The Third Reich

Chapter 1150: Air force delay

The engines on both sides rumbling, hs129 pulled up from low altitude agilely, but because of the inherent altitude difference, its height was still not as high as the Yi-16. At this time, the Yi-16 fleet was already like hungry wolves. The same rushed up.

Hlobestov pushed the joystick, his fighter plane was already aiming at an aircraft in a downward dive, and then he pressed the button of his cannon.

"Tom tom, tom tom!" The 20mm cannon fired a few rounds, but unfortunately, at this moment, the opponent suddenly turned and left the cannon's channel, all the shells were empty.

Hlobestov's brows suddenly frowned, and the other side's turn was too fast, indicating that this ground attack aircraft also has high mobility, even higher than their aircraft.

Next, we must attack carefully.

Hlobestov and the opponent were getting closer and closer, and suddenly, as soon as the opponent's nose was raised, the cannon under the nose of the opponent fired.

"Tom Tom Tom!" At three points, three 40 rounds of shells were fired toward the Iraqi-16. Hlobestov quickly pressed the control stick and kicked the rudder, which was considered as hiding.

The two sides passed by.

After passing, Hlobestov quickly changed direction, and his body was tightly pressed on the chair due to overload. He had to go around behind the opponent and shoot down the opponent when he had a chance.

As he turned, he turned his head vigorously to the back, trying to see what the German plane was doing just past him.

The other party is actually turning, which has the same purpose as him, and what is even more frightening is that the other party turns faster than him.

Who can believe that this kind of dual-engine attack aircraft flew so agile, Hlobestov secretly yelled not, he knew that he could no longer turn, he pulled the control lever, and the fighter began to climb upward.

The engine of the Yi-16 is less than 800 horsepower, but at the same time it weighs less than two tons. Now the engine is running at full speed, pulling the aircraft upwards, and when it climbs to a certain height, it will dive down. The attack aircraft of the opponent will definitely not be able to chase. Come up.

Hlobestov has found that the opponent's horizontal maneuverability is very good, so he immediately used the maneuver in the vertical plane to fight the opponent.

But he didn't know that compared with hs129 vertical maneuvering, it would be even more deadly.

Vertical maneuvering requires the power of the engine. Two engines are always better than one engine.

Behind him, Lieutenant Hans also pulled the joystick and followed him up.

When ascending, speed is transformed into altitude. As long as the engine's thrust-to-weight ratio cannot reach 1, it will always lose speed.

Whoever's speed drops to 0 first must turn into a dive, otherwise it is absolutely a stall spin. In fact, many airplanes have to dive down if they decelerate below 0 at all.

Now, Lieutenant Hans continues to follow the opponent, watching the opponent's altitude getting higher and lower, and the speed getting lower and lower. Then, when the opponent pushes the joystick and prepares to dive down, the opponent's aircraft is rapidly in the sight. It becomes bigger, and the moment when this projection area is the largest is the opportunity he is waiting for to fire.

"Tom Tom Tom!" HS129 fired, and a shell hit the wing of the Yi-16. In an instant, under tremendous energy, half of the wing tore apart. Then, the broken part began to ignite. The flames.

The mission of the attack this time was to attack the Soviet tank unit, so the main weapon of the HS129 was this 40mm Bofors cannon. Moreover, it was filled with armor-piercing shells. Only a few rounds apart would it be mixed. With an armor-piercing incendiary bomb, and in air combat, the most needed is a grenade.

If it was a grenade in the past, a single shot could blow up the opponent’s entire wing, instead of now, a big hole was pierced, and then the wing broke apart because it could not withstand the pulling force. Fortunately, it was an armor-piercing burning. The bomb ignited the opponent's wings.

One shot down! Lieutenant Hans thought in his mind that at this moment, he saw the other side falling from an unusual trajectory.

In the cockpit, Hlobestov’s eyes were full of fighting spirit. His plane broke off half of its wing and was no longer under control. He was still pushing the joystick with all his strength. At this time, the German His plane was right in front of him. It was aimed at him, and he must be smashed down!

This guy must be deliberate!

Lieutenant Hans hurriedly pushed the joystick, and his attack plane almost passed by the falling plane and was almost hit by the opponent.

These stubborn Soviets.

After calming down, Lieutenant Hans pushed the joystick and continued to chase another Soviet fighter.

At this time, the air combat that broke out on the battlefield also attracted the attention of many people.

On the one hand, it is a somewhat old fighter jet, on the other hand, it is the latest attack aircraft. The two are entangled in the sky, and there are constant flames from the planes, and some roll down from the sky.

Looking at the overall situation, the German attack aircraft have an advantage because they have strong anti-strike ability. Even if they are hit by Soviet aircraft, they are often unharmed, but their 40mm cannons only need to hit the other side. Gun, the opponent will completely lose the ability to fight.

However, this action of the Soviet Air Force prevented these attack planes from attacking the ground. Now, combat in the sky is secondary, and combat on the ground is the main one.

Felix used a telescope to observe the battlefield. His main tank was already surrounded by the Soviets. The two sides were constantly maneuvering and fighting on the vast plains. On the river bank, they played the music of tank soldiers.

"How did the Air Force do it? Where are the escorting fighters? Now, who is going to support our tanks?" Felix asked with eyesight.

The aerial battle will not end instantly. Even if it is over, the attack aircraft should go back. Their cannons only have a hundred rounds. It is estimated that they are almost done. They have to go back and replenish new ammunition.

Today is really not going well.

The staff officer next to Felix said: "Commander, our fighters are coming. It is estimated that they will be here in 20 minutes."

Twenty minutes later, when they arrived, the tank unit on his side didn't know how many guns had been taken, and Felix's face was anxious.

What should I do now, do I need to transfer some more tanks from the encirclement here? No, the Soviets in the encirclement circle were also ready to break through.

so what should I do now?

At this time, the tank soldiers inside the battlefield did not have so many worries. They were surrounded by Soviet tanks, and they just had to fight.

They were very close to the Soviets’ second tank attack line, and the turrets were still twisted back, firing on the Soviet heavy tanks that threatened the most. ()

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