplying oxygen. It is made of laboratory-grade carbon material and is extremely expensive. It is almost impossible to buy it on the open market. All production capacity is only supplied to key projects within our group and the national team."

"The motors and batteries responsible for propulsion are also products that are cost-effective. At the same time, the performance is powerful. The cost of each set of Atomic Ant 2 is more than 20 million yuan. These six sets of submersible mechas alone are worth 120 million yuan."

"Of course, the price of the mass-produced model of Atomic Ant II will be much lower than now, ensuring that all underwater construction units can afford it. As for private use, it is also within our plan, but first you have to pass Health examination and diving assessment, obtain certificate.”

The audience got excited when they heard that there was a civilian version of the submersible mecha. This is really an era where dreams come true. All dreams are being realized quickly, one after another, magical things that can only appear in science fiction novels. , is entering people's lives.

While talking, Gao Yuan and others had already put on Atomic Ant II with the help of engineers.

I tried jumping twice. I moved my arms on the plateau, unfolded and then retracted them. Judging from the live video, it was quite flexible. It looked like a warrior wearing medieval armor. However, due to its light weight, it actually did not interfere with human activities. Not serious.

"Well, everyone has seen that after putting on Atomic Ant II, I can still jump. This shows that it is very light in weight. Once it enters the water, with the help of the buoyancy of the seawater and the thrust of the motor, I can be as flexible as a fish. If you don’t believe it, please wait and see.”

After that, Gao Yuan turned behind him and asked the five expedition members who were following him, "Everyone, are you ready!?"

"It's already been prepared!"

"We have been impatient for a long time!"

"Very good!" Gao Yuan tried to snap his fingers, but the rigid gloves made of super carbon material, although flexible, found it difficult to make a sound.

"I announce that the underwater adventure begins now!"

After that, Gao Yuan exerted his strength, ran towards the end of the pier, and then jumped deep.



Gao Yuan was the first to plunge into the sea, followed by the other five.

Two of them were carrying underwater cameras, and two were carrying weapons similar to harpoons. The strongest one followed the plateau at all times to prevent Boss Gao from having too much fun, forgetting about himself, and making dangerous moves. .


All underwater spotlights are turned on, illuminating the seabed like daylight. Due to the powerful performance of solid-state batteries, they have sufficient energy on the plateau for driving and lighting.

"Hey, the bottom of the sea is not a scene of piles of garbage?"

"There are actually a lot of pink corals. Where is this place?"

"Since the beginning of the live broadcast, there has been no panoramic view, and the position of the sun in the sky has not been taken. I guess it should be a secret man-made island belonging to the military in the South China Sea."

"The reasoning upstairs is great! Is your name Watson?"

At this time, Gao Yuan sighed deeply and said: "Look, everyone, how beautiful the clean and pure seabed is, with fine sand, colorful reefs, and thin fish among the corals."

"There is no doubt that submersible mechas will be quickly promoted in China, giving most people the opportunity to enter the sea and see the magical underwater wonders."

"But have you ever thought about it, if you take your children to the bottom of the sea, what you see are countless plastic bottles, dolphins are entangled in fishing nets and tortured to death, and fish eat too many pollutants. , mutate, what a sad scene that would be.”

“Here, I solemnly appeal that protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility. The pollution we have caused today will cost countless times to control in the future. Whether considered from an economic or other perspective, polluting the environment is not worth the gain. matter."

"Of course, when it comes to environmental pollution, we are just playing house. We also have to look at North America and neon, especially neon. It is so shameless. The wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant is discharged directly into the Pacific Ocean, completely ignoring other things. The opposition and life-and-death struggle of the people of this country are truly shameless and obscene and a model of no morality!"

"I am seriously considering using the hollow super honeycomb properties of the X-shaped polymer fiber to create a huge annular belt to send the nuclear waste discharged in the Pacific Ocean back to them intact!"

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