The Third Reich

Chapter 948: Scherner's opposition

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Blitzkrieg is based on a large number of mechanized equipment.

In history, although the German tank troops were very powerful, they often ran unexpectedly hundreds of kilometers, but most of the German teams were motorized, and even walked into the Soviet Union on two feet.

The polarization is also very serious. In this way, when the tank troops charge, the infantry cannot keep up, which is a common situation.

Cyric will not let this happen.

With the integration of European forces, the German troops must have a major exchange of blood, tanks must be enough, and the infantry accompanying the tank charge must also have mechanized tools of action, even for ordinary infantry divisions, there must be enough trucks, Becoming a motorized infantry division will greatly improve the mobility of the army, so that it can win the war in the future.

The war will not be launched this year, and Germany still needs to prepare for at least one year, and waiting until March next year is the best opportunity to launch it!

Fighting a nationwide war is not so easy. The training of troops, the assembly of equipment, and the accumulation of logistics materials all take time. In Cyric's plan, in March next year, when everything is ready, the fight can begin.

Speer nodded: "There is no problem at all. We will prepare all the materials needed by the troops, including winter clothes."

Cyric was satisfied with his logistics minister. He even thought about the issue of winter clothes. Even if the German team did not fight in winter, they would spend the winter in the Soviet Union.

Time, place, people, everything seems to be explained clearly, for Cyric, this is already done.

However, not everyone present is optimistic.

For example, Scherner.

As a backbone member who followed Cyrek in the revolution when he was first in the beer hall, Scherner has been rising continuously over the years, from an ordinary military commander to the present, becoming the highest decision-making core. One of them, Scherner's own vision, is also expanding.

At the same time, because of his absolute loyalty to Cyric, Scherner can be blunt in many cases, and does not have too many worries like others.

Although it was confirmed every time that Cyric was right, Scherner was still doing his duty: "Führer Cyric, I think it is inappropriate to start a war next year."

The people present calmed down. Listening to what Scherner said, in fact, some people also have this kind of worry in their hearts, but they dare not say it.

"Now, the conflict in the Brest Fortress is still intensifying. For the Soviets, this time is too exciting. They gathered a large number of troops and thought that victory was at their fingertips. In the end, they failed. This will make the Soviets. Aware of their shortcomings." Scherner said: "The Soviets will continue to improve their tanks and continue to mobilize troops on the Western Front to defend us. If we delay the offensive until next year, it will definitely be for the Soviets. A buffer opportunity."

After a pause, Scherner continued: "We can boldly speculate that in this year, the Soviet army might expand to five million, and their tanks might also expand to two. Ten thousand vehicles, we are giving ourselves opportunities to prepare, so we are also giving opportunities to the Soviets."

Scherner's concerns are absolutely justified.

The conflict in the Brest Fortress gave the Soviets a practical lesson. The strength of the Soviet army is still far from Germany. The Soviets will not be willing to fail. This year will let the Soviet army The strength has also become stronger!

Historically, the Soviet Union was not worried about a German offensive, because the Soviets judged that Germany would not start a war on the east to fight on two fronts until the British problem was resolved.

But now, Britain has been resolved, and the Soviet Union is already the biggest threat to Germany. The top Soviet leaders will definitely realize this problem and continue to make their army stronger!

When it finds that Germany is enlisting troops, the Soviet Union will do the same, and will even recruit more!

"So, I suggest that we use the current Brest conflict as the fuse, directly launch a war, and use our existing army to destroy the Soviet Union!" Schoerner said.

Schelner's words were finished, and his eyes still had the hope of victory.

Everyone looked at Cyric. It is still in the discussion stage. Anyone can ask questions, but when Cyric decides, everyone will strictly implement Cyric’s orders, even if they think this The command is inappropriate and will be executed!

"No, it is not appropriate to do it now." Cyric said: "Because we know that the Soviet Union's war potential is incomparable by any country. It is much larger than Britain and France. Before we are fully prepared, We can't do it rashly."

Cyric looked at Scherner and said: "In fact, we are doing this to stimulate the Soviet Union, let the Soviets recruit more troops, and let them send troops to the west."

"Why?" Scherner was puzzled.

"Because only in this way, we can quickly eat them and eliminate the vital power of the Soviets, which is also a main purpose of our war." Cyrek said: "The Soviet Union is different from other countries. Their beliefs are stronger, even if If they have seized their capital, their resistance will be very strong."

"Therefore, it is only important for us to eliminate as many of their troops as possible in the war!" Cyric said: "Instead of allowing the Soviets to constantly organize new troops in the war, it would be better now At the beginning of the war, we wiped out the main force of the Soviet army! We relied on the blitzkrieg to eat up the main force of the Soviet Union on the Western Front, whether it was one million, two million, three million, five million, We want to hurt the Soviet Union's vitality!"

This is also one of Cyric’s main goals. The power of the blitzkrieg is considerable. In order to defend against Germany, the Soviets will arrange their main forces on the Western Front. It's about to drop a step!

Now, let the Soviets be enlisted. The more troops the Soviets gather now, the more they will be eaten by themselves!

Just like in history, in the early days of Operation Barbarossa, millions of Soviet troops were consumed, and they were all the most elite troops in the organization!

"The first goal I said just now is to eliminate the vitality of the Soviets. The Soviets can organize up to 10 million troops. We will eat their 10 million troops so that the Soviet Union has no men! "

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