Rebbi, who was talking about it, suddenly found that Eleven was looking at him with a stupid smile on his face, and suddenly realized that he had lost his temper. Not everyone was as interested in the knowledge of various words as he.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't control myself again, so I said it myself." Lebby patted her head apologetically, and smiled apologetically at Eleven.

Of course, Eleven wouldn't care about this little detail. He was thinking about copying the gods and doing karma, and his attitude became flattering.

"It's okay, this is the first time I have heard of this kind of knowledge, you are really knowledgeable!"

"Hey hey, I'm not that good~" Lebby is still just a simple little loli after all. When he hears Eleven's compliment, she feels embarrassed and her whole person becomes airy.

Upon seeing this, Eleven hurriedly offered a few more soil-flavored flattery, and Lebi couldn't find the North, but the eyes of the two King Kong watching Eleven became more and more dangerous.

"Ah! By the way, we haven't formally introduced ourselves yet!" Libby, who had been acquainted with Eleven in flattering, also became lighthearted, not as restrained at the beginning.

"When we first met, my name is Rebbi Makugaden!" As Rebbi said, he bowed slightly to Eleven and introduced himself and the others.

"This side is Jeter, this side is Doller, my childhood sweetheart."

"We are Lane Engine Team!"

Having said that, Lebby suddenly jumped onto the table and made a second-second look. Jeter and Doler also hurriedly set up ose one after the other, the meaning is unknown.

Eleven: [?_????]

"Um, what is the in-law of Che? What is that?" I don't know why, watching the sudden sand sculpture of Xueshen in his mind, Eleven felt a pain in his heart and was at a loss.

"It's Lane·Engine! The wizard team that we just created belongs to the three of us, and we will do various tasks together in the future!" Lebby pouted and explained how this older brother was so stupid. .

Eleven glanced at the two King Kong behind him who were constantly provoking him with triumphant eyes, and finally looked at Lebby with a heartache.Hey, what a clever little girl, how come she has two sand sculpture friends?

It seems that the facts have proved the power of sand sculptures, even if they learn God, they will be assimilated with sand sculptures for a long time!

"Oh, that's it." Eleven didn't want to get too entangled in the problem of Cannian, and hurried back to the topic, "Lebby, are you interested in reading a book with me? By the way, help me translate."

"Ah! Can I? Such ancient books are very precious, right? Can you really show it to me?" Upon hearing this, Lebby's big eyes shot two bright lights.

"Well, of course, of course, I'm actually asking for your help. To be honest, I'm a bit strenuous by myself." Elevating smiled when she saw that Lebby had no problem, and hurriedly moved her hips, patted the bench beside her, and gestured. Rebby quickly sat down and asked him to copy his homework.

Lebby was happy, cheered and sat down beside Eleven, kicked his feet and threw himself into the joy of learning.

Eleven looked at Lebby, proud of his wit, and suddenly felt that his shoulder was severely grasped by a hand.

Turning his head to see Jett staring at him fiercely, the guy also stretched out two fingers and nodded his own eyes, like "I'm staring at you, don't want to make any small gestures".

Eleven: (?_?)

How to do?I really want to sell this stuff!

But he is a friend of Xue Shen, if he beat him, Xue Shen probably won't copy my homework!

Be patient, Eleven, you must be patient!


No longer paying attention to the two big fools standing behind him staring at him, Eleven forced himself to devote himself to learning, and began to listen to Lebby's translation of ancient texts for him.

Seeing Lebby’s serious little face when he was studying, it was the first time that Eleven felt admiration for a peer, even if it was just a little girl who was several years younger than him.

"Rebby, is your magic related to reading and reading?" Eleven, who was amazed by Rebby's talent, couldn't help but become curious.

"No, my magic is called'three-dimensional text'. It is a magic that can visualize text."

After speaking, Reb didn't seem to understand Eleven when he saw that, he simply put down the pen in his hand, and planned to show the magic power directly to Eleven.

"Three-dimensional text'flower'!"

Rebby raised his hand and wrote a "flower" text on the ground with magical power. However, in the next second, the text suddenly bloomed with flowers, which became a small patch of flowers in the blink of an eye.

"Others can also write'flame','steel','ice and snow' and the like, as well as some abnormal states. In short, I can basically create things that can be expressed in words. It is a very practical magic. !" Lebby looked at the bunch of flowers he had summoned, and proudly showed off to Eleven.

"Oh, it's really versatile, it's similar to Karna's card magic." Eleven nodded in agreement.

"Kana?" Lebby asked outside.

"Well, it's a sister who is two years older than you. I don't seem to be in the guild now. I will introduce you to you later. Her card magic can do all kinds of things like you. Maybe you will be very together. take."

As he said, Eleven glanced contemptuously at the two big fools who were still standing behind him.The magic that Lebby just showed was much higher than these two guys. Although it was not as good as Nazgray, it was definitely a genius.

Co-authoring these two people not only lowered Lebby's IQ, but also reduced Lebby's combat effectiveness!

What is the meaning of your existence?Not even the flower protector!Pets?

Eleven really intends to introduce Lebby to Kana, so that the two of them can form a team, which is definitely more reassuring than Lebby's carrying the two.

After a short run, Lebby immediately returned to the state of learning, and began to translate all kinds of Eleven.However, this little bookworm became more engaged as he read, and later it was only a long time before he could say a word, patronizing his own reading.

The scumbag of Eleven was also because he only listened to the class, and he didn't need to use his brain anymore. The more he listened, the more sleepy he became.


With the sound of Eleven's head hitting the desk, the two people suddenly came to their senses. They were not on the same channel at all.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Eleven, I was too devoted. Well, I will tell you the previous one again!" Rebbi thought that Eleven was sleepy because of her own reasons, and quickly admitted her mistake and apologized.

However, on Eleven's side, when he heard that Lebby had to re-speak, he suddenly stood up cleverly: "Ah! No, there is no such trouble!"

"I suddenly thought of a good idea, Lebby, you are now the wizards of the guild, I will post the task directly to you, help me translate this book, the reward will not be less for you!"

Eleven couldn't help but praise his wit, and was finally free from this learning hell.

Unexpectedly, Lebby was stunned when he heard this, staring blankly at Eleven without any reaction.

The Eleven I was looking at was a little frustrated, and then when I looked at the ancient book that was bigger than Lei’s upper body, I suddenly felt a little shameless. It was too much for a little girl to translate such a thick book!

"That one"

"Is it true? Eleven, are you saying true? Does that mean I can read this book casually?"

Just as Eleven wanted to say something, Rebbi jumped up suddenly and held him in front of Eleven, her eyes flashing with excitement, and she was not worried about the workload at all.

"Uh, yes, if you want to, I have a few more copies, it's better." Seeing Lebby's appearance, Eleven tried to be more shameless.

"Ah! Really? So happy! Please give it to me! Hahaha, great!" When Lebby heard this, she jumped up for joy, presumably because she loves reading too much.

At this time, Eleven was grabbed by the shoulder again, and it turned out that it was Jeter and Doler when he looked back.This time the two guys didn't have any vicious expressions anymore. Instead, they were proud of their faces, pointing their thumbs to their noses, and they looked pretentious.

"Our lane·engine will take over your task! Leave it to us, don't worry!"

Eleven: (?_?)


Obviously it is a task assigned to Lebby. What is it that you two drag oil bottles are making a fuss here?

Ah~ Ah!Sure enough, I really want to hit these two goods!How to do?

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