Manstein finally accepted Mainz’s suggestion and agreed to be promoted to marshal.

However, he declined the job of hosting the Red Square parade.

“It is you, the Führer, who led the empire’s revival. Without your efforts, the empire would not have recovered so quickly, and would probably still be struggling in the quagmire after World War I. So no matter what, this honor should belong to you. I think if anyone else stood on the podium, the generals below would definitely not be convinced!”

Indeed, Manstein has won many battles, has outstanding abilities, and has a high prestige within the army.

However, compared with Mainz, these are not worth mentioning.

So if he were to replace Mainz and stand on the podium, it would be difficult to convince the public, so Manstein insisted on refusing.

Seeing that the other party was so persistent, Mainz couldn’t force it.

“”Well, I’ll do the Red Square parade myself!”

In fact, he himself wanted to host a Red Square parade. After all, for anyone from Europe, conquering Moscow, stepping on the corpse of the Russian bear, and holding a victory parade in the capital of the Russian bear in front of countless Russians, this is something that Europeans have always wanted to do since the Napoleonic era, but have not been able to do!

Historically, after Napoleon, the closest to this goal was the little mustache, but his army was defeated at the gates of Moscow and then pushed back to the mainland by the Soviet army. Not only did they fail to capture the enemy’s capital, but they let the enemy capture their own capital, so the little mustache did not accomplish this achievement.

But today, he Mainz did it!

This feeling of pride and pride is really hard to describe in words!

In this case, if he could still have a parade on Red Square… If there is a military parade, it will be perfect!

After confirming the news that the military parade was hosted by Mainz himself, the German army was extremely excited.

In order to compete for the opportunity to appear, the generals of the major army groups almost trampled the threshold of the Supreme Command.

And the civilians of the empire, in order to rush to Red Square to witness this grand military parade in person, they bought up all the train tickets to Eastern Europe.

Some people even decided to drive to Moscow because they couldn’t buy tickets.

The distance from Berlin to Moscow is more than 1,500 kilometers, and the road conditions are quite bad. It is a problem whether you can drive at 40 kilometers per hour on the road.

In this case, choosing to drive from Berlin to Moscow is definitely an extremely crazy behavior.

After all, they have no highways to take along the way, and there are no large numbers of gas stations. Gas stations and supply stations can provide them with supplies.

If they break down on the way, they won’t even be able to find a tow truck.

But even with such great risks and difficulties, many people still choose to drive to Moscow.

For the German people, they may have realized in their hearts that this war on the Eastern Front may be the last large-scale war that the empire will fight for a long time.

The military parade on Red Square is prepared to celebrate this great victory. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have such an opportunity again in your life, so they are unwilling to miss it. Even if they pay a high price, they still hope to participate and witness history!

Mainz himself may have underestimated his position in the hearts of the German military and civilians. In the eyes of the people, their leader is just like a god! On

July 1, after more than half a month of careful preparation, the Third Reich’s military parade in Moscow officially began.

For this military parade, the German army dispatched a total of about 1.35 million troops, equivalent to the strength of four army groups.

This number exceeded the scale of the Red Square military parade held by the bear during the Battle of Moscow in history.

According to Mainz’s original plan, the number of troops in the Red Square military parade would not exceed 500,000, but it was really too enthusiastic for these generals under his command.

Although he had consciously avoided these guys, he was still found by these guys.

Several veterans who had followed him for a long time came to plead for mercy, and Mainz could not refuse them face. After all, it is not easy to refuse others for such a thing of showing face and mixing honor.

So he simply relaxed the restrictions and any troops willing to participate, who are close to Moscow and have no other combat missions in the near future, can apply to participate in the military parade.

Once this opening was opened, the major army groups signed up enthusiastically, so four army groups signed up to participate in the military parade celebration.

Among them, Guderian’s First Army, Manstein’s Third Army, Dietrich’s Sixth Army and Kesselring’s Fourth Army were all included.

Millions of elite troops gathered together, and the air in Moscow was full of murderous intent and solemnity.

The people of the bear were frightened by the murderous German army and dared not talk loudly. Although they claimed to be a fighting nation, in front of the millions of lions of the German army, even the fighting nation had to keep their tails between their legs! At nine o’clock in the morning, Mainz stepped onto the summit under the attention of the crowd.

His arrival set off the atmosphere of the whole audience. Countless Germans shouted the name of the head of state in unison and took off their hats to salute him. Mainz

‘s eyes swept across the audience below the stage. The whole scene was crowded with people. The number of people visiting the military parade was probably more than one million.

In addition to the bears in Moscow, a large number of people from the Third Reich also rushed over. In addition, there were also heads of state of various vassal states who were invited.

These vassal states include Hungary, Gaul, the three Nordic countries and a large group of countries in Eastern Europe.

In the original history, these countries that followed the Third Reich finally swallowed the bitter fruit of failure with the defeated Third Reich.

But in this time and space, the emergence of Mainz has rewritten history, and the resolution of the war has gone in a completely different direction.

Not only did the German army not lose the war, but it also won the final victory.

The Allied forces had already fallen apart, and the four major countries of the British Empire, Gaul, Eagle Sauce and Bear all fell under the iron hoof of the Third Reich.

Therefore, the fate of these vassal states is completely different from that in history. After the German army won the victory, they will also enjoy the fruits of victory.

As long as they do not betray the Third Reich and continue to follow the Third Reich in the future, Mainz does not mind sharing some of the dividends of the war with them.

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