The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 111: The Brave Transformation Towards Hope

If you choose to stay in this dark prison, everyone will only die, and there is no other way. The only difference is how long they will have to endure.

In the end, Elsa's friends decided to escape this magic cave. They used their rest time to dig the walls little by little and dig a passage to freedom.

But at the end of the tunnel opening, Elisa was timid.Began to doubt whether such an unconscionable escape is really feasible?Every one of them knows what happened to the children who were caught on the run. It was hell.

The intense fear made Elisa tremble helplessly, tears in her eyes kept rolling, and she could not move her footsteps anyway.Simon in front of him wanted to come forward to comfort him, but he also suppressed fear in his heart, which made him even more unsure of how to speak.

"Don't worry, nothing terrible." Just when the atmosphere fell silent, a gentle voice sounded from behind Elisa.


It was Geral who came here, and he was at the end because he was responsible for the finishing touches.Unlike the others with a gloomy face, Geral's face was full of confidence, clenching his fists, and cheering for everyone.

"There is no need to be afraid, but to believe that we can definitely get the freedom, future, and dreams we want!"

With that said, Geral stood in front of Elisa without hesitation and stretched out a palm towards her.

"Let's go, Elisa!"


Seeing the courageous Gerald in front of her, the haze in Elisa's heart was also dissipated a lot, a smile was hung on her ruddy cheeks unconsciously, and her little hand was gently placed on Geral's. In the palm of his hand, he bravely stepped forward.

But dreams are always too beautiful. It is hard to escape from this heavily guarded tower. It is not something that a few and a half-year-old children can do casually.

They were eventually discovered.

Several huge monsters surrounded them with their mouths wide open. A group of dark wizards looked at these innocent little ghosts, and the corners of their mouths showed joking smiles. Elsa and the others could only squat and tremble. , Dare not have the slightest resistance.

"Smelly brats, do you really think you can escape so easily?"

One fat and one thin, two wizards who were supposed to be the leaders pushed away the crowd and walked out. Among them, the fat man gritted his teeth hating Elisa and the others.

"Obviously, the schedule of r syste is getting more and more pressing, but you have chosen to escape at this time, really."

The thin man beside him comfortably interrupted the fat man's words: "Well, wait. You can't continue to delay the progress because of this."

"I should have locked up all of you, but this time I am very generous and only grab the leader! This is more fair, isn't it? Come on, hurry up and tell me who planned this operation! After speaking, Everyone else can go back safely!"

At this point, the thin man stopped speaking, and looked at a few children lying on the ground tormented jokingly. He likes to see the expressions of human beings when their humanity is being tested.

Elisa subconsciously looked at Xiu who made this suggestion, but when she saw Xiu’s helpless sobbing appearance, she didn’t know where the courage came from, and she wanted to accept punishment instead of Xiu. .


"I did it!"

Unexpectedly, before Elisa had spoken her words, another more determined voice suppressed her words.

Geral stood up without hesitation, without much fear on his face, glared at several black wizards, and said what Elsa wanted to say.

"I proposed this plan, and I took the lead. If you want to catch it, just catch me!"

The thin man didn’t see the ugly scene he wanted to watch, but he was not disappointed either. He looked a little bit playful in the eyes of a few children. In fact, it doesn’t matter who takes the initiative to admit it, and who he wants to catch is. The most critical.

"No, it's not you at all, which red-haired girl is right! She is about to plead guilty just now!"

The thin man looked at the surprised Geral and the others, mocking, and ignoring how they quibble, and directly gave the order to take Elsa away.

He didn't care about the resistance of a few children. After the electrotherapy, all were honest.

Seeing Geral and Simon who were constantly struggling in the lightning magic, Elisa managed to squeeze a smile even if she was afraid of death, pretending to be strong incoherently.

"I'm fine. I'm not scared at all. Because, because Geral said it, I'm not scared at all!"


Seeing Elisa's miserable smile, Geral almost cracked his teeth, but at this time he had no choice but to shout incompetently, watching Elisa being taken into hell with his own eyes.

After Elisa was taken away, she realized what the real torture was.

Not only physically, but also mentally.These dark wizards believe in the most evil gods in history, and the methods they use are also inhumane. Just because Elisa and their mission did not respond, they forcibly went out of her eyeball. ,as punishment.

Had it not been for the faith that Grandpa Rob said in her heart, and the courage given by Gerald, Eliza would have lost herself. She was not as strong as she had imagined, just like a little girl in the wind. The small candlelight may disappear at any time.


But just when her thinking was about to die, a shout called her back.Looking up hard, he saw Geral rushing in with a huge sword that was one-man high, covered in scars.

Rescuing Elisa from the copper pillar and holding her broken body, Geral left painful tears uncontrollably, and her tone was full of hatred: "It is so cruel and hateful! Elisa , What did we do wrong?"

"Jie, Geral, what's the matter with you?" Opening her empty eyes, Elisa wanted to ask something weakly.

Seeing Elisa awakening, Geral managed to squeeze a little smile: "Elisa, I'm here to save you. We have no way out, we can only get up and fight!"


Before Elisa understood Geral's words, several magic circles lighted up from them, and more magic soldiers blocked their way and issued a hideous roar!

Even Geral couldn't help but squeezed the big sword in his hand, his heart was filled with despair.

A group of dark wizards clapped their hands and walked in front of Geral, mocking him: "Little devil, since you are so powerful, it is better for you to accept our next punishment instead of this little girl! "

In the cell on the other side.

"Sister Elisa will have nothing to do, right"

"Grandpa Rob, did you come back alive from that room? What does it look like there?"

"I believe in Elsachan, her heart is strong enough, and she needs to be strong enough in her heart, so she doesn't have to worry that her soul will be taken away."

Damn it!!

The iron door of the cell was kicked open, and Elisa, who was like a rag, was thrown in.

Everyone hurriedly stepped forward and asked about Elisa's condition with concern, but Elisa was almost speechless.

Seeing that Elisa, who usually loved him, had suffered so much for him, Xiu couldn't control the tears anymore, and started to cry.

This kind of crying immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the overseers, and he had to start teaching the noisy kid when he went up.Even though Grandpa Rob stood up to protect him, they didn't care, punching and kicking at the two of them.

The cell became noisy, yelling, crying, and crashing, all these noises stimulated Elisa's fragile nerves that were on the verge of collapse.

"I can only get up and fight!" Geral's words kept turning in his ears for some reason, lingering.


The iron door of the cell was suddenly blown open, and the two troubled supervisors were directly blown out.

Elsa held a shovel and slowly walked out of the smoke, the cowardice and helplessness in her eyes had disappeared.

When the fragile nerves can no longer bear more pressure, most people will directly collapse and become a walking dead, but there is a kind of person who can be transformed and become a better self that has never been imagined.

"Go and pick up weapons! No matter whether you obey or flee, you can't get freedom. You can only fight. Only to get freedom, stand up and resist!!"


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