The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 101: I found the treasure

"Come on, name, origin, magic, and what is the purpose of your coming to our guild?"

Elsa held her arms, sat on the chair, raised Erlang's legs, and looked down at the two teenagers who were kneeling on the ground.For these two guys who ranted and wanted to kick the restaurant, Elisa wouldn't give a good face.

Naz and Gray were standing behind Elisa like the second generals of Huoha, their eyes widened, and at the same time, they gave a cold snort, cheering Elsa, and Jet and Dolele shivered with scared noses and swollen faces. , There must be more cooperation.

The orange-haired Jeter took the lead to speak: "Um, my name is Sarusuk, but everyone else calls me Jeter. We are all from the small town of Honey. Well, my magic is "God Foot", as you can see. A magic to increase speed. We, we really just came to join the guild, and we were so overwhelmed by accident, sorry!"

Jeter paid tribute to Elisa's feet very sincerely, but Elisa just nodded coldly and turned to look at Doler: "Next, it's your turn."

Dorael was not very courageous. When she was stared at by the "Queen", her tongue was knotted: "I, I, I, and my name are Dorael, and Jeter is in the same hometown. Magic, magic is to manipulate rapid growth. Plants, use this kind of seed called "tinder""

"Okay, that's it." Elisa interrupted Doler, who was so nervous that she had a big tongue, and finally turned her gaze to Reby.

Petite Lebby saw Elisa looking at her, and quickly stood up, looking at the ceiling forty-five degrees, not daring to squint.

Seeing that the third person was a petite and lovely girl, Elisa's tone also eased a little: "Don't be nervous, what's your name?"

"Well, my name is Lebby, Lebby Makugarden. My magic is three-dimensional text, a kind of magic that makes text materialize. Jeter and Dorael and I were childhood sweethearts who grew up together. A rare wizard in the town."

Speaking of this, Reby gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

"That Miss Elisa, I apologize to you for what happened just now! Jeter and Doler are actually not malicious. Please forgive them. Really, I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, the little Lebby mustered up the courage to stand in front of Jet and Dorael and bowed to Elisa and apologized.

"Rebby sauce~~"

This action immediately moved the two idiots behind, if it hadn't been for Elisa who was still watching, they would already be crying and crying while holding Rebby's thigh.

Seeing Rebby's actions, Elisa couldn't help showing a smile on her serious face, and she reached out her hand to support Rebby up, her attitude was completely different from before.

"Well, it's really good to think about your companions! Don't be afraid, we will be partners in the future. I will help you and the president explain your application for membership."

"Ah! Miss Elisa, thank you so much!"

In an inconspicuous corner of the guild, Eleven was wearing a pair of magic glasses for text translation, holding a huge ancient document, and studying it in a manner.

Unknowingly, there was another welcome party in the guild, and the already noisy hall suddenly seemed to be fried, making people uneasy.

Shaking his head helplessly, Eleven had to take this opportunity to take off his glasses and rubbed his swollen eye sockets.These ancient documents are too ugly to understand, even if there is a translation of magic glasses, it is equally troublesome.

Eleven had also noticed the farce that happened at the door, but with Elisa presided over, Eleven didn't bother to participate.Those three Xiao Mengxin have neither strength nor any bizarre background stories. Except for those two men who have enough sand sculptures, there is nothing to attract Eleven’s attention. He can’t help but sigh that the current rookies are really inferior It's up!

At this time, Eleven was more willing to spend time studying the ancient book in front of him. As for greeting the newcomer, it would be the same if there is time in the future.

Since I discovered that my soul was abnormal six months ago,

But there is really too little research on the soul. Basically, the more common researches are things that are useless.

Finally, as the research deepened, Eleven gradually turned his attention to the obscure ancient documents.

These documents are very rare in the market, and it was Makarov who spent a lot of effort to help Eleven get a few.But I have to say that the wisdom of the ancients is really not to be underestimated. The study of the soul is deeper than modern people, and you can see the shadow of many lost technologies.

After several months of study, Eleven also stumbled through one or two books. Although he did not solve his own problems, his understanding of the power of the soul has deepened a lot, which is the control of the spiritual power. It can be said to be very beneficial.

"Huh? Are you reading a book about the soul? That's amazing!"

Just as Eleven rubbed his brows, recalling what was incomprehensible in the book, a crisp loli sound suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, it was Lebby who had just joined the guild, and the two King Kong licking dogs behind her.

At this moment, Lebby was carrying her little hand, and with a curious look, she peeked at Eleven's book.

"Oh~" Seeing that Lebby was almost piercing his head into the page, Eleven had to cough lightly to remind him.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Rebby suddenly realized that she was in a bad mood, and she blushed and stepped back a few steps, "I'm really sorry, I can't help being attracted when I see a book I haven't read. I'm sorry to disturb you. Up."

Eleven couldn't help but smile a little when he saw Lebby's small appearance.That's right, if you don't have any quirks, you don't deserve to call yourself a fairy tail wizard!This little girl has just joined, but she knows it well, so soon she started to establish her role characteristics.

"It's okay, my name is Eleven, and you are welcome to join the guild!" Eleven smiled and touched Rebby's little head. This girl is just as big as Lisana, so cute.

Unexpectedly, seeing Eleven’s movements, Lebby hadn’t reacted much, but the two King Kong behind her exploded first: "Hey, you guy, don’t do anything to Lebby, I want us to teach you. ?"

Eleven: [?_????]

Rebby didn't think there was anything. Her thoughts at this time were all on the huge ancient book of Eleven.After Weiwei comforted the two licking dogs behind her, she couldn't wait to discuss the contents of the book with Eleven.

"Huh? Can you understand without translating?" Eleven looked at Reb in disbelief.

For him, these ancient characters are no different from ghost painting symbols. Someone can understand them directly. How to learn!

"Hehehe, I have taught myself a lot of writing." Lebby raised her small face proudly. This is her most proud and exclusive skill. "Basically all cuneiform writing is used in this book, but it is through Variations"

Eleven listened to Libby's talk with a dazed expression. He, a scumbag who only wears broken glasses and pretends to be forceful, can be regarded as encountering a true learning god this time. He didn't even understand a punctuation mark. .

However, Eleven didn't care at all, but was a little excited.

Isn't this just a ready-made translation?

The broken translation glasses are really difficult to use. Basically, they are all literal translations. The sentences are completely unclear, and they also require magical power and eyes.

If this little girl could translate for me, how much effort would have to be saved!

Hahaha, this time I really found a treasure!

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