The two of them were in a dormitory.

In a professor's dormitory.

"Master, I don't understand why you are interested in Grindelwald."

"You know, his father is..."

"It's not your turn to tell me what to do!"

A cold voice came into Quirrell's brain.

The next second, intense pain swept through his body.

Quirrell fell to the ground with a plop.

He kept wailing.

His ten fingers became bloody due to friction with the ground!

"Master, I was wrong, please forgive your loyal servant!"

"Today's incident, I hope it's the last time!"

A hoarse warning from Voldemort came from behind his head.

A few minutes later, Quirrell slowly stood up against the wall.

The clothes on his body were soaked with sweat.

"When is the nearest Defense Against the Dark Arts class to him?"

"Who?" Quirrell didn't react.

He asked subconsciously.

As a result, the suffocating pain came again.

"I know! Master! The nearest class to Grindelwald is the day after tomorrow!"

"The day after tomorrow..." Voldemort thought for a moment and said, "Prepare the potion in advance. The day after tomorrow I will personally test his talent. Do you understand?"

"Clear!" Quirrell nodded hurriedly.

"He and the saints behind him can become my perfect tools. If this is done, you will have done a great job."

"When the time comes, I will teach you all the magic knowledge you want."

"Thank you for your gift, Master!"


Back to the dormitory.

Argus lay on the bed, and the system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the dormitory for completing the night tour and obtaining the achievement: Night Walker]

[Achievement Point Reward: 50]

"Fortunately there is an achievement reward, otherwise this time I would really lose a lot!"

Argus seriously thought about the next response.

When he met Quirrell today, Voldemort used Legilimency on him.

The ability to use complex magic proves that his condition is not too bad.

At least much stronger than when he robbed Harry of the Philosopher's Stone.

If Voldemort could use Legilimency at that time, he would not be unable to find the Philosopher's Stone hidden in Harry's pocket.

Although I didn't have a direct conflict with him tonight, I also attracted his attention.

I have to be more careful in the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class and my actions in Hogwarts.

"Strength! Still not strong enough!"

Argus sighed softly.

He is now in an extremely embarrassing stage.

He is too young, resulting in insufficient magic strength.

Although he has mastered a lot of magic, he has too little combat experience.

Not as good as the best, but better than the worst!

"Next, we need to speed up the improvement of our strength."

After only two days at Hogwarts, he had a deep sense of crisis.

After making a series of plans to improve his strength in his mind, Argus fell into a deep sleep.

The next day.

He came to the Hogwarts Hall with a groggy head.

As soon as he sat down, he got the news.

Because too many people from Gryffindor and Slytherin were injured in the potion class yesterday, today's Herbology class will be conducted by four colleges together.

This made our Miss Know-it-all very happy.

This was the first time she went to class with Argus.

She pulled Argus all the way to the Herbology classroom.

The rich smell of soil mixed with fertilizer filled the air.

Professor Sprout wore a khaki robe with a patch on his hat.

He smiled at everyone.

"Be quiet, little wizards."

"I know you will be a little excited to have so many classmates for the first time, but there will be plenty of time for you to communicate later."

"Let's take a look at the plants we are going to learn today."

"Stand back a little, little wizards."

Professor Sprout dragged a box out of the corner and opened it.

A group of dark green plants were swaying their long tentacles in the box.

"Now, can anyone tell me what kind of plant this is?"

Hermione glanced at Argus and raised her hand excitedly.

"Miss Granger."

"It's Schlumbergera, Professor!"

"Schlumbergera..." Professor Sprout nodded.

"Are there any other answers?"

Seeing that no one spoke, he was a little disappointed.

Then he looked at Argus with a little expectation.

"Mr. Grindelwald, what kind of plant do you think this is?"

Argus observed carefully: "Long and dense tentacles, dark green vines."

"This is indeed the characteristic of Schlumbergera."


So, you also think this is a Christmas cactus?"

"No!" Argus walked to the window and pulled open the curtains.

The shining sunlight shone into the box, and the tentacles that were still swaying just now shrank sharply.

Soon it hid in a corner of the box.

Continuously rolling.

"Christopher cactus is not afraid of the sun. It is obvious that this is a devil's snare disguised as a Christmas cactus."

"Very good! Mr. Grindelwald!"

Professor Sprout couldn't stop smiling.

"For your meticulous observation and profound knowledge."

"Five points for Slytherin!"

Looked at the frustrated Hermione again.

"Miss Granger's mastery of the textbook is also quite good."

"Because you are studious, three points for Ravenclaw!"

Hermione was not convinced, pouted her lips and leaned against Argus and said angrily: "Humph! Wait and see!"

"Next time, I will never lose to you! "

Professor Sprout waved his wand and drew the curtains.

The Devil's Snare felt the stimulation disappear and slowly stretched out.

"The Devil's Snare is a dangerous vine plant. In certain circumstances, it will disguise itself as a Christmas cactus."

"A mature Devil's Snare can extend its tendrils to entangle approaching enemies. It is very powerful. People are often injured because they mistake the Devil's Snare for a Christmas cactus."

"Even death!"

"The way to deal with it is also very simple!"

"Mr. Grindelwald's behavior just now is a good example."

"The Devil's Snare likes dark and humid environments. As long as strong light or fire is used, they can retreat."

Professor Sprout's description was very detailed, and he analyzed the characteristics, methods of dealing with, and natural enemies of the Devil's Snare in detail.

Argus noticed that Harry had lost his mind at some point.

He didn't hear what was said at all!

He shook his head secretly.

"You don't even want to chew when I feed you food. ”

“Without Hermione’s help, I don’t think you can pass Professor Sprout’s test in the future.”

Because of the danger of the Devil’s Snare, after explaining the knowledge points about the Devil’s Snare, Professor Sprout demonstrated to everyone how to deal with it.

Then he put it away and took out the next plant.

Hermione immediately became excited and raised her hand high without waiting for Professor Sprout to ask.

Fortunately, this is not Snape’s class, otherwise, he would have ridiculed Hermione.

“Miss Granger, you tell me about it.”

“This is Bubble Stem, Professor! The pus is very effective in treating pimples!”

“Great answer, Miss Granger!”

“Does anyone know this plant? Mr. Grindelwald?”

“Jumping Root, Professor.”

“What about this plant? Miss Granger?”

“It’s Dictamni! "

The following time almost became a two-person show between Hermione and Argus.

Many young wizards had never even heard of plants, but the two of them could answer fluently.

Professor Sprout seemed to be doing it on purpose. Every time he called Hermione, the next time he would definitely be Argus.

After most of the class, she couldn't help but sigh.

"If today's class was an exam, I would definitely give you two a big O!"

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