In the end, Eleven returned Hobbit to Naz under Naz's soft and hard blisters.However, it only returned Hobbit's ownership rights. In the guild, Hobbit is still everyone's public cat.

In other words, it made no difference from Eleven holding the hobbit to suck it to Naz.

"Hobby, my name is Eleven."


"No, no, it's not an argumentative essay, it's Yi~Lai~Wen~"

At this time, Eleven was pouting his ass and teaching Hobby to say his name, and the other people in the guild were also eagerly waiting in line to introduce himself to the kitten.

That’s right, Hubby is a talking kitten. This magic is so magical that it doesn’t surprise everyone, but it increases the cuteness of little Hubby.

The little milk cat's milky babble, this is simply the existence of gathering all the cute things in the world, and even the hard-hearted people can be melted by him.

Not to mention the younger generation of Eleven and the others, but the uncles in the guild have been injured by 10,000 points of critical strikes, and they can’t help showing the smile of Ogi Sang, and the hearts of girls are beating. , The whole guild has a little pink smell.

If you suddenly walk in from outside, you will find that this scene is actually super disgusting...

A group of rough men in a dirty tavern smiled wretchedly at a small milk cat...


But the Eleven in the game didn’t think it was anything like this. They lay on the ground and listened to little Hubby’s name. Sometimes they couldn’t help but shake their buttocks in excitement. If they added another tail, that’s the standard. Tim dog gesture.

Those who have never raised small animals will not understand the happiness during this period.Think of the parents who killed them in the first place and didn't let them keep pets. In the end, which one is not really fragrant and becomes the most flattering shoveling officer.

What's more, our group pet, Hubby, is so cute and clever, even without shoveling shit, it should be safe to be pampered.

But at this moment, there was a gurgling sound in the little belly of Hobbi who was surrounded by the center, and Hobbi was hungry.

This small commotion caused a circle of people around to fry the pot. It is true that Little Hubby has not eaten anything since he was born, but no one has seen a kitten hatched from an egg. What should I feed?

"Um, I, I, I am Hobbit’s mother, I, I’m here to feed Hobbit..."

Lisana saw Hubby hungry and she was the most anxious one, and her brain was short-circuited. She snatched Hubby from Naz’s arms and she had to stuff her clothes into her clothes. The posture of feeding the child.

Fortunately, Eleven reacted relatively quickly, and took Hobbi into her own hands before Lisana was foolish.

"Lizana, how could you have milk when you are so young? Come on, Mira, come and try!"

Mira: (Д??*)???

"I, I, I, I will have it? Eleven, I played with you!" Milla ran away.

"Let me try it!!"

Eliza on the side was not to be outdone, and even used magic, her armor instantly turned into a pink house uniform, and she stretched out her hands in the posture of a good wife and mother.But his eyes were very empty, and he was obviously a short-circuit.

Fortunately, Kana's mind was relatively clear, and she stopped Eleven before he actually passed Hobbi to Elisa.

Elisa was disappointed~

"Really, please calm down!" Kana held Hobbi with one hand, rubbed her forehead with the other, and looked helplessly at the panicked group of people.

These guys are obviously strong and terrifying, but they are stupid every day. I really don't know if I should feel it is a pity or a blessing.

"Have you forgotten that Hobbit is not an ordinary little cat? At this time, instead of thinking about it, we should directly ask Hobbit, is it ah Hobbit?"


"Hobby, do you have anything you want to eat?" Kana smiled and looked at Hobby in his palm.


"Fish? It's just that?" Everyone was a little surprised at Hobby's request, it was too simple and straightforward, and even a little unbelievable.

"Love! Fresh and delicious fish! Hehehe~" Hobby nodded excitedly. When talking about fish, her little face showed a look of yearning, and the corners of her mouth shed saliva.

"If you want to talk about fish, I remember there are a lot of them in the big lake behind the guild, is that okay?" After a while of silence, someone suddenly reacted and made suggestions.


"Oh, Hobbit says yes! Go and catch the fish! Hobbit, wait, we will definitely catch you all the fish in the lake!"

A group of people swarmed out of the guild as they spoke. After a while, the guild hall that was still lively and lively was immediately empty, and there was no one, all of them ran out to catch fish.

After a while, a rush of footsteps came from outside the gate, and only a bang, the miserable guild gate was kicked open again.

"Give birth, give birth, my wife gave birth! It's a son, everyone..."

Macao, who had come to the guild with excitement and wanted to tell everyone, was very embarrassed at the moment.

Looking at the empty guild hall, he even deliberately stepped back two steps before going out and checking the sign again.

Mad, how about people?

I've said it clearly, waiting for me to have a banquet together?


When everyone returned with large and small packages of fresh live fish, it was almost evening.

Macao sat alone in the guild drinking sullen wine, his bleak figure was lonely and lonely, as if he brought his own BGM to tears.


It was then that everyone remembered that today seemed to be the day when Mrs. Macao’s wife gave birth, and they had agreed to celebrate together.

Now I patronize and suck cats, and I forgot the important Japanese characters. It shouldn't be!

Well, anyway, let's have a party first!There are no worries that can't be solved by jumping di, if there is, just jumping twice.

There are just so many fishes, so let’s have a grilled fish party, everyone!

Macao: (??_??)......

I always feel that I have missed the most exciting part...I don't have the mood to have a party with these bastards at all. It's better to go home to nurse the baby with this time.

But despite saying that, Macao is also an old monster tail in what he said. Habits have long since become natural. After a few glasses of wine, he forgot all his troubles, and once again became the most beautiful boy on the wine table. !

The various mini-games and mini-shows that were prepared for this newborn party have all been reproduced, and the scene is too high, as if it should have been.

Eleven was lucky enough to win a key bag with the imprint of a fairy tail in the mini game, but it was useless. The orphanage had no door to be locked, so he didn't have a key in his body.There is no way, I can only throw this key bag into my duffel bag and ignore it.

After the banquet was in the middle of the night, Macao, who was drinking too much, ran home despite his wife's roar, and secretly carried his newborn son to the guild!

Showing off proudly in front of everyone, and telling everyone that he named his son Romeo, Romeo Kongbo.

Two new lives were born in the guild within one day, and everyone was naturally very excited, holding this crying baby to start the carnival in the second half of the night.

It was also the first time for Eleven to see the appearance of a human newborn at such a close distance. He was really moved to witness the birth of such a life, and it felt very strange.

I have to say that the newborn babies of human beings are so fucking ugly, they are not as cute as kittens at all!


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