The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 105: No, it's all gone!

Deep in the forest, Geral was holding a wooden staff, waving it against the dark clouds in the sky.

He didn't seem to be very relaxed, his forehead was covered with sweat.

He also did not expect that this time, this "anima" could absorb so much magic power, it was like absorbing an entire magic crystal vein.

But how can the Anima in the sky absorb the underground veins? It is too hard to understand!

At this time, there was a scream like a pig in the forest, and Geral looked over subconsciously, and was worried. Could it be that the appearance of Anima caused someone to be injured?

Thinking of this, the movements on his hands couldn't help speeding up a bit, and the sweat oozing out of his forehead became more and more.

However, not long afterwards, there was another rumbling sound from the direction of the scream, and even the ground began to tremble slightly. Numerous trees began to collapse in sequence, as if a huge beast was running rampant. He struck.

"Damn it, what is this?" Geral was shocked when he saw this scene, but he was now at a critical moment to deal with Anima, and once he moved, he would lose everything.I had to stare wide and be ready to deal with the collision of the giant beast.

Finally, the giant tree that was the last to block the line of sight suddenly collapsed, but it was not a giant beast that rushed out, but a gray-haired boy.The young man's eyes were full of ferocious eyes, a pair of round eyes exuded a wicking cold light, and invisible violent energy was wrapped around his body, tearing up all the objects that prevented him from moving forward.

"Geral, you bastard return my spherulites!"

With a roar, the violent thought power instantly tore the air, mixed with a loud blast, slammed down at Geral.

At this moment, Geral almost saw death, and the irresistible threat of death stirred every nerve in him.No longer able to think about Anima's affairs, he immediately put down his staff, pounced aside, and desperately avoided the death blow.


The ground under Geral's feet instantly cracked, and the whole small area sank for a certain distance, and the shallow wall was clearly visible.


"Who are you, you, you, you?" Even if he was calm, Geral was almost speechless at this time, splitting his legs, sitting on the ground, with a cold sweat on one end, and the sinking ground was a little away from him. My younger brother only missed that little gap!

"Don't pretend to be garlic with me, Geral! If you want to retaliate against me, what is the ability to grab my money!" Eleven stood in the air and roared at Geral!

(▼ dishes▼)

He didn't really want to kill Geral. He believed that with Geral's level, an attack of the kind just now could definitely be avoided. If he couldn't avoid it, he would have no face to live!

"Um, I think you may be the wrong person, I am not the Jera you know"

"Return him to pretend! Give me back the spherulites snatched from me! Do you know how much work I took to dig them out of the mine?"

While roaring, Eleven reached out and picked up the fallen tree next to him and swiped it towards Geral, making Geral roll around to avoid it.

At this moment, he finally understood why the anima in the sky suddenly swelled. It turned out to be the relationship between absorbing a large number of spherulites. How many spherulites did this person dug to make the anima expand like that?Shouldn't that stuff be difficult to obtain?

"Well, listen to me! I'm really not wow! Don't fight for now!"

"I'm not without"


Eleven didn't want to listen to Geral's sophistry, so he beat him up first!Want to lie to me?Pooh!Do you think my Eleven will believe your nonsense?

Geral was embarrassed and dodged under the stormy attack of Elevin, unable to even say a single word.Had it not been for his outstanding perception and first-rate reaction, he would have been pressed and rubbed on the ground a hundred times.

Where is this neurosis?He didn't even give people a chance to speak!Toxic!

at this time,

The absorption of magic power suddenly more than doubled, and even the leaves and rocks on the ground were sucked into the sky, and they were forcibly transformed into magic power.

This anomaly immediately attracted Eleven's attention, turned his gaze to the air, and gave Gerald a short respite.

Geral, who was a little free, did not dare to rest at all, but at the fastest rate of speech in his life, he shouted out the words that had been held in his heart.

"I'm not the Geral you know! I didn't steal your spherulites! I need to shut down the anima in the sky immediately, and I'll talk about it later!"

After yelling, Geral felt that the whole person was refreshed. He ignored Eleven, turned his head and raised the staff, his face solemnly began to concentrate on dealing with Anima.

Hearing Geral's voice, Eleven turned his head and saw the lonely figure that Geral had thrown at him. He was suddenly upset.


Damn, you dare to ignore me!

The pretense is quite alike, even the mood swings are vividly interpreted!

Eleven stared coldly at Geral, who was trying to cast a spell, and silently raised a finger.

"Induction of vomiting!"

The so-called vomiting technique is Eleven's skill that can make people nauseous and vomiting. Now the memory information to be implanted has been directly packaged and organized. After improvements and enhancements, the effect is better, and it is more convenient and faster to use .

It's really a home trip, a necessary skill to punish evil and promote good!

"Oh! What did you do~~"

Geral, who was waving his staff, suddenly shook his body, fell to his knees, and began to spew filth crazily.

"Look at the way you vomit is still so ugly, and you say you are not Geral, who are you lying to?"

Eleven fell in front of Geral without angrily, but kept a distance so as not to be splashed.

"By the way, when will your fellow's brain be cured, and his thinking will not be so confused! But why does his strength seem to have deteriorated?"

"You bastard~~ I, vomit! It must be turned off, Anima is vomiting~~~" Geral glared, wishing to kill the obstructive bastard, but couldn’t stop the nausea. despair.

"Close? Anima? The above thing?" Eleven heard Geral's intermittent words and looked up at the black cloud in the sky.

I didn't pay attention for a while, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to swell again, and the speed of absorbing magic power seemed to be faster.

By the way, this thing sucked up my spherulites. At first I thought this was a strange weather phenomenon!

Now it seems to be something that little turtle grandson Jerald made, will my spherulites still be there?

Damn, no wonder Geral wants to close it in a hurry, he really wants to embezzle the fruits of my labor!

Thinking of this, Eleven no longer hesitated, a huge thought force whizzed out, turned into a thick tentacle, and went straight into the sky.

The dark cloud was pressed very low, that is, a few hundred meters in the air, Eleven's thought power could be touched.He intends to hit Huanglong directly and grab all his spherulites.

There is a black hole in the middle of the dark cloud, one and the other like a huge black mouth, ruthlessly swallowing all kinds of magic power in the air, but it is limited to magic power, and mental power is not within its swallowing range.

However, Eleven's power of mind can be ignored, and he stabbed in without the consent of others at all!

Suddenly, the entire black cloud began to tremble, and the huge black mouth in the middle no longer absorbed the magic power, but kept retracting it, seeming to want to spit out Eleven's thought power.It was as if a foreign body suddenly broke into the slender throat, retching constantly.

Eleven remained unmoved, his still persistent mind of manipulation drove straight forward, and roughly began to explore the interior.

Finally, the black cloud seemed to be unable to stand the insult of Eleven anymore, and exploded by itself with a bang!

The dark clouds all around were dispersed all at once.

It is bright.

Eleven stared at the sky blankly, the sun shining on his face, his eyes hurt.

Why did it explode?

Where is my spherulites?

Where's my money?

Gone!It's all gone!


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