The Third Reich

Chapter 1105: Pre-war episode

Brest Fortress.

The strongest fortress in Poland has always been in the hands of Germany, and opposite him are the well-equipped Soviets.

There have been many battles in front of this fortress. No matter how beautiful the Soviet Union and Germany are on the surface, the soldiers here are always responding to possible conflicts.

The water of the Bug River is flowing slowly. This river is almost a boundary. The west bank of the river is the German control area, and the east bank is the Soviet control area.

"Woo, woo!" A train brazenly set out from Brest Railway Station and headed for the Soviet territory on the opposite side.

Trade between Germany and the Soviet Union is still going on extensively. This train is filled with military supplies exported from Germany to the Soviets. The railway it follows is also exactly the same railway. Without any modification, the railway can It leads to the Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union. This railway is also a testimony of the friendship between Germany and the Soviet Union.

The river was rustling, and under the night, a human head suddenly appeared on the water. It has not yet entered April, and the river is still cold. He was in the river and his lips were purple from freezing.

But he was still sliding hard, he had no choice, this was the last chance.

The Soviets, there is no time. The Germans are about to invade the Soviets. He must tell Moscow the terrible news as soon as possible, so that Moscow can be prepared!

Finally, he climbed to the shore, and the cold wind blew, and he felt even more chilly.

"Stop, what do you do?" Just when he went ashore, there was a cry on the opposite side, and then several people appeared in front of him with guns in their hands.

"Quickly, take me to see your superiors, I have important information to report!" He said to several sentries in front of him.

However, he uses German! He doesn't speak Russian. Now, he whispered beside the person in front of him, but the other person couldn't understand anything.

At this time, he was only wearing a thin underpants, swimming in the river water, wearing clothes will not keep warm, because of this, it is also impossible to confirm his identity.

But at least, the person in front of him is harmless. Although it can be seen that he should be a soldier, he does not have any weapons in his hand, and he came here naked.

"Bring him back, we have to find an interpreter." said the leader of the squad.

Seeing this poor guy shivering, the squad leader placed his clothes on his body, which made the people who came here grateful, but he was still very anxious.

It was useless to be anxious. After entering the other party's premises, he waited anxiously for two hours before finally seeing an interpreter.

"My name is Roland Schroder, and I am the chief of the second battalion of the Third Armored Motorcycle Brigade. Now, I have important information to report." Roland said anxiously to the translator.

The interpreter interrupted him: "As far as we know, there is nothing called the Third Panzer Corps on our opposite side. We only know that the opposite is the German Fortress Guard."

"Yeah, we started here half a month ago. We have always been secretive, without being noticed by you. I finally found the opportunity today. Oh, please don't interrupt me." Roland found out that he was actually there. He wasted time on these silly things. He quickly said: "Please inform Moscow immediately that the German attack on the Soviets is about to begin. Just this morning, there are now less than three hours left. Please be fast! "

The Germans want to attack? This news sounds like a fantasy. The translation is actually a chief of staff of the garrison here. Of course, all of this must be investigated clearly: "Please show evidence. We can't do without any evidence. Just report such information."

Who knows if the person in front of him was sent by a German, or even if he was mentally ill. Without any evidence, how can people believe such news?

"I came here after finding an opportunity. Where is the evidence!" Roland said anxiously: "Please believe me, I am a gcdy! I have been in the German army for eight years, just to wait for this day. I risked my death to report to our comrades. There is no time. The German offensive is about to begin. Please believe me!"

Perhaps it felt that it was indeed a matter of great importance. Perhaps Roland's impatience at this time showed something. In short, the interpreter in front of him finally decided to report the matter first.

As for the authenticity, let the superiors determine it.

In this way, the news that Germany was about to attack the Soviets, after a first-level report, finally, at 11 o'clock in the evening, it was reported in front of the great leader Comrade Stalin.

Because of the emergency, Stalin had to be awakened, Stalin's captain of the guard, Khrustalov was still nervous.

Stalin was not angry. Under this circumstance, it is understandable for the lower level to report such an emergency. However, if you have a brain, you should know that such news is definitely false news!

Just before going to bed, Stalin and his men studied the confrontation between the Germans and the Americans in the Pacific. The German navy is too powerful. After all, Germany’s funds are limited. Since the navy has been continuously expanded, The German army certainly cannot be expanded on a large scale.

Wait a few months before the Soviet army can complete the reorganization. At that time, the Germans will fight the United States at sea, and on land, they can **** a lot of land from Germany.

On this continent, there can only be one most powerful country, either or the Soviets!

And now, the Germans came to invade the Soviets without any preparation? Obviously, this person is hiding evil intentions, maybe he is serving the Americans.

The Americans took the lead in provoking a war between the Soviet Union and Germany. In this way, the pressure on the Americans at sea would be reduced, and they would be able to deploy troops to fight in the Pacific. If this is the case, the Soviets would not be allowed!

"This man is a spy. He was shot." Stalin said lightly. After speaking, he returned to his bedroom again and continued to sleep.

"No! What I reported is the real news. In half an hour, the German offensive is about to begin!" Seeing several people escorting themselves into the field with guns in their hands, Roland knew what was going on. He never expected that he risked running over to report emergency information, which was the result!

After lurking in the German army for a few years, he was finally killed by his comrades!

"Bang!" With a gunshot, Roland was shot in the chest, and his body fell backwards weakly. When he fell, his eyes were still looking at the east and the direction of Moscow. At this time, I didn't know him. What is thinking in his mind.

Behind the Brest Fortress, the army station.

All the troops have entered the battle state, they have been adjusted to the best state, waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

The German army is already the strongest existence of this era. They are invincible. As long as the head of state gives an order, they can launch a charge against any enemy!

However, the brigade commander of the motorized infantry brigade received a report that the head of his second battalion was unknown!

At this special time, the person who disappeared suddenly was quite unusual. The brigade commander did not hide it and immediately reported the incident to his superiors. ()

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