The old man was very happy.

If you don't sleep at three in the morning, it's really no good! !

Otherwise, how could I suddenly meet this guy!

Agus's blood pressure soared, and his body tensed up instantly.

He knew who this person was without looking back!


Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts!

More importantly, the final boss of this novel, Voldemort, is parasitic behind his brain!

Entering Hogwarts by himself made a lot of noise!

Especially his last name, Grindelwald! It's impossible not to attract Voldemort's attention!

"Calm down, Argus!"

"With Dumbledore here, he won't act rashly as long as you don't show any abnormality."

After silently comforting himself, Argus's face once again showed that familiar smile.

"Good evening, Professor Quirrell."

"Good evening... Good evening, Mr. Grindelwald! You... You're not sleeping in the lounge, why are you here?"

Quirrel's tone was a little suspicious and a little nervous.

"Sorry, professor, I just went to the kitchen for a midnight snack."

"Midnight snack?"

"Yes, I was a little engrossed in reading at night, and it was already midnight when I woke up."

"Is... is that so? It's rare to find a little wizard as studious as you."

Quirrel stuttered, his eyes scanning back and forth on Argus.

Suddenly, his face changed, and his rosy face turned pale in an instant.

His eyes looking at Argus also became hesitant and reluctant.

Something's wrong!

His eyes are wrong!

Argus was keenly aware of Quirrell's change and retreated quietly.

"Professor, if there is nothing else, I will go back to the lounge first. If I am caught by Mr. Filch, I will suffer."

"Wish you a good dream!"

"Wait... wait a minute!"

Cold sweat broke out on Quirrell's forehead, as if he was enduring great pain.

He forced a smile.

"Mr. Grindelwald, if you are willing, why don't you bring your book to my office and I can help you refer to it?"

"It's too late, I won't bother you, Professor."

"I will visit you another day!" Argus kept walking.

He retreated while speaking.

"Mr. Grindelwald, it is not like a good student to refuse the teacher's invitation."

Just when Argus was about to run away, Quirrell's expression suddenly changed.

There was an indescribable strange temperament on his whole body.

His eyes were full of confidence!

Argus lost his mind for a moment, and the next second, the brain block technique was running wildly!

Soul reading? Damn it!

I really provoked Voldemort!

I shouldn't have agreed to go out for supper with the Weasley twins today!

I've been living in peace for too long, and I don't even have this little bit of defense!

It seems that I really need to exercise!

Argus thought to himself.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Whether I can get away is a problem!

He was afraid that sudden action would alert Voldemort, so he kept his expression unchanged and continued to smile in response.

"Professor, it's not that I want to refuse, it's just that it's too late, and I have to go to class tomorrow."

"If I take a nap in class, Professor McGonagall will be unhappy."

Finding that Argus was just a little absent-minded, Quirrell's eyes flashed with surprise.

He looked at Argus with interest.

"Mr. Grindelwald is afraid of the professor?"

"I'm a student, it would be abnormal if I wasn't afraid, right?"


Just then, subtle footsteps were heard in the distance!

Argus raised his eyebrows, fearing that the visitor would not notice him.

The voice got louder.

"Professor Quirrell, I'm really sorry. I'm a little tired tonight. Thank you for your invitation. I will come to apologize another day!"

Sure enough, the footsteps paused!

Then he quickly approached in his direction!

"Mr. Grindelwald, if I remember correctly, you should be lying in bed now, instead of wandering around the castle like a stupid Gryffindor lion!"

This was the first time that Argus felt that Snape's voice was so beautiful!

Quirrell looked up at the direction where Snape came from, and looked at Argus with more interest in his eyes.

"Mr. Grindelwald, we will meet again."

"I hope you won't refuse my invitation next time."

"Of course, professor!"

Snape's arrival gave Argus confidence instantly.

Turning around, he was facing Snape's gloomy face.

"Mr. Grindelwald, you are

Do you have to explain to your hard-working dean why you violated the school rules on the second day of school!"

"Professor Snape, I just came out for a midnight snack."

"Midnight snack?" Snape sneered: "Perhaps Madam Pomfrey's tranquilizer is more suitable for you."

"Congratulations, Mr. Grindelwald, because of your "brave" behavior, you have successfully earned yourself a week of detention."

"Five points deducted from Slytherin!"

"Tomorrow night, remember to report to Mr. Filch."

"Also, go back to bed now!"

"Okay, dean! "Argus just nodded and smiled. No emotion could be seen.

He turned around and walked towards the Slytherin common room.

Snape questioned from behind.

"Professor Quirrell, you think you know very well..."


In the principal's office.

Dumbledore was lying on the recliner, tapping the armrests with his fingers.

Since he learned what Ron did today, his wrinkled brows have never relaxed.

He is old, and it is almost an impossible task to deal with the resurrected Voldemort.

Harry is his hope for the future!

From Harry's birth, to being admitted to Hogwarts, and then to school.

Every step was carefully designed by him.

Ron Weasley is the partner he prepared for Harry!

Dumbledore thought that with the talent and strength of the Weasley family and their influence in the wizarding world, he could become Harry's excellent helper in the future.

Unexpectedly, I missed one thing after all my calculations!

That is... what if Ron can't take on the task of being a savior's partner?

You know, his requirements for Harry's partner are not just as simple as eating, drinking and playing with him.

Ron needs to help Harry at critical moments and help him quickly grow into a pillar against Voldemort.

But what has Ron done now?

What happened in the potion class can be explained by mistakes, but what about the flying class?

This is no longer a question of whether or not to help Harry, but to lead Harry astray!

Once Harry is influenced by him and becomes a person full of jealousy and seeking attention, how can he fight Voldemort!

He thought about this matter all night.

Just as he was thinking hard, the stone statue outside the door suddenly opened.

Snape walked in with a drooping face.

"Severus, you're here. "

Dumbledore's voice was full of fatigue.

Snape walked into the headmaster's office, swinging his dark robes, like a giant bat.

"Quirrel met Mr. Grindelwald tonight."

Dumbledore's eyes opened, and his relaxed waist gradually straightened.

"What's going on?"

"It should be a coincidence!"

"Why do you say that?"

Snape thought for a moment and replied: "I can feel that Argus is not very willing to talk to Quirrell."

"Or rather, disgust is more appropriate!"

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes slightly: "It seems that he has noticed something."

"He can detect...that person?"

"Mr. Grindelwald's level of brain occlumency is quite good, even I can't detect his true thoughts." Dumbledore rubbed his eyebrows.

"In Voldemort's current state, if he rashly uses Legilimency, it is not surprising that he will notice it."

"Severus! "

Dumbledore's expression suddenly became serious.

"I want to ask you a favor!"

"Our headmaster, do you even need to monitor an eleven-year-old child?"

Snape can become a double agent, both in terms of intelligence and strength.

You can see what Dumbledore is thinking at a glance.

The tone was very sarcastic.

"It's not monitoring, you just need to pay more attention to the child."

"He looks too much like my old friend, and he is very close to Harry."

"I'm worried..."

Snape sneered: "What are you worried about? Mr. Grindelwald will not do so many stupid things like Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, whose heads are full of sphinxes!"

Dumbledore looked directly into Snape's eyes: "You know what I mean, we have no chance of failure."

"Harry's growth cannot go wrong. "

Snape didn't even look at him, and turned to leave.

Dumbledore spoke again: "He is Lily's only child, and like Lily, he has green eyes!"

Snape paused.

His body trembled slightly.

"We must create a perfect growth environment for Harry within our capabilities."

"We can't let him affect our plans!"


Snape was silent for a long time, and walked straight out of the headmaster's office.

"Got it!"

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