The Third Reich

Chapter 949: Hans is going to join the army

The Soviet Union has many people, which is a terrible advantage. In every major battle, the Soviet Union is piled up by human lives. Although the casualties are not as many as Germany each time, it is still the victorious one in the end.

This, of course, also caused terrible consequences for the Soviet Union. It has continued for decades. The Soviet Union is a situation where there are more women than men. Even the disintegration of the Soviet Union has not changed this situation.

Cyric had a deeper understanding of this. In the last days, the Soviet Union was absolutely not stingy to send any man from fifteen to sixty years old to the battlefield.

The goal of the campaign, in addition to conquering Moscow, was to consume a large amount of the active strength of the Soviets, especially the bravest and most elite part of the army.

Of course it's best to kill them when the war starts!

The more troops the Soviets can mobilize to the west, the more they will be surrounded and captured by Germany. Cyric is absolutely sure of the initial victory, which is almost a reprint of history.

Now, wouldn’t it be better to give the Soviets time to arm more troops and send them to their mouths?

Don't be afraid of the Soviets. In history, when the war started, the Soviets had three times as many tanks as Germany. Unfortunately, the Soviets did not absorb the essence of the German Blitz, and they would not use tanks.

Cyric's self-confidence has infected everyone. The Soviets are better mobilized and are more likely to be eaten by themselves. Such a domineering response made Scherner not objection.

He and the head of Cyric are always far from sight! Scherner thought in his heart.

"Since there is no objection, then our general policy is set." Cyric said: "The fate of the empire, in this battle, from now on, we must go all out!"

The reorganization of the army, the production of tanks and other equipment, the dispatch of materials, and the battle plan all require a lot of time to complete. The invasion of the Soviet Union, from now on, is even the countdown!

Cyric is only responsible for the strategic direction and will not interfere in specific actions. After all, a company commander is better than Cyric on the front line.

"The meeting is over." Cyric said. He watched everyone stand up and leave one after another. Only Guderian, who deliberately collected the documents slowly, fell behind.

Cyric looked at Guderian, did he have anything else to say at the meeting just now, to report himself alone?

Quietly in the conference room, only Guderian and Cyric were the only ones. Guderian stood up and said to Cyric: "Führer, there is a special matter. I want to ask you for advice."

Cyric looked at Guderian: "What's the matter?"

Cyric is very strange. Guderian is also the highest person to follow Cyric. It can be said that Guderian is the founder of the German armored forces and the father of lightning. What special things can he have?

"Your son Hans, wants to sign up for the tank unit." Guderian said: "The conscription office didn't dare to agree directly. They reported it level by level and came to me."

Hans, Cyric’s son, this was when Cyric led the team to Libya, and Hannah’s first child. Cyric was very excited at the time. He had a wife in this world. With a son, the memory of his previous life gradually faded, and he has taken root here.

Because he has been active in the German political arena, Cyrek is not very family-friendly. The children can't even see one side for a month, and Hannah manages everything.

Unknowingly, his son has grown up, and he actually wants to sign up for the tank army.

how to say? Fighting is killing people. Although the tank is safe, the death of the tank soldier is even more heroic. This is Cyric's only son. No one dares to make a decision.

This kind of thing cannot be said clearly. After all, how many people’s sons have stepped onto the battlefield. If the Führer’s son shrinks, he will be ridiculed. However, the battlefield is still too dangerous, so Guderian can only secretly. Report alone.

"My opinion is to respect his personal decision." Cyric said: "You can't be special just because you are the son of the Führer."

Cyric's words moved Guderian for a while. Sure enough, the head of Cyric had always considered the entire empire and was never selfish.

"If he died, then the entire empire, I still have thousands of sons." Cyric said as he turned around and walked out.

"Yes, then I will assign him to the heavy independent tank battalion and let him command the mouse tank." Guderian said.

Of all the tanks, the safest is probably the mouse tank. The huge armor protection makes it the most desirable for all tank soldiers.

Cyric did not speak, and continued to walk outside.

As a father, I am incompetent! Cyric sighed in his heart.

This is the first time I have come to Wolf’s Den and I haven’t officially moved here. Therefore, Cyric’s family members are also in and now, Cyric can’t wait to go back and have a look. .

Berlin, the state capital.

"Mother, I am no longer a child, I have grown up, I am already eighteen years old!" In the room, a tall boy said to his mother.

He is already over 1.8 meters tall, and his whole body exudes the unique charm of a Germanic man. His appearance is just like Cyric.

In front of him, his mother is still very young. Over the years, as his man's status has become higher and higher, until now he has become the head of the empire, and women have become more graceful and noble.

"But, you have more important things." Hannah said: "Your major in university is mechanical manufacturing. You haven't graduated yet. When you graduate, you have to study management. You have to go to your uncle's factory. Go for an internship inside, and all the factories of our Krupp family will be managed by you."

Hannah looked at her son lovingly and said, "Mom knows you, and all the friends around you are enthusiastically signing up for the army, but you must know that the empire needs not only soldiers, but also various talents. Look at your uncle. Are you still doing your best for the empire?"

Hans has always been very obedient since he was a child. In the class, he was always the first, and it was Hannah's opinion all the way to the university's professional choice. But now, it is the first time that Hans has his own opinion.

"No, I don't like machinery. Although I have been learning there, it is not my interest." Hans said: "Compared with how to build tanks, I want to drive tanks and fight on the battlefield more."

"Crunch." Just then, the door opened and Hans turned his head and saw the tall figure.

Father is back. ()

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