Russia is a magical country, and its people are also a group of magical people.

It was obviously the enemy holding a victory parade in their own capital, but they laughed along, and their laughter was a bit wolfish! In early July, the military parade that the Third Reich had carefully planned for more than half a month officially began.

On Moscow’s Red Square, representatives of the elite German troops participating in this Eastern Front war came out one by one, ready to be reviewed by the head of state.

In addition to reviewing the troops, the focus of this military parade was also on the gossip that had been circulated before.

“Have you heard? The Führer brought a large number of medals from Berlin. This time he plans to personally give medals to the generals and soldiers who have made outstanding contributions on the front line!”

Before the military parade began, soldiers within the German army had already been discussing the parade in private.

Ordinary soldiers are naturally concerned about medals, rewards and promotions.

Medals are an honor, and it is possible to be awarded by the head of state himself, which is a great honor for them, so many soldiers are looking forward to getting an Iron Cross medal!

This thing is very valuable. Mainz did not award medals casually like the little mustache in history, overdrawing the value of the medal.

On the contrary, although a lot of wars have been fought, the number of medals awarded by the German army is not large, and the requirements for obtaining medals have become more stringent.

This has led to a rapid increase in the value of the empire’s medals. A second-class Iron Cross medal can even cost up to 5,000 Reichsmarks on the black market!

This price is really outrageous!

As for medals of higher levels, the price is even more expensive, but such medals are difficult for ordinary soldiers to obtain, so they are not very interested in discussing these medals.

“Tch, that’s nothing. I have even more exciting news. Do you want to hear it?”

“what news?”

“Yes, tell us what the news is, don’t keep us in suspense!”

The soldier who spoke saw that his words had whetted everyone’s appetite and attracted everyone’s attention to himself, so he said calmly

“This news was told to me by a fellow villager of mine. I’m telling you, you must not tell anyone else!”

“Okay, okay, we got it. We will keep it a secret for you and won’t tell anyone else!”

“Yes, yes, yes, we promise to keep our mouths shut and not betray you or your fellow countrymen!”

After hearing everyone’s solemn promise, the soldier said with confidence:

“My fellow countryman works in the Kremlin. You know the Kremlin, right? It’s where the Tsar of the Russian bear used to live, and now it’s the office of the Führer!”

The soldier said proudly, and it seemed as if he lived in the Kremlin.

“”Stop talking nonsense and get to the point!”

The other soldiers couldn’t stand his boasting. If he was in the Kremlin, it would be fine, and everyone would just listen to him bragging.

But after all this fuss, it turned out that it was his fellow villager who was doing odd jobs in the Kremlin. What was there to brag about?

“Ahem, don’t be surprised when I tell you this!”

The soldier saw that he had aroused public anger, so he didn’t dare to keep everyone in suspense any longer and finally got to the point!

“Say it!”

“My fellow villager said that they had received a large number of new military uniforms!”

“New military uniforms?”

This news surprised the soldiers. Could it be that the Empire saw that summer was coming and was worried that they would get too hot, so they prepared summer uniforms in advance?

If so, it would be too considerate!

“Well, they are all military uniforms worn by generals!”


After all the fuss, it turns out that it has nothing to do with them. It is the clothes worn by generals!

Hearing this, the soldiers watching lost interest. Many of them shouted that it was boring and left in all directions.

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t go, I haven’t finished speaking!”

“The highest rank of these military uniforms is marshal!”

“What? Marshal?”

“Is this true? Are you kidding us?”

“The rank of marshal has never appeared in the empire since the military reform. Could someone really break this record this time?”


In the Kremlin, in Mainz’s office.

General Manstein, the commander of Army Group Center and the commander-in-chief of the German army on the Eastern Front, is sitting in Mainz’s office.

“This time I plan to promote your rank to marshal, and let you preside over this military parade as an army marshal, what do you think? Any problem?”

Mainz said to Manstein while he was busy dealing with the documents in his hands.

When he said this, he did not look up, nor did he look at Manstein’s expression.

But with Mainz’s understanding of Manstein, he should be very surprised to hear the news, and will refuse it immediately!

Sure enough, after hearing the news announced by Mainz, Manstein felt a little panic in his heart.

“Head of State, this isn’t a good idea. There are many people in the military whose prestige and qualifications are no less than mine. They have fought on the front lines and made great contributions to the empire. If you want to promote someone, shouldn’t they be promoted first?”

The people Manstein was referring to were probably Guderian and Model!

Rommel in North Africa was of a slightly lower rank, so Manstein was probably not referring to him.

As for veterans such as Bock, these people did not belong to the overall planning scope of the Wehrmacht in the early years. They were troops secretly formed by Marshal Hindenburg. Speaking of seniority, they were no better than Guderian and Manstein.

Manstein originally served in the General Staff of the Wehrmacht and was not one of the first people to follow Mainz.

Therefore, for Manstein himself, he did not regard himself as a veteran around the Führer. Even though he and the Führer were brothers, he did not use this relationship to make a fuss.

In general, Manstein is a very low-key person and he does not want to be in the limelight.

Use your wisdom, fight well, help the empire continue to win, and complete the tasks assigned to him by Führer Mainz, that’s all!

As for the rest, he is not willing to think too much

“Are you talking about Guderian and Model?”

Mainz knew his character very well. After hearing what he said, he finally stopped what he was doing, looked up, stared at Manstein and asked

“These two generals are both veterans under your command, Princeps. They have made outstanding military achievements and are hardworking. I believe that awarding them the rank of marshal is a recognition of their contributions to the empire and is a well-deserved thing to do!”

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