The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 112: The Endless Darkness Overwhelming Light

Due to the extremely heavy manual labor that is performed every day, regardless of the laborers are as thin as a piece of wood, but picking one out randomly, the power they have is not comparable to ordinary people, these are a group of evil spirits wandering on the edge of death.

Elsa was wearing a ragged armor that she didn’t know what she used to make, and picked up the shield and the long sword that fell on the ground. She was unexpectedly very smooth. Even if it was only the first time she used it, she didn’t find it difficult. The enemy is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

The rebellion war went smoothly under the leadership of Elisa. It only took less than a day to liberate seven areas. More and more laborers joined their ranks and completely suppressed the overseer's army.

"Everyone, work hard! Today, we must successfully liberate the eighth district!" Elisa stood on the mound and shouted.

"Impossible, there is the central area, the defense is too strict!" However, someone immediately began to object.

"But if you don't rescue Geral again" Elisa actually knew that this was difficult for the strong, but she desperately wanted to rescue Geral, and she knew how tortured in that room. .

Seeing Elisa caring so much about Geral, Simon suddenly felt jealous, and the ignorant feelings between the boys and girls made him almost forget that this was the battlefield.


Just when Simon was about to take the opportunity to confess to Elisa, a magic bullet fell on his feet impartially, and suddenly the flames splashed, blowing his whole body out, bloody, life and death I don't know.

"Ah! That is, the Magic Army Corps!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed and pointed to the sky, countless magical soldiers appeared above them, spreading terrifying mouths, and the magic suddenly vented like a rainstorm.

The roar of the explosion, the flames, and the flying flesh and blood all of a sudden awakened these bloody laborers.

They are just ordinary people with primitive weapons. How can they fight against the black wizards who control magical creatures?The previous rebellion went smoothly, but it was not because they hadn't taken them seriously.

Now that the regular Sorceration Corps is dispatched, what do they fight with others, these chicken dogs?Take fate?

More and more people have chosen to stay alive, it is better to die than to live. Few people can remain calm in the face of the threat of death.

"No! Don't give up, everyone, you must fight to the end!"

Elsa stood in the chaotic crowd and kept shouting, but no one paid any attention to her at all. Some even thought she was blocking her escape and pushed her to the ground.


Seeing everyone running farther and farther, Elisa fell into deep despair.Obviously hope was right in front of him, and it was clear that Geral could be saved by a short while, but all this was shattered in an instant.

The most desperate thing in the world has never been the depths of hell, but the moment when you are about to touch the gate of heaven after experiencing so many hardships, you suddenly find that you are still in hell and everything is just a bubble.

The magic soldiers in the sky also aimed their targets at the last Elisa, the magical light swayed so that she could not open her eyes at all, and could only wait for death in despair.


The explosion sounded, but Elisa found that she was not dead. When she opened her eyes, she saw a slightly rickety figure from the back. Under the flying silver hair, a bright fairy emblem was dazzling.

"Grandpa Rob!" Elisa couldn't help but exclaimed.

Rob did not turn his head to take care of Elisa, but put his hands on his chest, cruelly squeezing the only magic power in his body, and the flame rose in his palm.

"Even if my magic power is exhausted, I can protect my friends, how can young lives be easily destroyed by you!"

The flames that ruined the heavens and the earth swept across the earth instantly, and even the soil was burned to ashes.Countless wizard soldiers were drowned in flames,

The huge explosion directly opened a big hole on the side of the tower, and everyone once again saw the long-lost sunlight.

However, Rob had no intention of enjoying the warmth. At this time, his whole body was pale, his skin had begun to crack, and he knelt on the ground weakly.

Elisa stepped forward with care and support, but Rob's body part that was touched gradually turned into dust, and tears suddenly poured out of Elisa's control.

"Grandpa Rob"

"Hehe, my bad old man can be considered useful." Rob seemed to be in a good mood, and looked at Elisa with a slight smile.

"Magic power is the source of life for the wizard. Grandpa, I have already lost my magic power. It is inevitable to have such an ending."

"But Elsa, you have unlimited possibilities! Don't forget your smile, remember, freedom is in your heart."

"Elisa's dream will come true sooner or later, right"


The remaining magical soldiers were defying death by a magical bombardment, and the target was directed at Grandpa Rob who was standing in front of Elisa.

"Grandpa Rob!" Eliza, who got up again, ignored her injuries and hurriedly looked up, but where there was Rob's figure, the old man who was dying of the wind was already torn apart and shattered into dust in the sky.

Elisa stared at the handcuffs Grandpa Rob had left on the ground, reaching out to catch the dust in the sky, but she couldn't get anything.

why?Why do people around me suffer such harm?

why?What did we do wrong?

The tight nerves transformed once again, and the belief in wanting to change and guarding defeated everything.

And magic is the power of faith.


With Elisa's scream, a huge crimson circle suddenly appeared at her feet. It was originally scattered around. Tools and weapons floated into the air like being pulled by a magnet. Elisa's movements shot towards the remaining black wizard legion dart.

In an instant, the blood stained the ground, and these sharp iron tools nailed the black wizards to the ground forcibly, and there was no survivor in sight.

"It's amazing for a moment"

"Even the magic soldiers are together"

"Sister Elisa can use magic!"

With her back to the people who were talking about it, Elisa looked at her hands, there was no half of joy in her heart, tears flickered in her eyes.

But now is not the time to be sad. Using the power of magic can save Geral and lead everyone to freedom.

As for the dream of flying into the sky, let’s talk about it after all this is over, Grandpa Rob

With the long sword in her hand held high, Elisa shouted: "Hold me in my hand, everyone follow me!"


"Get in the way! Don't get in the way!"

With a slash through the two black wizards, one fat and one thin who abused her, Elisa finally came to the dark room where Geral was held.

After rescuing Geral from the bronze pillar, Elisa couldn’t help but tears in her eyes. She had experienced too much along the way. Some companions were seriously injured, and some even sacrificed for it. In the end, I won. After fighting bravely, I won the victory and gained freedom. I can escape from here immediately!

Supporting Geral, Elisa kept talking excitedly, completely unaware that Geral's state was wrong.

Suddenly, Geral grabbed Elisa with her small mouth, and leaned to her ear, revealing a crazy evil look: "Elisa, there is no need to escape, the real freedom is here. ."

"Geral, what are you talking about? We have to escape here quickly!"

Listening to Geral's words, Elisa subconsciously pushed Geral away, and Geral in front of her made her feel strange, even scared.

"Elisa, there is no freedom in this world." Geral moved slowly, walked to the center of the hall, and stroked a disgusting magic crystal.

"I have thoroughly understood that what we need is not such false freedom, but true freedom, which is Jeff's world!"

Elisa looked at Geral in horror, and from him, a wisp of evil magic power that was almost visible to the naked eye emerged from him. Her eyes were no longer as clear and transparent as before, but became extremely chaotic. You can even see strange patterns shining in it.

"Jie, Geral, what are you talking about?" Elisa was trembling with the cold from the evil breath.

But Geral didn't pay attention to Elsa's words, instead he tore off his torn work clothes and walked to the two black wizards who had been beheaded by Elsa.

"I can understand the thoughts of these guys now. They built this tower because Jeff was resurrected."

"But ah, they are just a group of sad believers who can't perceive Jeff."

The sunny and confident Geral had never existed before, and Geral in front of him seemed to be a different person, evil, ruthless, and crazy.

"I will take over this tower, and I will complete it and bring Jeff to life. I am the one who is really chosen."

Speaking of that, Geral suddenly released a huge dark magic power, and ruthlessly killed the two black wizards who fell on the ground, turning them into dust.

Elisa covered her small mouth in disbelief, her eyes filled with horror: "Geral, what the hell is going on with you, how did you become like this?"

"This is how I should be! Elsa, let's complete r syste together, no, let's complete our paradise tower together, and let Jeff resurrect in this world!"

"Don't be stupid, we have to leave this island as soon as possible!" Elisa was about to cry in a hurry, not understanding why Geral became like this.

Geral glanced coldly at Elisa with excitement, obviously dissatisfied with the answer she gave, a trace of blood flashed in his eyes.


Elisa was blown away by magic, and even smashed through the wall, smashing into the foundation of the next layer.

Geral stood on a high place, looking down at Elisa who was limp on the ground, his eyes were full of sick madness, like a madman.

"Oh, okay, since you want to leave this island so much, you can run away alone. I will take over all the others. After all, I also need people to help me complete the tower of the paradise."

"Don't worry, I'm different from those guys. I will let everyone have clothes to wear, food to eat, and time to rest."

"Although using fear to control will help how to express people's hatred, but that kind of efficiency is too low, not what I want."

Elisa looked at the stranger in front of her, without knowing that he was not Geral, and struggling with tears: "What are you talking about? Everyone is already on the boat waiting to set off. How could they be willing to return here Come to work"

But no matter what Elisa said, Geral always had a rhetoric, an evil theory that he didn't know where to inherit.

"Geral, please, hurry up and wake up!" At last, Elisa had no choice but to shout hoarsely, trying to wake up the original Geral.

However, this angered Geral. He raised his hand and skillfully used magic to confine Elisa, lifted her up in the air, and said coldly.

"I don't need you anymore. Just leave this island and enjoy your false freedom!"

"However, I don't allow you to mention the existence of the Tower of Paradise to anyone! It will be very troublesome if the government knows about it."

"If you dare to leak it out, I can only wipe out this tower and everyone."

"I'm not allowed to get closer to this place! If you dare to come back here again, um, let's kill Xiu first."

"This is the freedom you want, live with your companion's life, Elisa!"

Geral clamped Elisa's neck frantically, the evil blood runes flashed in his eyes, and the dark breath made Elisa completely plunged into painful despair.

In the end, the darkness swallowed up the light, and all hopes were shattered into deep despair.

Elisa's memory became very vague afterwards. When she was awake again, she had already appeared on the beach she didn't recognize. She was alone and desperate and had no home, and she didn't know where to go.

Subconsciously, he stepped towards the free and beautiful fairy tail that Grandpa Rob said, and pushed open the tattered guild gate.

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