With the C-17 Skymaster strategic transport aircraft supporting the scene, Ribbentrop’s appearance was full of limelight and had his own aura.

The people of the countries he visited were all shocked and their awe of the Third Reich increased a lot.

With such a foundation, the negotiations were much easier.

After meeting with the leaders of these countries, Ribbentrop directly stated Berlin’s requirements.

“I’m sure you all know about the coup in Samba Country, right?”

Leaders of various countries nodded.

Samba Country is the largest country in South America, and their every move will certainly attract the attention of other countries around them.

“Now that you know, you should be able to think of the seriousness of this incident!”

Ribbentrop said very detachedly.

Because the Third Reich is not in South America, there is naturally no need to worry so much.

And from a geographical point of view, the impact of the Samba coup on the empire is very small and can even be ignored.

As long as they do not conjure up a navy strong enough to compete with the Third Reich for control of the Atlantic seas, then Samba will not pose a threat to the empire.

However, for other countries in South America, this is not the case.

Samba is right at their doorstep. If they want to fight them, they don’t need a navy at all. They can just send out the army to kill them.

Therefore, the coup in Samba made the surrounding countries feel deeply uneasy.

“This coup is quite special. The young military came to power. They have no foundation and no prestige in the country. Although they can rely on force to maintain their rule, this is not the right way after all.”

Ribbentrop saw the uneasy expressions on everyone’s faces, which made him very satisfied.

But this is not enough, we need to add more fuel to the fire!

“If one wants to gain a ruling foundation and extremely high prestige, the best way is to expand outward and use war to divert the attention of the domestic people. In this way, the pressure on them will be much smaller!”

“Moreover, as long as they can win the war and successfully help the country expand its territory, their prestige in the country will inevitably rise unprecedentedly. At that time, they will have the foundation of their rule and the legitimacy of their regime!”

Foreign wars have always been the best means of shifting contradictions since ancient times. This is why people believe that the Second World War was caused by the global economic crisis in 1929!

This economic crisis has severely impacted the economies of countries around the world, leading to high unemployment rates in various countries. The large number of social contradictions brought about by the increase in unemployment has brought tremendous pressure to various countries.

In order to resolve this pressure, many countries have thought of the simplest way: to provoke foreign wars!

At this time, the situation of Samba completely fits this description.

Therefore, they are also very likely to embark on the old path of foreign wars.

If Samba wants to take action, it is impossible to cross the Atlantic to attack the Third Reich in Europe, right?

Pick the soft persimmon to squeeze the soft persimmon. If they want to fight, they will definitely only attack small countries like those around them that are weak and far less powerful than themselves.

Because the risk of attacking these small countries is small and the difficulty is low, and they are at their doorsteps, so as long as they are defeated, they can be swallowed up directly, thereby expanding their own own territory and turn it into their own achievements!

Therefore, from this point of view, the matter of Samba Country attacking the surrounding countries is basically a done deal, and there is no escape.

Thinking of this, the faces of the leaders of various countries present suddenly became ugly!

Such a simple truth, even a pig can analyze it.

And they can become leaders of their respective countries, their intelligence level must be not low, if their intelligence is very poor, they can’t reach this position now!

Therefore, for these surrounding countries at this time, their situation is very difficult!

Either lie down and wait for death, waiting for Samba Country to come to the door, defeat them and then swallow them.

Or rise up and fight with Samba Country to the end.

However, the huge gap in size makes them not their opponent in hard power even if they want to fight against Samba Country.

At this time, if there is a powerful country to back them up, then they have hope!

And isn’t there such a powerful country in front of us?

“Foreign Minister Ribin, please help us!”

“Yes, the Samba country has evil ambitions. If they succeed, it will pose a huge threat to world peace!”

“And it is probably not in your country’s interest to let Samba dominate South America!”

The leaders of various countries were obviously a little anxious. They all looked at Ribbentrop with eager eyes, wanting to ask the Third Reich to come out and give them justice.

Ribbentrop came here specifically for this matter, so when he saw that these people had taken the bait, he said:

“Although South America is very far away from Europe, and the national strength of Samba cannot threaten the security of the empire.……”

Hearing his words, everyone started to get anxious.

Ribbentrop’s meaning sounded like the Third Reich didn’t want to care about this matter?

If the Third Reich didn’t care, who could help them?

Eagle sauce?

Eagle sauce had already been killed by the Third Reich. If the Third Reich was excluded, then the strongest country at this time was Samba!

So in the entire Latin American continent, whether in North America or South America, no country could help them!

“However, in the spirit of being highly responsible for world peace, President Mainz is highly concerned about this incident thousands of miles away!”

Seeing that everyone’s reaction was almost the same, Ribbentrop said:”President Mainz has made it clear a few days ago that he does not want to see the Samba country bullying the weak in South America and doing things that are detrimental to regional security and world peace!”

After hearing the statement that the Third Reich would not sit idly by on this matter, everyone was relieved!

As long as the Third Reich is willing to help, that’s all!

“So, when will the Empire be willing to send troops?”

“Yes, yes, if the Samba Kingdom really wanted to expand outward, it would probably have started now. If the Empire sends troops too late, it might be too late!”

“Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, our country has always been on good terms with your country. We beg you to lend a helping hand and save us!”

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