The Third Reich

Chapter 1106: War begins

The sudden disappearance of a chief secretary on the front line supposedly shouldn't be reported to the head of state. If such trivial matters are reported, then Cyric will not have to rest all day, and will be overwhelmed by the massive amount of information.

Only a lower-level commander of Reinhardt received this information, and this responsible commander realized the seriousness of the problem and reported it to Reinhardt.

Then Reinhardt reported to Cyric.

No matter how strong the ideological control of the military is, there will always be some scum. When Cyric heard this, he knew that he must have ran to report to the Soviets.

In this case, let him go. Cyric won’t worry about the decisive role of such a small figure in this kind of war. The Soviet-like command system wants to immediately enter a defensive state. It is impossible to complete it in the remaining half an hour.

The Soviets are doomed to fail!

However, since someone has sent a tip to the Soviet Union, the ambassador that he arranged to declare war on the Soviet Union can go a little later. Anyway, the fight has already started, and I don't care about this short time.

"This is a sacred battle. It has completely established the battle for the rulers of our German continent. Now, let the war begin!" Cyric looked at the clock in front, the second hand, pointing to the top position, and the three hands overlapped. , The zero hour has arrived!

"Boom, boom, boom!" On the long front, the heavy artillery arranged behind the front positions all fired!

"Swish, swish, swish!" In the darkness, the Cyric organ flew into the sky one by one, flying towards the opposite Soviet position.

Now, it is time for the Soviet garrison to sleep soundly.

Brest Fortress.

The fort cannon roared all day long, and every firing would bring a terrible shock.

As the defenders of the fortress, they are quite passive. For a long time, they have been under the attack of the Soviets, but they can't help the Soviets. They have been restraining.

Now, they finally waited for this opportunity! They can start the counterattack, and they will let the Soviets know that the German army is the real steel army, an invincible army!

"Boom!" It was another shot of a large-caliber fortress gun. As it opened fire, the Soviet fortifications on the opposite side were lifted off.

The advantage of the fortress gun is that there is no need to move the position, the shooting Zhuyuan has been calibrated long ago, even at night, they can hit accurately!

"Boom!" With the explosion, a reinforced concrete fortification was blown up. The Soviet platoon commander inside the fortification stood outside the fortification. Looking at this scene, there was no reaction.

He had just had a urgency and made it easier to come out. As a result, he survived like this. All of his subordinates have been sacrificed by the shelling.

Historically, the Brest Fortress was in the hands of the Soviets. In the process of attacking the Soviet Union, Germany had to eat Brest. Germany was prepared to sacrifice.

But now, the Brest Fortress is firmly in the hands of Germany. Although the Soviets on the opposite side have also built some fortifications, they were built hastily after all, and they simply cannot match the strong fortifications of the Brest Fortress. ratio.

And now, the bombardment of the Brest Fortress has sounded the clarion call to destroy the Soviet Union!

Rear, field airport.

Take off, take off!

For this action, Germany has made preparations for more than a year. Since it started, it must be the first time to wipe out the power of the Soviets on the ground!

On the entire front, thousands of bombers and attack aircraft began to take off in an orderly manner.

Major Helmut Poller looked outside. At this time, a long strip of light was lit on the field runway, indicating the position of his runway. A Junker-88 bomber was already at the end of the runway. Bit up.

Pushing the joystick, accelerating, and climbing, Major Helmut Poller’s plane has already taken off first, and his plane is full of bombs, making the plane extremely heavy.

Behind, his entire Junker-88 bomber group was taking off in an orderly manner.

In the sky, the stars were dazzling, and the quiet moon was shining on the earth, and the Junker-88 bombers took off from the earth and disappeared into the vast night.

The strategic bomber Junker 290 was not dispatched. Now the Luftwaffe is dispatched mainly by frontline bombers. The Stuka and HS129, which have a shorter range, are responsible for bombing the enemy's tactical targets on the opposite side.

The longer-range medium-range bombers are mainly used to bomb the enemy's rear depths. For example, the bomber group of Major Helmut Poller now targets Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

The Soviets are also preparing for a heavy thunderstorm plan. Their troops are distributed in Belarus and Ukraine, and many of their military supplies are stored in Minsk and Kiev.

German medium-range bombers mainly bombed these places. Our long-range high-altitude reconnaissance planes have already locked down the back warehouses of the Soviets.

Although it is flying at night, they will not worry about the precise navigation equipment of, so that they can accurately find their target.

History will remember this day. In the early morning of March 28, 1941, Germany launched an undeclared war and launched a large-scale military offensive against the Soviets!

At the beginning, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty, but now, Germany has torn up the treaty with its own hands and provoked the war with one hand!

After Stalin returned to his bedroom, he could no longer fall asleep. At his age, his energy was not as good as before, and he was not easy to fall asleep. If he was awakened after falling asleep, he would be more prone to insomnia.

Did the soldier who came to report really come here to play mystery? Somehow, Stalin felt that he had no bottom in his heart. What if Germany really launched an offensive against the Soviets?

He tossed and turned, and after lying on the bed for some time, his door was pushed open again.

"I said, don't disturb me while I'm sleeping!" Stalin was angry. To disturb a person with insomnia, he must be psychologically prepared.

It was not his captain of the guard who came in, but the Soviet diplomatic commissar, Molotov. He said anxiously to Stalin: "Comrade Stalin, the German ambassador to Moscow, has just presented us his credentials, and Germany has declared war on us. !"

In an instant, Stalin felt his mind buzzing, the Germans actually declared war on the Soviets in advance? The Germans actually tore up the Soviet-German non-aggression agreement!

He did not sleep anymore: "Did the Germans attack?"

"The German attack started five minutes ago. To confirm this news, we wasted a few minutes."

Stalin stomped and headed towards the conference room: "Immediately hold a military meeting!" ()

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