The Third Reich

Chapter 1104: 1 excuse

After Vladimir stood on the grass and bandaged the wound for his companion Nikolai, he could only sit here and wait.

The two fighters in the sky are still hovering here. The purpose of the other side is to intimidate oneself. Once the two of them want to escape, the other side will definitely come down and give a shuttle bullet. Therefore, the two can only be Wait here.

What are you waiting for?

Of course he was waiting to be captured by the Germans.

"Don't worry, we signed a non-aggression treaty with the Germans. Now, when the Germans come, we say that we are lost and the Germans can't do anything to us." Vladimir comforted himself. Companion.

Just before the emergency landing, the aviation reconnaissance camera was damaged, and Vladimir deliberately pressed the release button, and the film was exposed, so now there will be no consequences.

In the end, the Germans had to send them back. The two are allies!

In such comfort, Vladimir saw a motorcade appear on the horizon in the distance, and the peculiar roar of BMW motorcycles soon passed.

It is not the German army that is here, but the Gestapo in black uniform?

"Don't move, all raise your hands!" Soon, the Germans who came came to them, holding submachine guns in their hands, and shouted to them.

"We are lost, now, please send us back." Vladimir said to the other party in his flat-mouthed German.

The other party ignored them, and began to search two people, and a few others, just like spies, and ran to search the plane.

"A map was found here!" shouted a Gestapo. Holding this map in his hand, he shouted excitedly to several people: "Look, there is an offensive line inside!"

What map? When I took off, I brought an aerial map, but this map was in my pocket, not in the plane?

At this time, the Gestapo, who had obtained the map, had already ran over, spread the map in front of the two of them, and asked in Russian: "Say, do you fully understand the attack plan on this? Well, this is a thunderstorm. The planned offensive route, you two, tell me honestly!"

Thunderstorm plan, offensive line? The two looked at each other. When they saw the various annotations above, Vladimir's heart sank suddenly, no, there is trouble!

Wolf den.

"We shot down an invading Soviet reconnaissance plane and captured two Soviet pilots. In their plane, we found a map, a road map of the Soviets' plan for a heavy thunderstorm." Reinha Standing in front of the map, he said to the people present: "There is no doubt that our conflict with the Soviets has reached the point where we don’t want to enter a state of war with our friends, but the reality is that the Soviets want To eat us."

Everyone present smiled knowingly. Didn’t you say that you have a reason before? Now, this reason is here.

In fact, this reason is too far-fetched. The Soviets’ heavy thunderstorm plan was a top-secret plan. How could it be carried by the two pilots who came to investigate?

Needless to say, the commander of the army, the commander can know the maximum, this excuse is really bad.

But now, no matter what the excuse is, it just needs to be an excuse.

Cyric listened very carefully. After listening, he nodded: "We have always regarded the Soviets as our own brothers. We did not expect the Soviets to be so cunning and want to start a war against us. In this case, we must fight. , I decided that two days later, the war against the Soviet Union will officially begin. The Barbarossa plan will be launched in the early morning of March 28, and on the night of March 27, the troops will enter the preset positions."

For this plan, Germany has prepared for more than a year! Now, finally, the greatest journey of the empire is about to begin. What Napoleon failed to do, Germany will do it!

"Once it starts, we will have no retreat. We must go forward bravely and fight to Moscow and destroy the Soviet Union!" Cyrek said loudly: "This war is related to our German national fortune for the next 100 years and thousands of years. Three million troops will open up new ground for our country and defeat the Soviet Union!"

"Yes!" All the officers on the scene replied in unison. From now on, the countdown to the war against the Soviet Union has officially entered!

"Three minutes before the start of the operation, our embassy ambassador officially notified the Soviet Union of this news." Cyrek said: "We have insight into the Soviet plan for a heavy thunderstorm. For our survival, we have no choice. We can only fight the Soviet Union!"

"All the equipment of the Soviet Union in our territory has been confiscated by us, including the aircraft carrier that is under will also join our navy, detain these Soviet soldiers, and let them accept our transformation!"

Cyric ordered these things one by one. In fact, he was already preparing for it. Now, the harvest of the Soviets has officially begun!

The German war machine started in this way.

"Head of State, should we air strike Moscow on the day of the war?" Air Force Commander Richthofen suggested to Cyrek.

The German Air Force now has a sufficient number of strategic bombers. It is no problem to bomb the United States, let alone bomb Moscow.

However, Cyric shook his head: "No, we can't bomb Moscow before our Berlin is attacked. We still take care of our feelings with the Soviet people. What we want to punish is to start a war against us. Those lunatics."

The bombing of Moscow would arouse the fighting spirit of the Soviets. Cyric did not want to start this. Moreover, various signs indicate that the Soviet fighters may rise to the height of their own bombers. They are precious strategic bombers. Can't be consumed like this.

Order after order spread out from the wolf den. The German troops on the entire border moved quickly. They used the night to move forward quietly, from the Baltic Sea to Hungary, on the long national border, with more than 200 reorganization divisions in Germany. , Has made all preparations for this attack.

The commander of the three-way army has also returned to his army from the wolf den. For them, this war is the time for them to make achievements!

Especially Guderian, as the earliest confidant to follow Cyric, as the founder and practitioner of the blitzkrieg, Guderian is responsible for commanding the most powerful Central Army, and his goal is Moscow! ()

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