The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 115: The Joy of Cat Sucking


The little blue cat Hobby instantly became everyone's jewel in the palm, even a blink of an eye can cause an exclaim, it is so cute.

Eleven stood in the crowd and stared at Hobbit fiercely. Instead of being overwhelmed by Hobbie's cuteness, he was lost in thought.

He always felt as if he had seen a hobbit-like creature somewhere, and he had a strong sense of sight.

But how can such a flying cat exist in real life?I haven't even heard of it!

A flying cat...

Eh?Wait, isn't this a creature in Mistgang's memory?

This is the creature of Adras, and only there are such flying kittens, big flying cats, flying brothers and expensive cats!

Could it be that Hobbit is also from Adras?Does he have anything to do with the fellow Mister Gang?

Eleven squeezed out of the crowd and got close to Hobbi's for a closer look. It was really cute~ I didn't expect such a small thing to be an invasive species from another world.

"Natz, where did you get Hobbit's egg?" Eleven stared at Hobbit on Naz's head and asked.

"Ah, in the forest to the north, it just happened to fall on my head."


What the hell is this destined general plot?Did it fall out of the anima?Falling so high...

The eggs and head are strong enough!

However, Eleven did not complain about Naz on such an insignificant issue, but coughed slightly, with a rare serious expression on his face: "Naz, do you know what Habi is?"

"What is Hubby? Isn't Hubby a cat?" Naz was confused by Eleven.

"No, I mean do you know the origin of Hobbit?"

"I know, I know!" Who would have thought that as soon as Eleven wanted to pretend to be forceful in front of Naz, Lisana jumped and raised her small hand, as if she wanted to speak.

Reluctantly, Eleven had to look at Lisana and let her go on. Does Founder Eleven think that Lisana must also be guessing, and it won't affect his posturing.


Lisana saw everyone turning their eyes to herself, her rare small face was a little red, she smiled, and put her arms around Naz with happiness: "Habi is my child and Naz~"




"You, you, you, you, you, you, you..." Due to excessive surprise, Eleven was already speechless, his thoughts were completely disrupted, and everything he wanted to say was all I forgot all about it.

Other people's reactions were similar to that of Eleven, looking at Lisana, who was begging to be begging to hold Naz, and Naz, who looked like she wanted to push Lisana away, were full of black lines.

Especially Mila, who is about to explode, how can his sister teach that the relationship between Elsa's fellows is so good!Too annoying!

Eleven squatted on this side for a long time, and finally he straightened his tongue, and was able to pronounce the second word: "What do you say? You and Naz's child! Then can you guys... ."

Eleven couldn't talk about it anymore. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Naz. His monstrous anger broke out in an instant. It was almost visible to the naked eye: "Naz! You bastard! What did you do to my cute little Lisana? Human affairs! You, you, you are simply too..."


Just when Eleven was about to continue to explode, a slender palm slapped him on the back of his head, and slapped him.

I saw Mira waving her fist, her blushing was almost bleeding, and she snarled fiercely at Eleven: "What do you want? Lisana is still a child, how can it be possible? Will... and Naz..."


As she talked, Mira blushed, saying that she couldn't even talk about it in the end.Eleven's words made her a little bit irrational, and she did not think so much for a while, but now she is ashamed of herself.

Eleven also noticed Mila’s extremely shy look, but he didn’t care. Mila, Nizi, was often emotionally unstable. She was angry with him for the last second and started to be inexplicably shy. Things are not worth mentioning!

"Mila, don't get in the way, this is about my sister, the rain girl has no melons!" Eleven didn't even look at Mira, and then walked towards Naz angrily.

Mira: (??_??)???

"Your sister? Lisana is obviously my sister, how can it be that she has nothing to do with me?"

Although Mira yelled loudly, Eleven did not respond to him. Instead, he walked up to Naz angrily: "Naz, I want to fight you! I can’t take me so easily. My sister will leave it to you!"


Although Naz was stunned throughout the whole process and didn’t know what happened, he still liked the duel. No matter what the reason, he wanted to beat him or swollen face. of.

"Very well, put Hobbit down and let's go outside!" Seeing Naz readily agreed, Eleven was quite satisfied. He walked to Naz and reached out to hug Hobbit and wanted to put it aside.

Lifting Hobbi in his hand, Eleven couldn't help but glance again.

It was such a small thing that easily destroyed the strong sibling relationship between him and Lisana!

Just such a small thing made Mira scream in anger.

Just such a small thing...

Don't say the little things are quite chic~


Ah~ so cute!

Holding Hobby’s hands as if being sucked by a magnet, he could no longer move anymore. Looking at those big watery eyes, he wanted to rub him into a ball and put it under his nose to take two mouthfuls.


Eleven uncontrollably put his hands on Hobby, who should have been put aside, on his head, feeling the soft touch on his head, and he was immediately satisfied. No matter what kind of grievances, he would kill him. After that, the whole person became Buddhist.


Ah~ it's so cool to lick the cat!

"Ah! Give Hobby back to me!" Seeing that Eleven was sucking his cat, Naz suddenly got upset and jumped up to snatch Hobby back.



As a result, Naz was slapped back to the ground with a slap in the face of Eleven as soon as he jumped up, firmly embedded in the floor.

"Really, it wouldn't be so good to lend Hobbit to me for a hug, right, hobbit~"

"Love~" Hobby raised his little hand with a happy face, and didn't want to hit Naz when he was hatched.

When the others around saw that Eleven, who had been arrogant, suddenly started to suck up the cat with happiness, they were surprised and relieved, and they couldn't help but smile.

Although Eleven is usually very weird, he has never seen such a flattering look while holding a kitten like this.

To be honest, quite funny!

Lisana saw everyone except Naz once again smiled because of Hobby, and smiled happily, secretly saying that Hobby is indeed a little blue bird who brings happiness!

Mira next to her still pulled her to pieces and muttered about things like don't go too close to Elsa Pie, Lisana didn't care too much, but looked at her sister with a smile.

"Hehehe, Sister Mila, you have to come on!"



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