The Third Reich

Chapter 1149: Prerequisites for winning

Breakdown, finally breakdown! Looking at the Stalin tank whose turret was lifted off, Modlin was excited. At the same time, it confirmed his judgment that the advanced shelling armor-piercing projectile was ineffective against the Stalin tank, and the original projectile was more suitable!

"Quickly, issue a notice to our troops that to deal with Stalin tanks, you can only hit the side with a blunt-headed armor-piercing projectile!" Modlin shouted to the radioman.

Although it was penetrated, Modlin knew in his heart that the blunt-headed armor-piercing projectile would definitely not penetrate the opponent's front. This tank was definitely stronger than the KV-2.

As for why the advanced armor-piercing projectile can't penetrate it, after the battle is over and the enemy's Stalin tank has been captured, let the military personnel behind do a test.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield has been intertwined.

The German armored cluster broke through the first line of defense of the Soviet tanks, but behind the line of defense, there were several long arrays of tanks waiting for them, and the heavy tanks that they passed through have now begun to turn around. Obviously, they are planning to encircle and eat the German tank troops.

The German armored forces are in a dilemma, and now they can only rely on the tank opener overhead to quickly arrive.

"Commander, we have surrounded the German tanks, and we must be confident to kill them all!" At this moment, in the military headquarters a few kilometers behind, the Chief of Staff Colonel Tamrucci turned towards Commander Kondrushev Said.

The 22nd Mechanized Army finally arrived on the battlefield on time, and they went into the battle just right. The current situation is beneficial to them.

Up to now, the Soviet Patriotic War has not gone smoothly. The Germans are advancing, and the Soviets are constantly retreating. The Soviets very much need a decent battle to prove themselves.

Today’s progress is going well, and their faces are finally filled with smiles. They already know the number of the enemy opposite, the 5th SS Panzer Division, which is the Viking Division. If such an army is killed by their own, The blow to them must be quite big!

"However, there is still a prerequisite for our current victory." Kondrushev said: "Our air force must be able to withstand the attack of the Luftwaffe and create conditions for us to encircle the Germans. If the German attack aircraft Come here in large quantities, and we are afraid we will suffer heavy losses."

In the war, the Soviets have already begun to notice. When the Germans attacked with tanks, the air force was immediately accompanied. On the first day of the war, the Soviet air force was wiped out on the ground and the sky above it was thrown away. It is an important reason for the continuous failure of ground forces.

And now, the Soviets are also rapidly mobilizing, and the rear aviation regiments are constantly being mobilized to the West. Now they must withstand the attacks of the Luftwaffe and create conditions for their own ground forces to encircle and annihilate the German ground forces.

The stubby Iraqi-16 fighter jets were flying in the sky. The entire fleet consisted of 16 airplanes, led by Captain Pozdenyakov. Their task was to intercept the German attack fleet.

In the corner of the formation, the pilot Hlobestov was sitting in a narrow cockpit, concentrating on driving his plane.

They moved from Murmansk in the rear a day ago. They almost had a rest and went to the battlefield. At this time, German aircraft were raging around, and they had to win more with less.

Although before the war began, the Soviet Union already had some advanced aircraft, such as MiG-1, Yak-1, etc., but these aircraft were scarce after all, and more aircraft were destroyed before the war started. On the ground, the advanced aircraft is almost exhausted.

Among the second-line troops, the Iraqi-15 and the Iraqi-16 were still the main forces. In the historical Patriotic War, the Soviet Air Force was almost the main force in the early stage of this kind of aircraft.

The short Yi-16 is not easy to operate. When Hlobestov was just flying this kind of aircraft, he almost broke his arm by the control lever. Fortunately, he finally mastered it.

He looked down. At this time, their fleet had already flown over the fighting sky, and a fierce battle could be seen below. The scene was quite fierce.

"Attention, found the German fleet, prepare to attack!" At this moment, the command of the captain came from the headset.

Before, there has been a German aircraft, the dual-engine HS-129!

With the immediate destruction of the Soviet Air Force, the air supremacy on the entire battlefield fell into German hands. In addition to the military emergency, the Luftwaffe had almost no **** aircraft, only a team of HS-129 attack aircraft flew over.

Lieutenant Hans-Hermann-Steinkamp was sitting in the bath of his attack aircraft, and his attention was focused on the battlefield. In this time when both sides are They must keep their eyes open and not mistakenly hit their comrades in arms.

At the same time, the call from the radio indicated that a powerful Soviet tank had appeared on the scene, which made it difficult for one's own Tiger tank to destroy. One's own side must first kill the biggest threat, the Stalin tank.

However, the nature of the pilot made him look up at the sky from time to time, and then he saw the fleet of aircraft in the sky over there.

"Attention, the Soviet fighters were found attacking us." Lieutenant Hans shouted loudly on the radio: "Abandon the ground attack and prepare to meet the enemy."

No way, they were originally attack planes used to conduct ground attacks, but now, the Soviet fleet in the sky is coming to attack them, and they have to fight against them.

If it were the original HS-129, the best way for them was to quickly slip away, because the heavy armor made their maneuverability quite poor, but now it’s different. After installing a legal engine, they have gotten rid of it. The lack of power, although they are attack aircraft, they can also conduct air combat.

What's more, those stubby Yi-16s came. This kind of aircraft was considered advanced in 35 years, and now it is 41 years old. The maneuverability may not be better than HS129.

Pulling the throttle lever, the engine is fully powered, and the HS129 attack aircraft begins to climb into the sky. In order to attack the opponent's tank, they originally flew at low altitude. Now they are going to fight in the air, they must raise the altitude.

Their behavior immediately caused a burst of excitement among the Soviet pilots. Are these slow attack planes coming to fight their own? This is simply going to die.

They also greeted them one after another. ()

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