The Third Reich

Chapter 966: Declare war

"March 10, 1940, this is a shameful day that we must always remember-the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the island imperial navy and air force."

"History will testify that because Hawaii is so far away from Japan, it clearly shows that this attack was carefully planned for many days or even weeks."

"The island government has launched an offensive against Malaya. The island nation's army has attacked Guam, and the island nation's Japanese army has attacked the Philippine Islands. The island nation has attacked Wake Island. The island nation has taken a sudden offensive throughout the Pacific."

"Our entire country will always remember the nature of this raid on us. No matter how long it will take to defeat this premeditated invasion, the American people will surely win absolute victory with their own righteous power."

"I ask the Congress to declare: Since Japan launched an unprovoked and despicable offensive on Sunday, March 10, 0, there has been a state of war between the United States and the Japanese Empire."

"At the same time, what makes me even more unbelievable is that this time, the island nation's sudden attack on Pearl Harbor used a large number of German-made Stuka bombers."

Roosevelt’s words were long, and many Americans listened to the sound on the radio with a sense of war in their chests.

"We can speculate that Germany has long been involved in this operation of the island country, and even they provided the island country with all the experience of the Scarpa Bay battle. It is precisely because of Germany's participation that we have suffered huge losses. I Ask Congress to also declare that there is already a state of war between us and Germany."

"We must support the British government in exile and fully support it until the British government can return to homeland and until Europe restores its past peace. We firmly believe that the final victory in this war will belong to us!"


"Roosevelt, is this crazy?" Cyric, who was in Wolf's Den, on the top platform of the high mountain, admiring the great rivers and mountains around him, suddenly received the news and was taken aback.

It is in Germany's interest to help the island countries and severely damage the US Navy in the Pacific. After all, it is better for the United States to be consumed in wars with the island countries than with Germany.

At the same time, the island country is used to hold the United States. In this way, Germany does not need to worry about the United States' counterattack in Europe for the time being, and devotes itself to the war against the Soviet Union.

Who would have thought that Roosevelt would not only declare war on the island nations, but also on Germany?

This Roosevelt is really a war madman. Fighting one is a fight, and two is a fight. Why not fight together?

Cyric was taken aback for a moment, with surprises and surprises everywhere!

Knowing that the island nation would not be able to defeat the United States in the end, Cyric did not intend to form an alliance with the island nation, but only sold some weapons to the island nation. Germany hopes to remain neutral.

Now, the United States has taken the initiative to provoke!

"It was the United States who took the initiative to declare war on us. Simply, let us declare war with the United States!" Marshal Keitel said to the side of Cyrek. Now that Germany has conquered all of Europe, are you afraid of declaring war with the United States? If the United States wants to fight, then let it go!

Cyric shook his head: "No, if we declare war, we will be caught by the Americans. Roosevelt has always wanted to fight, but the isolationism in the United States disagrees. Now, Roosevelt has finally waited for the opportunity. He can't wait. Up."

"Then what shall we do?" Scherner was also taken aback and asked Cyrek.

"It is announced that we are only selling weapons to island countries. This is a normal business relationship. If the United States stops supporting George VI, then we in Germany will stop selling weapons to island countries." Cyric said: "We It is peace-loving. This is a countermeasure to the United States deliberately instigating European relations and continuing to support the government in exile."

"However, if the United States insists on going its own way and wants to start a war against us, then we will definitely not be timid." Cyric said: "To declare war on us in Germany is to declare war on our entire Europe! I hope the Americans will keep their eyes open. See clearly the real situation of the Pearl Harbor incident, especially the high-level Americans, really don’t know that the island nation will attack?

When Cyric finally said this, everyone in the room was like a mirror, Roosevelt, let's talk about him first!

There are many reasons for the success of the island country’s sneak attack. At the same time, there are too many doubts. The island country’s frequent military mobilizations have not been discovered by the US intelligence agencies?

Especially, when the island country bombers bombed, why was the US aircraft carrier not inside the port?

These doubts are enough to write a survey manuscript!

In particular, Roosevelt had a criminal record. He bombed the east coast of the United States and shocked the Americans. But in the end, the Americans found the truth. The British planned it secretly. The bomber was not German. It is a bomber developed by Boeing in the United States!

At the beginning, this explosive news almost caused Roosevelt to step down. Now, continue to turn it out, hype!

Ribbentrop immediately noticed: "Okay, head of state, we will prepare immediately."

Cyric put the matter aside, even if the United States declares war on Germany, what can the United States do? The Americans do not have intercontinental bombers and cannot fly over Europe at Moreover, even if the Americans want to bomb, they must first bomb the island country.

Moreover, the US Pacific Fleet is dead. It must be transferred from the Atlantic side. The US's strength in the Atlantic side will be further weakened. The German fleet will not bully them. It's good to have them come to the wild?

If the Americans really dare to challenge, then let the US Navy know the fate of challenging the German Navy!

Germany actually lies innocently with a gun, which is absolutely impossible!

While thinking about Cyric, he began to continue to consider the Soviet Union's operations, and the development of the situation, is it necessary for his side to launch an attack this year?

No, it must be delayed!

The attack on Pearl Harbor by an island nation was shocking to Americans.

Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

There was a cry of sob from the old James' house.

Tony, the neighbor, walked in slowly, only to see the old James's wife, who was already in tears.

"James, what's the matter? My old neighbor?" Tony asked James.

"Tony, our Pearl Harbor was attacked by the islanders. My youngest son worked as the chief engineer on the battleship Arizona. We just received his notice of death." Old James said.

His own son was killed in battle. When they heard the news, the two suffered a huge blow!

Throughout the United States, tens of thousands of families have fallen into the same grief as theirs. The elderly have lost their children, their wives have lost their husbands, and children have lost their fathers.

This is the cruelest part of the war.

"Oh, Almighty God!" Tony also sighed: "Have you read today's newspaper? The attack on Pearl Harbor is simply a big conspiracy!" ()

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