The last time Ribbentrop set out to visit South America, he flew there on the Empire’s Zeppelin airship.

For flights across the Atlantic, ordinary airplanes of this era could not do it, only things like Zeppelin airships could do it.

After all, compared to airplanes, airships that carry a lot of gas that helps them float are much better in terms of fuel consumption, and they don’t even need to consume too much fuel to drive.

The advantage of airships in this regard is obvious, so they can complete flights across the ocean.

However, compared to airplanes, airship technology is actually quite backward.

First of all, the speed is backward. The Empire’s large aircraft, such as strategic bombers and transport aircraft, can have a maximum speed of more than 700 kilometers per hour, while the speed of airships is only about 100 kilometers, which is only one-seventh of the other’s speed.

The result of too slow speed is that the efficiency of the airship is very low. Even if it can fly very far, it consumes too much time during the flight.

Therefore, Ribbentrop did not choose to take an airship on this trip.

There was no other way before, so he could only take an airship, and at that time, flying in an airship was a very cool thing in itself. After all, except for the Empire, other countries could not even build airships at that time, and even flying in an airship was enough for them.

However, after the Empire opened airship routes between North America and Europe, more and more people began to travel between the two continents by airship.

In this case, continuing to use airships would not show his status.

Ribbentrop was visiting on behalf of the Third Reich, and he represented the identity of the entire Third Reich.

Therefore, when there was a better choice, Ribbentrop was naturally unwilling to use the old and outdated technology.

Especially this time he wanted to win over these countries in South America and persuade them to join the Empire in sending troops to attack the Samba Kingdom in the south.

In this case, it is necessary to properly demonstrate the strength of the Empire and shock them severely!

Therefore, Ribbentrop chose to take the large strategic transport aircraft newly developed and put into production by the Empire——C-17 Globemaster!

In fact, with the current technological strength of the Empire, it is very difficult to develop this kind of aircraft by its own strength, and it can even be said to be impossible!

Therefore, this aircraft was actually exchanged by Mainz from the system

C-The 17 Globemaster strategic transport aircraft can be said to be the most advanced and flexible strategic and tactical transport aircraft in the world.

Its maximum take-off weight is as high as 272 tons, and its maximum transport weight is 77 tons. This weight can carry a heavy tank of 50 tons or even heavier.

In addition to its impressive carrying capacity, the range of this aircraft is also very long.

Under standard combat conditions, the range of this aircraft reaches 11,500 kilometers. If it is lightly equipped, the range can reach 15,000 kilometers, and it can fly directly to almost anywhere on the earth.

With this aircraft, even if Ribbentrop does not take an airship, he can fly directly to South America.

Moreover, the flight speed of this aircraft reaches 830 kilometers per hour, which is much faster than taking off from an airship, so it is more efficient.

Because the industrial strength of the countries visited is very weak, Mainz is not worried about the problem of leaks. Even if the aircraft is given to them to tinker with and study casually, it will be impossible for them to fully understand the technology on the aircraft without thirty or fifty years.

As for imitation, let alone, the engine used on the C-17 is a large bypass turbofan engine, which has extremely complex technology. Even the Third Reich itself could not produce such an engine within 30 years. If the

Third Reich is like this, other countries have no hope!

The only thing Mainz is worried about is the safety of this aircraft. After such a long flight, the pilots may be quite tired. In addition, there may not be a qualified airport suitable for landing in South America. If something goes wrong in the middle of the journey, or if there is an accident during landing, the loss will be quite heavy.

At that time, not only will a world-class strategic transport aircraft be lost, but the people on the plane may also be finished, and even Ribbentrop will not be spared.

Ribbentrop has always done a good job in the diplomatic field. Mainz is still very satisfied with his ability, so he does not want him to have any accidents.

Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth completion of this mission, he specifically instructed Goering to let the other party select several experienced pilots from the Air Force to carry out this mission.

In order to avoid fatigue driving, they also specially prepared a rotating shift work method.

As for the airport issue, if there is really no suitable airport, it is okay to choose a flat road. Although the C-17 is advanced, it is not delicate. It is quite durable! Ribbentrop was a little excited when he took this advanced large strategic transport aircraft to perform a diplomatic mission for the first time.

Sitting in the seat inside the plane, he looked through the hanging window at the large floating clouds outside and the vast ocean on the ground, and he felt proud!

Only in the powerful country of the Third Reich can he have the opportunity to travel on this kind of plane!

If it were another country, there would definitely be no such good treatment!

People in those small countries probably dare not even imagine that there would be such a thing!

Therefore, he began to look forward to it in his heart, looking forward to the wonderful expressions on the faces of the leaders of those countries when he met them!


Ribbentrop’s guess was correct. When the huge plane he was riding appeared in the sky, the countries he visited were terrified from top to bottom! It’s not that they haven’t seen airplanes before. After all, airplanes have been around before World War I.

However, they have never seen such a large, fast, and loud plane!

The C-17 is a jet plane. The roar of its engine when it is working is completely different from the sound of the plane in the propeller era!

So, when she passed over everyone’s heads, the visual and auditory impact was simply shocking.

Almost all the people who came to pick up the plane in the visiting country were scared silly!

Many people were even so scared that their knees were weak, and they wanted to kneel on the ground and pray.

In their opinion, this thing could not be created by humans at all. It must be a gift from the gods to humans!

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