After all, it's about attacking dignity, the battle of the monsters is extremely fierce, flesh and blood are splashing, and the earth is cracking.

Many spherulitic veins were exposed by the shock, but no Warcraft paid attention to it.

I don't know how long it took before Eleven carefully walked out of the hiding place.

Those irritable old buddies were dead and slid, leaving only the blood stained on the ground and some small animals that stole chickens and eaten food.

It took a lot of effort to clean up the mess all over the floor to prevent it from attracting bigger carnivores in the future.

Originally, Eleven planned to take the opportunity to pick up some useful parts and go back to earn some extra money when the task was handed in. But after a long time of picking and picking, he couldn't find even half of his body, and all were torn into pieces.

What a grudge and grievance is this?As for?

After not entangled in the love, hatred and hatred of the monsters for too long, Eleven will soon be attracted by the large and small crystal balls on the ground that have been drawn by the monsters, and the corners of his mouth are almost drooling. Flow down.

"Hehehe~ I'm going to make a fortune!"

Carrying a bamboo basket on his back, Eleven picked up these spherulites one by one with bright eyes, and put them behind his backhand. He didn't even want to use his thought power. He wanted to enjoy the feeling of having his wealth in his pocket.

Although I don't have much idea about money, fools feel unhappy when they have money.

These spherulites on the ground are just surface dishes that the beasts dig out. There is a whole vein below here. Although the concentration of magic power can tell that this vein is not large, the smallest spherulites are thousands Ten thousand treasure house.

In the past, few people had the opportunity to fully mine an entire vein, and the spherulites on the market were basically stolen from the hands of Warcraft.

A person like Eleven has realized the dreams of all wizards in one pot, and he belongs to the kind that can wake up when dreaming.


It's just that Eleven is facing a happy trouble now, that is, he has only one person, and it is too hard to mine. Even with the help of mind, this is definitely a big project.

But Eleven didn't feel distressed at all for such troubles, and even couldn't help but want to laugh.

Please torture me as much as you like!


Two weeks later, Eleven crawled out of the ground with a sullen face, carrying two baskets of spherulitic ore behind him.The gain is more than he thought, if it is sold, it will start at least 20 million!

No accidents happened in the past two weeks, and WoW did not come back to harass him.It's just that on the third day, a group of people suddenly didn't know where they came from, and they pointed to Eleven's nose to grab his mine.

The leader is a fellow from the Giant's Nose Guild called Red Sky Pola. The magic used is a slimy red flame, which is quite annoying.

However, this incident did not affect Eleven's good mood, because after that, he had more than a dozen free miners who volunteered to mine for him!

Pola in the red sky: "Brother Eleven, our brothers have no credit and hard work in mining. Can you reward us with some scum, I think"

Eleven (e′)|: "You want a fart! Go work!"


In this way, the progress of mining has accelerated a lot.

Eleven recalled the experience of getting rich with joy, and looked up at the long-lost sky.


Good thing!Do not expose this way!

Go back and sell these two baskets of spherulites and send them out!

Move forward.


The two shoelaces suddenly broke together!

Maybe it was too hard when mining


I don't know when the surrounding trees were covered with black crows, staring at him gloomily.

Probably it was attracted by the smell of rotten meat before!

These are definitely not ominous signs!Don't think so much!

Think about it, this mission has always been smooth and profitable.

Well, it's always normal


It’s a bit too normal. The style is not right.

Eleven ran in the gloomy forest and didn't feel any danger coming. He just had a sixth sense of wanting a Japanese dog, which was very strange.

The maximum degree of mental power is released, and any disturbance will attract Eleven's attention. Even if something abnormal happens, he also decides to protect his property to the death.

However, he didn't notice that, several hundred meters above his head, a strange dark cloud was constantly spinning, like a whirlpool facing the earth in a sea of ​​black clouds.

Suddenly an attraction fell on Eleven, and there seemed to be a tendency to suck him into the sky.Eleven, who was like a frightened bird, reacted extremely quickly, and subconsciously covered his whole body with his thought power to protect himself.

With feeling, looking up, Eleven finally saw the swirling dark cloud vortex in the sky.

"What is this?"

Eleven's muscles were tight and he was ready to fight, but he soon discovered that when he used his mind to protect himself, his attraction disappeared instantly, as if he was disgusted with him.

"This thing seems to be absorbing magic power?"

Wang Tian watched the dark clouds and waited for a long time, and nothing happened to Eleven.The black cloud vortex seemed to be absorbing magic loyally, transforming all magical substances and elements into pure magical power and sucking into the air, showing no interest in Eleven's spiritual power.

"Heh, I don't dare to provoke me when I dry it!" Eleven second-hand rubbed his nose and thought triumphantly.

Although I don't know what the vortex in the sky is, after discovering that the vortex has no effect on me, the uncomfortable feeling in my heart instantly disappeared!

Thinking of coming to this inexplicable vortex is the culprit of this strange feeling, but it doesn't seem to do anything to me, hehe, safe!

Thinking of this, Eleven's footsteps became lighter, and he felt a lot more relaxed. Even the basket behind him felt less heavy.

Amount ()

It seems really not that heavy

It's so light!!

Wait, that thing is absorbing magic!Spherical crystal is the purest magic power!

Did I use my mind to protect the spherulites?



A scream like killing a pig came from the forest.

"No! It's all gone!" Eleven held his two bamboo baskets, and tears suddenly burst out.

"I knew it! I knew the mission couldn't be so smooth!"

"Why? Why can't I get rich overnight?"

||●How can it be repaired!!!

Eleven knelt on the ground, and slammed his fists on the ground fiercely, his tears could not stop Cyclonus!All my efforts were in vain, my dreams were all shattered, and I returned to the pre-liberation overnight, and the roast duck that I got in hand actually flew!

Suddenly, with a movement of mental power, Eleven found that there was a person standing in the depths of the forest. This person was holding a staff in his hand, turning and turning against the black cloud in the sky, seeming to be directing the black cloud. action!

There are actually behind the scenes!?

This man with blue hair and golden eyes covered his face with a black kerchief, but did not completely block the cool lines on his right eye.


Fuck, it's you little turtle grandson!You dare to steal my hard-earned money!

"Geral! Take it to death!"


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