The Third Reich

Chapter 965: The cost of entering the war

United States, Washington, White House.

"Mr. President, our Pearl Harbor has been bombed." Marshall said to Roosevelt.

A light flashed in Roosevelt's eyes: "Bombing? They finally bombed our Pearl Harbor?"

After saying this, he realized that what he said was inappropriate, and immediately changed his words: "These hateful islanders dare to bomb our territory!"

After all, Marshall was taken aback. He didn't report yet, the president knew that the islanders did it? Even if its own aircraft carrier formation discovered the flying plane, they thought it was bombed by the Germans!

"Mr. President, your guess is correct." Marshall said: "It was the islanders who dispatched the aircraft carrier formation and attacked our Pearl Harbor. The most heinous thing is that until now, the island nation has not officially declared war on us. This is a battle. The sneak attack is an insult to our United States."

"Well, it's that this sneak attack will wake up the people who are still sleeping in the dream of peace." Roosevelt said: "Now the world has fallen into the most dangerous situation. It is impossible to stay out of the situation, Germany. , The island country, their goal is to rule the entire world, they will pose a threat to us sooner or later, um, what is our loss?"

Roosevelt looked relaxed, but Marshall's heart was extremely heavy, and his Pacific Fleet would be crippled.

Now, after hearing Roosevelt’s words, Marshall was about to answer, and Secretary of State Hull came in: "Mr. President, the island nation’s ambassador has arrived at the White House. He wants to deliver us his credentials."

"Nomura really came in time!" Roosevelt said: "Before, we always regarded him as a friend. Let him come in."


Roosevelt was very emotional. The islanders were too good at making fun of people. Roosevelt originally thought that the islanders were very law-abiding. Who would have thought that the islanders were crazy, they were also very crippled, and they did not declare war!

Nomura hurriedly walked in and said to Roosevelt: "President Roosevelt, on behalf of the island nation, I formally declare war to you. This is our credential."

Of course Nomura knows what this means. As long as he brings it forward, he and the entire embassy will be temporarily detained, waiting for the destiny of deportation, but this is his mission.

Nomura solemnly handed in his credentials, but Roosevelt did not immediately take over. Instead, he looked at Nomura with sorrowful eyes: "We have received the news that your fleet has dropped a lot of bombs on our Pearl Harbor. , Is your book of war declaration still useful? This is totally undeclared war!"

Nomura was very depressed. Originally, they didn't mean it. They wanted to submit the credential for a declaration of war before their plane flew over Pearl Harbor. This would not be considered a sneak attack. However, by mistake, their printers were unexpected. Broken, wasted time!

Even if he goes back, Nomura will be reprimanded in the country. He has to bear great responsibility for this matter. Now, he can only bow and say with the peculiar modesty of the island people: "Sorry, our printer is broken. It's lost, it's a waste of time. Please forgive me."

Excuse me? Roosevelt sneered: "Your reason is too reluctant, right? A sneak attack is a sneak attack. Why is it necessary to cover it up? The island nation is now launching a war against us. Didn't the madmen of the island nation think of any consequences?"

as a result of? During the years in the United States, Nomura certainly knows a lot. Once the US war machine is activated, the island nation is definitely not an opponent. Now it is caught off guard and killed their Pacific fleet. However, within two years, the United States will regain possession. A bigger Pacific fleet!

The United States is invincible. I really don’t understand how the top domestic leaders are so crazy to go to war with the United States!

But now, he knows that he can't show this kind of thinking. After all, he represents the island nation.

"Tell your government, prepare to bear the anger of the United States. We must avenge the revenge of Pearl Harbor. Our bombers will appear over the island country. We will tell the island country with facts that the outcome of provoking us will be tragic. "

Nomura retired, and Roosevelt felt that the reprimand just now was quite enjoyable.

In the past few times, Roosevelt took the risk and falsified to bring about the bombing of the United States by Germany. As a result, the incident was revealed, and Roosevelt almost let Roosevelt step down, and fortunately he survived.

And now, this time, it’s finally true. The island nation actually challenged the United States and bombed Pearl Harbor in the United States. This incident was just used to make a fuss about whether the isolationism in the country claimed the old continent or not. The New World has nothing to do, the fire of the Old World has been burned to the New World!

"Marshall, how about the loss of Pearl Harbor?" Roosevelt continued the topic just now.

Roosevelt had been mentally prepared for a long time. Although there were several battleships staying in Pearl Harbor, they were all battleships from the First World It was time to be updated. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it happened on a large scale. Expand your own fleet.

As for the aircraft carrier, it has been transferred a long time ago, so there should be no problem, right?

"Our two aircraft carriers, the Enterprise and the Lexington, were sunk." Marshall said: "The warships anchored in Pearl Harbor are all spared. All of our equipment on Pearl Harbor, including the oil depot on land. , Has also been bombed. Now, Pearl Harbor has become ruins. The specific figures have not been counted, but at least, our casualties are more than 20,000, and our Pearl Harbor base has to be abandoned. The Pacific Fleet is crippled. ."

"What?" At this point, Roosevelt was finally no longer calm: "How is this possible?"

The two aircraft carriers have been transferred away, but they were also sunk as a result. This is a considerable loss! At the same time, Pearl Harbor suffered three rounds of bombing, and the howling of the Stuka bomber became a nightmare for many people in their lives.

There are also bombers that take off from the mainland of the island country. Although there are not many, they carry the most disgusting incendiary bombs.

Pearl Harbor, already under bombing, was turned into ruins in the sea of ​​fire, and those warships sank into the sea, accompanied by the death of a large number of American sailors.

More than 20,000, which is just a conservative number.

Roosevelt’s mouth twitched inexplicably. Is it such a big price to put the United States into a state of war? So what price will the United States pay to win this war?

"The main bomber of the island nation was imported from Germany, and Germany is also responsible for this incident." Marshall said.

"Prepare it for me. I want to speak to the whole country." Roosevelt thought for a while and said. ()

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